Detective from The Future

Chapter 558: Suspect

The other end of the phone was quiet.

Han Bin said, "Hey, can you hear me?"

This phone is really troublesome.

Han Bin didn't blame the other party, but also blamed those who made fraudulent calls, which scared the people.

Banks, tax bureaus, criminal investigation teams, anti-independence teams, national security bureaus, as long as they can think of departments, there is no one who dare not impersonate.

Moreover, the suspects of telecommunications fraud are very cunning. Some are remotely controlled abroad. If you catch a domestic one, the foreign one will escape.

If you don't catch the domestic ones, it is difficult to figure out the specific location of the online online. It also involves the cooperation of the two countries and even the police of multiple countries. One party has leaked the news and no one can catch it.

"Are you true? Liu Ling is drunk!" Lin Jianrong's voice sounded again.

"Yes, she was killed."

There was a sigh from the phone, "When did it happen?"

"The night of June 4th."

Lin Jianrong said, "It's been ten months since I left Qindao. I didn't expect to hear her name in this form again."

"Where are you now?"

"In my hometown, a village in Shimen, I returned to Shimen in August last year and found a job there. Because of my love, I have not been able to go to work, and I am still staying in my old home." Lin Jianrong said.

"What are you doing on the night of June 4th?"


"Are you the anchor?"

"Hey, it doesn’t count. I didn’t go out to work this year because of my love. I didn’t have anything to do in the village, so I would shoot some small videos and upload them, and I would make money with click-through rates, and sometimes I would open them. Bringing goods live and selling some specialty products from the village can also bring you closer to the fans."

"I have an uncle who grows strawberries. Knowing that I have a lot of fans in the video, let me help him promote it. Those days were when the strawberries came down, and I was broadcasting live at night. If you don’t believe me, you can check the website. I can find it if I check it, and I can’t help it. My fans know it.”

Han Bin thought for a while and said, "I called you today to ask you to come to the police station to make a transcript. Since it is not convenient for you in the field, I want to have a video call with you and ask some questions about Liu Lingzui."

"No problem, I am also willing to cooperate with the police. I went to the university on Qindao and stayed for several years. I really like it there and it is my second hometown. Hey... if I didn't break up with her then , I will definitely stay in Qindao."

"However, I have been away from Qindao for a while and never contacted her again. Her WeChat also blocked me. I don't know if I can help."

"You just need to tell the police what you know."

"Well, I am willing to cooperate with the police."

Later, Han Bin added the other party's WeChat, and the two started a video call.

Because it still needs to be archived in the future, Han Bin still asked about it routinely before introducing the topic.

"Lin Jianrong, how long have you been dating Liu Lingzui?"

"About two years."

"The specific time of the breakup?"

"In July 2019, I can't remember exactly which day."

"Why did you split up?"

"She may be out there."

"How do you know?"

"How did you know?" Lin Jianrong murmured, falling into the memory, "We two have been together for two years, and I always feel that the relationship is quite stable. I have seen her mother once, two men are handsome men and beautiful women. I think it matches well."

"The time I saw her mother, I felt okay. Her mother was a good person. When I asked if I was local, I said no. I also asked if I had a house on Qindao, and I said no."

"I was still a little worried at the time, for fear that her mother would disagree because of the house."

"As a result, her mother is quite reasonable, saying that we are still young and can work slowly. Before we get married, we can let my parents pay a down payment, and the young couple will pay it back slowly after we get married. If my family doesn't have enough money, she can also help. "

"When I heard this at the time, I thought our business was reliable. This wife was right, and the old mother-in-law didn't have to. I have plans to marry her."

"Who knows, less than half a year later, she cheated, hiding from me and getting along with other men."

Han Bin asked, "Have you seen that man?"

"I've seen it once." Lin Jianrong showed a touch of self-deprecating expression, "I have a small electric scooter. I drove it vigorously, without traffic jams and fast. I used to drive a small electric scooter to pick her up and down.

"Some time before the breakup, she was not happy to let me pick it up, saying that she took the taxi home by herself."

