Detective from The Future

Chapter 555: Seamless

Jereh Investment Fund Management Company.

Yan Weiji is the manager of this speculative fund management company. Not long ago, he received a call from the police to come to the company for some information.

Yan Weiji has learned about Liu Lingzui's murder.

It is undoubtedly the most disturbing thing for company employees.

Knowing that the police are coming to investigate, they are still from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau, Yan Weiji did not dare to neglect. He estimated the time and waited at the door of the company ten minutes in advance.

The first impression of a person is very important. It is always right to be polite to law enforcement agencies.

Not long after, three people walked over to the elevator, the leader was a man with a tall figure, extraordinary equipment, and abundance of steps, which made people take a high look.

This man is Han Bin, and the two behind him are Bao Xing and Li Qin.

Yan Weiji has been in the workplace for a long time and has also developed some vision, and said with a smile, "Excuse me, are you a comrade of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade?"

"I'm Han Bin from the city criminal investigation team, what do you call it?"

"My name is Yan Weiji, the manager of Jereh Investment Fund Management Company. A police officer Bao contacted me before." Yan Weiji took the initiative to shake hands with Han Bin.

Bao Xing said, "Hello, Manager Yan, I'm calling you."

"Yes, right, when I hear your voice, I feel cordial." Yan Weiji replied and made a please gesture, "I have made people vacate the lounge, let's go inside and talk."

Jereh Investment Fund Management Company is not big. After passing through an office of more than 100 square meters, he came to a lounge of about 20 square meters, with an oval table in the middle.

Say it is a lounge, but it is more like a meeting room. Many small companies are universal.

After entering the lounge, a female employee brought four cups of hot water with disposable paper cups, then closed the door and left.

"Cough..." Yan Weiji gave a light cough and said actively, "Police Officer Han, if you want to know anything, just ask."

Han Bin opened the notebook, which recorded some key issues.

Before taking the transcript, he will make preparations in advance. This saves time and asks more comprehensive questions.

Otherwise, the person who took the transcript will leave and think of other problems. Everyone will be troublesome and will waste time.

"How long has Liu Lingzui come to your company?"

Yan Weiji thought for a while and replied, "She came early last year and has been with the company for more than a year."

"How is her performance at the company?"


"Did she have any problems at work, or did she have conflicts with other colleagues?"

Yan Weiji said without hesitation, "No."

Han Bin glanced at him, a little distrustful of what he said.

It's been a year since Liu Lingzui came to the company, and it's not a day or two. During this time, something will inevitably happen. If you blurt out the answer, it must be perfunctory.

"Don't answer blindly. Think about it carefully, and talk about it after you think about it."

Yan Weiji pursed his lips. As the manager of the company, he must consider the interests of the company. He does not want Liu Lingzui's incident to have too much impact on the company.

"Some time ago, Liu Lingzui had a conflict with a colleague in the company. The two people still had a fight at the company. Liu Lingzui took a week off for this matter. I remember it clearly. Nothing special."

"What is the name of the colleague who quarreled with Liu Lingzui?"

"Feng Ailan."

Han Bin remembered it, and this point was consistent with the clue provided by Zhang Suyun.

"What is the conflict between Liu Lingzui and Feng Ailan?"

"It is inevitable that we will encounter some problems at work, and there is no major issue, just some business differences."

"Be more specific."

Yan Weiji said, "I'm not the client, I just learned from the side. The two people quarreled for the client's sake."

"How long has Feng Ailan been to the company?"

"She is a veteran employee. She came earlier than Liu Ling. She has worked for several years and has strong business ability. She is considered to be the sales elite of our company."

"Is she in the company now?"


"Invite her to come over. We want to find her for some information." Han Bin said.

Yan Weiji nodded and said, "I'll call her."

Han Bin turned his head to face Li Qin on the side and said, "Sister Li, go outside and go to the personnel department to call up the files of Liu Lingzui and Feng Ailan."

"I see." Li Qin tidied up and followed out of the lounge.

After a while, Yan Weiji walked in with a woman about 30 years old.

Yan Weiji introduced, "This is Feng Ailan of our company."

"Manager Yan has worked hard for you. We want to talk to Ms. Feng alone."

"Okay." Yan Weiji replied, took a look at Feng Ailan, turned and left the lounge.

Han Bin took a look at Feng Ailan, with short hair, slab-framed glasses, and a medium build. She was not very beautiful, but she was quite capable in a black professional outfit.

"Ms. Feng, please sit down."

"Thank you." Feng Ailan was also observing Han Bin and the two, showing a smile, and asked, "What do the two police officers call?"

"My name is Han. I came to your company to learn about Liu Lingzui."

Feng Ailan asked, "Liu Lingzui is really dead?"

"Yes, how much do you know about this matter?"

"What can I understand is that after I went to work today, I heard a few words from my colleagues. At first, I didn't believe it. She came to work yesterday, so what happened today!"

Han Bin has been observing the other party and found no obvious abnormality, and continued to ask, "I heard that you two had conflicts before?"

Feng Ailan didn't take it seriously, "It's not a contradiction, it's just some work disputes. It's normal, and I didn't treat it as the same thing."

Bao Xing interrupted, "You swollen people's face and haven't come to work for several days. Is this just an ordinary dispute?"

"No, no, the two of us were verbally arguing without hands."

"Without evidence, our police will not talk nonsense."

Feng Ailan hurriedly explained, "But I really didn't hit her. You don't believe you can ask other colleagues. They were all present at the time. I wouldn't hit her at all, and it was unnecessary."

Han Bin jotted it down in his notebook, and sent another message to Li Qin, asking her to check with other staff.

"When did the two of you conflict?"

"On April 23."

Han Bin asked, "Why do you remember so clearly?"

"We started work on April 19, and signed a client on the morning of the 23rd. It was also the first client I signed since I started work this year, so I remembered it clearly. Moreover, the two of us had a dispute because of this. client."

Han Bin said, "Explain the reason for the dispute in detail."

"The client I signed was brought by Liu Lingzui before, but that client was more cautious. If you recommend good funds and stocks to him, he listened and never hung up the phone. But, let’s talk about it, he doesn’t Buy it easily."

"Actually, you can't blame customers. The big market situation is unstable, and customers will be more cautious when buying financial projects. You must have enough patience to do this business. Chatting, maybe it will happen one day."

"Sometimes, it's not that the customer doesn't want to buy, but that he has no money, and he has been watching, studying, and familiarizing himself with the market. When he has money in his hands, he may not need to say more, he has the intention to buy."

"Liu Lingzui talked to that customer for several months, but she never signed the order. Then, she didn't follow up during the Chinese New Year. After going to work, she did not contact the customer. Our company has a customer system. If you don’t maintain customers for a long time, you will become the company’s public customers, and all employees can see customer information."

"Since it is a public customer, I started to follow up, contact, and communicate with the customer carefully."

"At that time, the yiqing relationship had just passed, and this customer was also suffocated. After finally catching someone who could talk, he started chattering with me and talked in a mess."

"Although the talks are all about life matters, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to hang up, I will tell him. While talking, I also learned some things."

"This customer has saved some money before and has also learned about the fund, but his wife felt that the fund was not reliable and was afraid of losing it, so he never bought it."

"I was thinking of setting up a store to do a little business this year, but after a year later this kind of thing happened again, and the business was not doing well. He didn't have any money to spend. After my recommendation, he reconsidered It’s about buying funds."

"Later, the client and his wife discussed it and bought the fund from me. After Liu Lingzui knew about it, she exploded. If I rob her of her client, she quarreled with me."

"She was very ugly at the time, so I scolded her a few words, but we were pulled away by our colleagues and didn't do anything."

Han Bin basically understood. The main reason for the two people's dispute was the business conflict. This kind of thing happened in many companies. "That list, how much revenue do you have?"

"It's not much, it's more than two thousand yuan. Like this kind of order, I can sign three or four orders for less than a month."

Han Bin changed the question, "Does Liu Lingzui have a boyfriend?"

"should have."