"I thought about how expensive it is to take a taxi. My little electric motorcycle took you home by the way, and it's not stuck in traffic, and it can cultivate feelings."

"Once, I didn’t contact her, so I ran downstairs in her company and waited for her. I thought I wanted to give her a surprise. The surprise turned into a fright. The stinky lady wore me a hat, green That's disgusting."

Lin Jianrong stopped, as if he didn't want to talk anymore.

This is a critical moment, he doesn't say, Han Bin also has to ask.

"What does that man look like?"

"I am in my forties, wearing glasses and a beer belly. I seem to be a little bald. I'm about the same height as me, and I'm quite ordinary. I can't say exactly what it is."

"Do you know his name?"

Lin Jianrong was stunned for a while, his face was a little ugly, "I don't know."

Han Bin reminded, "Remember some other situations, such as the scene when the two of them met."

Lin Jianrong patted his forehead, "Comrade Police, you asked this question, oh my heart..."

Han Bin is not interested in these gossips, but just wants to know the clues of Liu Lingzui's boyfriend and find out the identity of the other party.

"Liu Lingzui is dead. According to the police investigation, his death is likely to be related to his current boyfriend. Therefore, I hope you can provide as many clues as possible to him. If the police find this person, they may be able to solve this case. ."

Lin Jianrong raised his head fiercely, "What, you mean, Liu Lingzui was killed by an adulterer?"

Han Bin said perfunctorily, "We are investigating and collecting evidence in this regard."

"That's OK, I said, I really want to help the police catch him!" Lin Jianrong seemed to be motivated and fell into memory again, "I remember that I rode a small electric scooter to pick her up that day and wanted to give her one. Surprise, waiting on the side road on the side of the building."

"After waiting for a few minutes, I watched her walk out of the building, as if she was on the phone at the time, and I was not in a hurry. It was off work at that time and there were a lot of people who took taxis. I wanted to wait for her to take a taxi In the past, it was a small surprise."

"As a result, she hung up her phone and ran to the side of the road in a hurry. Without a taxi, there was a Mercedes-Benz parked on the side of the road."

"A man came down from the cab and helped her open the co-pilot's door. The two said a few words and drove away in the Mercedes."

"I was stupid at the time, completely stupid."

"I Di Niang, I bought a helmet specifically for riding a small electric motorcycle, and now I can change it to a green hat. I want to go up and beat the guy who drives the Mercedes."

"I really thought, I'm not a coward. But the Mercedes Benz drove away, I didn't get on..."

"I called her and asked her who the man was. She said it was a client. I didn't believe it, and we both quarreled. She was even more angry than me and said I didn't trust her. I was also drunk. No wonder your sister is called Liu Lingzui and her mouth is really hard."

"After the fight, we will be divided. After a month or so, I will resign and return to my hometown." Lin Jianrong patted his chest, "I was hurt, I was really hurt. Because of this, I don't believe in women anymore. It took a long time to get over."

"I remember, I thought, I will never forget this license plate number for the rest of my life." Speaking of this, Lin Jianrong chuckled lightly, "As a result, in the spring of this year, I suddenly remembered this incident and I found myself I'm not angry anymore, and I can't remember the license plate number."

Han Bin frowned and said, "If you remember it, you might still remember it."

Lin Jianrong spread his hands, "Comrade police, I won't lie to you, I'm really impressed."

"Do you have a girlfriend now?"


"When did you date?"

"At the end of last year, my girlfriend originally worked in the capital and went home for the New Year. The elders in the family let us go on a blind date and we met. Not bad, although Liu Lingzui is not as beautiful as Liu Lingzui, they don't think I am poor. It’s good to do live broadcast with me."

"I wish you happiness." Han Bin said.

"Thank you, if you are holding a banquet on Qindao, I will definitely invite you to drink." Lin Jianrong responded with a smile, and said with emotion, "I don't know if what I said will help you, but I do know this. ."

"Besides, I really hope you can catch him sooner. You might have avenged me."

Han Bin was a little bit dumbfounded, "Okay, do this in the transcript first. If you think of any new clues, you can contact me anytime."

"Good." Lin Jianrong replied and hung up the call.

Bao Xing turned off the law enforcement recorder and said helplessly, "Yes, another one who didn't remember the license plate number."

Huang Qianqian also leaned over and said, "So you still can't find the old Zhang?"

Han Bin stood up and flexed his legs and feet. "That's not necessarily. Lin Jianrong provided a very important clue."

Huang Qianqian blinked her eyes, "What clue?"

Han Bin recalled, “Didn’t Liu Lingzui say that this old Zhang is her client. We happen to have a list of her clients. You can compare it to see if there is a man surnamed Zhang that fits the characteristics.”

"Forty years old, wearing glasses, a beer belly, maybe a little bald, medium-sized, with a Mercedes-Benz under his name."

Bao Xing heard that it was reliable, and hurriedly said, "I'll check!"

Han Bin felt a little hungry, glanced at his watch, it was already past eleven.

He cleared the table and rushed to the cafeteria to eat.

Basically, there are different dishes in the cafeteria every day. I made this dish today, but I might not make it tomorrow, lest everyone gets bored.

Among them, the most frequently prepared dish is none other than the big pot dish, which also shows the police officers' love for this dish.

The main ingredients of Da Guo Cai are Chinese cabbage, pork belly, vermicelli, tofu, meatballs, and kelp.

It is made in a large pot to create a special fragrance, which is also the source of the name of this dish.

Han Bin ordered a large pot of dishes, a braised octopus, a hand pilaf, a box of leeks that were just out of the pot, and he would have enough to eat at noon, otherwise he could not carry it in the afternoon.

After the meal, Han Bin took advantage of the lunch break and chatted with Wang Ting on WeChat for a while.

"Tingting, have you eaten yet?"

Wang Ting posted a photo of potato noodles in a casserole, "Eating, how about you?"

"I have eaten it, why do you think of eating casserole potato flour?"

Wang Ting said, "Although the food in Four Seasons Restaurant is delicious, you can't eat it every day. You have to change the taste occasionally. This casserole potato powder is not far away. I just wanted to eat it, so I came to try it. The taste is not bad. I will bring you over to taste it another day."


"What do you want to eat tonight? I'll let the kitchen prepare the food. Let's go home to eat in the evening." Wang Ting asked.

"I want to eat croquette, watch the others."

"OK, then you can sleep."

"I'll pick you up after get off work." Han Bin made a smile.

Wang Tingjiao snorted, "Don't say it too early, maybe you will have to work overtime again."

Han Bin smiled and said, "Don't worry, even if I work overtime, I will send Huang Qianqian to accompany you, and I won't make you alone."

After chatting with Wang Ting for a few words, Han Bin felt that he was in a good mood, even more motivated to work.

However, the body's reaction was very honest, and Han Bin yawned.

Yes, let's take a lunch break, and talk about it when I wake up from work.

I don't know how long it took, Han Bin heard a shout in a daze.

"Ou Mai Kah, I finally finished checking the customer information."

Bao Xing stood up, stretched, twisted his neck, "I'm exhausted."

Han Bin raised his head, rubbed his eyes, and asked, "Have you found someone who fits the characteristics of Liu Ling's drunk boyfriend?"

"There are no people who fit the characteristics, but I have found three people who are more suitable." Bao Xing said, and handed a document to Han Bin. "Group leader, these are the three suspicious people I picked out. You help me check."

Name, Zhang Hang, age, 37 years old, with a black Mercedes under his name, address, Chengbei District, Jingyuan District. Phone number, 13758XXXX

Name, Zhang Hongwei, age, 45 years old, no Mercedes Benz under his name. Address, Yuhua District, Changfeng Home. Mobile number, 13419XXXXX

Name, Zhang Jianlin, age, 51 years old, with a black Mercedes under his name. Address, Changdao District, Qinyuan District. Mobile phone number, 15874XXXXX

There are photos behind each person’s information.