"What is supposed to be, have you seen it?"

"Last winter, when I was off work at night, I occasionally saw a Mercedes-Benz car coming to pick her up. The car was parked on the side of the road and couldn't see what was inside. She usually shouted, my boyfriend would pick me up. Here we go."

"Then I ran to the Mercedes-Benz, whether there was a girl colleague who was envious, but I never saw what her boyfriend looked like."

"What's the license plate number?"

"It's been several months, how can I remember that."

"When you go to work this year, have you seen that Mercedes-Benz?"

Feng Ailan thought for a while, "Since the two of us had a conflict, we basically staggered off work. I don't know if we picked it up or not. Anyway, I haven't seen it myself."

"Is there anything unusual about Liu Lingzui during this period?"

"I don't know this. I have a normal relationship with her and I haven't paid much attention to her."

"Is there a colleague who has a better relationship with her?"

"Yes, Chen Tiantian at the front desk. The two of them often keep company together."

Han Bin checked his laptop and asked most of the questions, but there was one more minimalist left, "Where were you between 8 and 11 last night?"

Feng Ailan smiled, "Comrade police, you don't doubt me."

Han Bin said sternly, "Routine inquiry."

Feng Ailan did not answer, "She was killed from 8 to 11 last night?"

Han Bin put down the pen and stared at the other person, "Please answer my question."

"Yesterday, I signed another order to invite colleagues to dinner. We arrived at the restaurant after seven o'clock and ate after nine o'clock. Then, I found a driver to drive me home, and then I washed and went to bed."

"What time do you arrive home?"

"It's about ten o'clock."

"Are there anyone else in your family?"

"And my husband and daughter, and my mother-in-law."

After Han Bin asked, he stood up and said, "Ms. Feng, thank you for your cooperation."

Feng Ailan smiled, "Police officer Han is welcome. It is our duty as ordinary people to cooperate with the police. However, I suggest you not waste too much time on me. The matter of Liu Lingzui really has nothing to do with me, and I cannot commit it. "

"Thank you for your suggestion, I will seriously consider it."

After Liu Lingzui left the lounge, Han Bin sent Li Qin to WeChat and asked her to call in Chen Tiantian at the front desk.

After a while, the door of the lounge rang, "Boom..."

"Please come in."

A woman in her twenties came in, dyed red-brown hair, and dressed very fashionably. She was not tall and looked pretty.

The woman bit her lip and looked a little nervous, "Comrade Police, my name is Chen Tiantian. I heard that you have something to ask me."

"sit down."

"Thank you."

"Chen Tiantian, how long have you been to the company?"

"More than a year, less than two years."

"How is your relationship with Liu Lingzui?"

"Very good." Chen Tiantian sighed, "Comrade police, is Lingling really dead?"

"Yes, she was killed by someone, so we want to find out about the situation with you." Han Bin said.

"what's the situation?"

"Don't be nervous, I ask you what, you can answer truthfully." Han Bin organized the language and said, "Did Liu Lingzui have a conflict with Feng Ailan?"

"Yes, but it's been over a month."

"Did the two of them do it?"

Chen Tiantian recalled, "No. Feng Ailan robbed Lingling's client. She felt aggrieved, so she shouted a few words. I was afraid they would fight, so I pulled them away."

"As far as you know, has Liu Lingzui been beaten by anyone?"

"I shouldn't, I haven't seen it anyway," Chen Tiantian said.

If Chen Tiantian is telling the truth, then there is probably someone else who beat Liu Lingzui. Han Bin continued to ask, "Does Liu Lingzui have a boyfriend?"


"What is your name?"

"I don't know the name, she is usually called Lao Zhang."

"How long have they been dating?"

"It should be a year."

"Where is Lin Jianrong?"

"Oh, that is Lingling's ex-boyfriend, they have broken up."

"When did you break up?"

"Almost a year."

Han Bin raised his eyebrows, "Seamless docking?"

Chen Tiantian hesitated for a moment, "Uh... be it."

Just broke up, it fell in love at first sight, such a coincidence?

Han Bin didn't quite believe it.

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