Zhang Hang is the youngest, gentle-looking, medium-sized, not fat or thin, and has no beer belly, and his hair volume is good.

Zhang Hongwei is in his forties, is similar to the age described by Lin Jianrong, wears glasses, and has a beer belly, but he does not have a Mercedes Benz under his name.

Zhang Jianlin was the oldest, but he was well maintained. He was a little bald and a little fat. He lived in the Long Island District and competed with the deceased's rental house.

Bao Xing said, "Team leader, these three people have the surname Zhang, and they all have some characteristics described by Lin Jianrong, but none of them fully meets the characteristics, and I am not sure which one is Liu Lingzui's boyfriend."

After reading the information of the three of them, Han Bin couldn't tell the difference immediately, and asked, "You have the longest time to study the customer list, and you have the most say. Which person do you think is the most likely?"

Bao Xing touched his chin and said, "I think this Zhang Hang is the most suspicious. People who are more gentle these days may also be bad guys."

Huang Qianqian sneered, "Student Bao Xing, you have watched a lot of TV series, how can you tell the good from the bad from the looks. Besides, Zhang Hang is only in his thirties, his age is not correct, he has no beer belly, no glasses, no It fits Lin Jianrong's description."

Bao Xing was not angry either, licking his face and smiled, "Then who do you think is most suspected?"

"Yeah." Huang Qianqian held her chin, looked at it, and then took a look at it, "I think this Zhang Hongwei is most suspicious. First of all, he is the same age, wearing glasses, and a beer belly. He is the same as Lin Jianrong. The description basically matches."

"As for the fact that there is no Mercedes-Benz under his name, I don't think it is a big problem. Maybe we were misled by that Mercedes-Benz before."

"Old Zhang drives a Mercedes-Benz, but it does not necessarily mean that the Mercedes-Benz belongs to him, and even if it is his, it may not necessarily belong to him. Therefore, I think Zhang Hongwei is most suspicious."

"Papa!" Bao Xing patted and slapped, "Qianqian, your analysis is really good."

Han Bin was a little speechless.

It's really rare to lick a dog to this point.

Huang Qianqian turned her head aside, her face was arrogant, as if she was already in her chest.

"Group leader, who do you think is most suspected?"

Han Bin did not rush to answer, lit a cigarette and took a sip slowly, "Does our team have surveillance video of the deceased's unit?"

"I have a backup." Huang Qianqian said.

"If you have one, it will be easier." Han Bin spit out a cigarette and ordered, "You both looked at the photos of three customers surnamed Zhang and compared them with the surveillance video of the unit building to see if these three people Go in and out of the unit building."

"Yeah, whoever has been in or out of the unit building is likely to be the murderer!" Bao Xing showed a suddenly realized look, and asked Huang Qianqian for a surveillance video, and the two began to look at the surveillance separately.

Han Bin smiled, found Liu Lingzui's mobile phone communication list, and began to compare the mobile phone numbers above. This method is the easiest and fastest.

It took Han Bin a minute to compare the communication list, but unfortunately the comparison was not successful.

Han Bin was not in a hurry. He arrived at a cup of tea and drank tea while waiting for news from Bao Xing and Huang Qianqian.

About ten minutes later, Huang Qianqian let out a soft cry, "Ah, it's him."

Huang Qianqian's voice caught the attention of Han Bin and Bao Xing, and the two walked over by coincidence.

There is a screenshot of the video on the computer screen, which is one of the three customers surnamed Zhang.

Bao Xing pointed to the computer screen and shouted in excitement, "Zhang Hang, I guessed it right. This guy has been to the victim's house during the time of the crime. He is probably the murderer!"

Although Zhang Hang's figure was found, the doubts in Han Bin's heart did not diminish.

First, Zhang Hang does not meet the characteristics described by Lin Jianrong, does not meet the age, does not wear glasses, and does not meet the body shape.

The second point is that this screenshot is very clear. It stands to reason that Captain Chen Lin has checked the surveillance video, and he should have also found Zhang Hang. Why is Zhang Hang not listed as a suspicious person.

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