Detective from The Future

Chapter 569: Solve the case within a time limit

Thirty minutes later, Director Feng Baoguo also rushed to the scene.

He also came in over the wall and looked a little ugly when he saw the corpse that had been lifted out of the pit.

Ding Xifeng hurried over, "Ju Feng, you are here too."

Feng Baoguo didn't have a good air, "I can't come, I have worked so hard to hunt down the fugitive for several days, and now it has become a corpse."

Ding Xifeng didn't answer. He didn't have much responsibility for Zhu Weichao's death, but the leader just listened and had to let him vent.

Feng Baoguo looked at Ma Jingbo and Han Bin, "Your team found the body?"

Ma Jingbo said, "We have received information from the local police station that the suspect Zhu Weichao may be hiding nearby. I will ask Han Bin to bring someone over to see. Let him report the specific situation to you."

Han Bin took the conversation and described the situation in detail.

After listening, Feng Baoguo showed approval, "You kid did a good job, keep working hard."


Feng Baoguo pinched his forehead. Zhu Weichao's death can be said to have both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that he will not hurt others anymore.

The downside is that the killing of Zhu Weichao will definitely cause a sensation. If the case cannot be solved in time, the police will only appear even more incompetent.

The fugitive escaped from prison. The police pursued them on a large scale and issued a wanted warrant. The result was only a corpse. Someone dared to kill under the nose of the police. It was not a provocation.

How do ordinary people look at the police, incompetent! Eat dry rice!

Feng Baoguo sighed, feeling more pressure.

The murderer who killed Zhu Weichao must be caught. Even if Zhu Weichao is hateful, he should be judged in accordance with the law, and it is not his turn for others to act privately.

What's more, Feng Baoguo doesn't think that someone is walking the way for the sky.

In the beginning, he was in charge of hunting down Zhu Weichao. According to various circumstances, Zhu Weichao had an accomplice, and the person who killed Zhu Weichao was probably that accomplice.

What is the purpose behind this?

Feng Baoguo suddenly became agitated, and asked Ding Xifeng on the side, "What do the technical department and forensic doctor say?"

Ding Xifeng organized a language, "Although Zhu Weichao was killed, but considering the impact. And in order to avoid being stunned, everything is done in a low-key manner. Therefore, there are not many people from the technical and forensic departments..."

Feng Baoguo interrupted the other party, "Talk about the important point."

"The technical department has already surveyed the scene, and the autopsy has not yet been completed."

"Let the technical staff come over and talk about the situation." Feng Baoguo said.

After a while, Li Cong from the technical department was called over, "Ju Feng, you are looking for me."

"Tell me about the investigation of the scene."

Li Cong pushed his glasses upwards and said, "The preliminary investigation of the scene has been completed. The deceased was **** before his death, and then crashed into a black plastic bag. A slight drag was found in the house and in the yard. One scene should be in the living room of the North House, where the victim was bagged, dragged, and buried after death."

"Did you find any obvious footprints?"

Li Cong replied, "There are footprints found, but the footprints of the deceased. No traces of the suspected suspect have been found."

Ding Xifeng asked, "Have you found any important clues?"

Li Cong continued, “We found two small bottles of white wine and their lids under the bag containing the corpses. No fingerprints were found on them. They should have been wiped off by someone, and we are going to bring them back to the city bureau for further testing.”

Feng Baoguo repeated, "Two small bottles of liquor?"


"It also proves that Zhu Weichao and the suspect may know each other, and the two drank together." Feng Baoguo muttered, which just confirmed his guess. .

Li Cong did not answer the call. He was only a technical staff, providing objective evidence. As for the specific case analysis, that was the job of criminal investigators.

"By the way, has the murder weapon been found?"


"Have you found a cell phone or car key?"


"Then you go back to the city bureau first, and further tests will be carried out on the items found from the dead."


After Li Cong left, Feng Baoguo said, "The murderer did not leave too many clues, and he had a certain sense of counter-reconnaissance."

Ding Xifeng said, "The murderer first assisted Zhu Wei to surpass the prison, and then killed Zhu Weichao. What was his purpose?

Ma Jingbo suggested, "If we reversely track Zhu Weichao's escape route, will there be clues to the murderer?"

Feng Baoguo agreed, "This idea is good and can be used as an investigation direction."

At this moment, forensic doctor Li Can came over and greeted, "Ju Feng, the captain, has completed the preliminary autopsy."

"How did Zhu Weichao die?"

"Suffocation to death."

There are many ways to die in this way, Li Can continued, "The suspect's hands and feet were **** with ropes, there was no obvious strangulation on the neck, and no obvious trauma was found on the body, and then he was put in a black plastic bag."

"I personally speculate that it was probably buried alive."

Han Bin recalled, "I remember that the black plastic bag was relatively thin, but there was no large-scale tear. If Zhu Weichao were to be put into the black plastic bag in a sober state, he would definitely resist hard. It is impossible to be honest. Were buried alive."

"That's good." Li Can replied and continued, "Although the deceased was tied up, the strangulation on his wrists and ankles was not obvious. He did not struggle violently. He was probably buried alive in a coma."

"When he wakes up and wants to resist, it may be too late."

"When I return to the city bureau, I will test him for alcohol and drugs to determine the cause of his death as soon as possible."

Ding Xifeng asked, "What about the time of death?"

"From ten o'clock last night to two o'clock in the morning, the current situation understands this, and other autopsy is needed." Li Can said.

Feng Baoguo said, "Then you go, if you have new clues, contact Captain Ding directly."

"Yes." After Li Can left, all the people present were from the criminal investigation team.

Feng Baoguo glanced at the crowd, his gaze fell on Ding Xifeng, "Old Ding, you should have a better understanding of the situation of this case. I shouldn't need to say more about the severity of this case. Do you have any ideas?"

Ding Xifeng stood up and said, "Ju Feng, give me half a month to find the murderer who killed Zhu Weichao."

Feng Baoguo shook his head, "I can't give it, at most one week, the case must be solved."

Ding Xifeng looked embarrassed, "Feng Ju, you have also seen that this murderer has a certain sense of counter-investigation, and he cleared the scene when he left. I am afraid it is not easy to catch him."

"Nonsense, easy words need you to lead the investigation?" Feng Baoguo snorted, "Don't say it's useless, just a week."

"Yes." Ding Xifeng said weakly.

"Be energetic, you can transfer people from the city bureau, you can also transfer people from the sub-bureau, and people from the police station can also use it. The only requirement for you is to solve the case as soon as possible."


"Also, considering the impact, the leaders of the Municipal Bureau should not announce Zhu Weichao's death for the time being, and all news will be announced after the case is solved."


Feng Baoguo patted Ding Xifeng on the shoulder, "You are an old criminal investigator. I don't need to talk about the others. The case has made new progress, so report to me in time."

After Feng Baoguo left, Ding Xifeng, Ma Jingbo and Han Bin were left watching each other.

Ding Xifeng sighed, "You two have heard it, so I don't need to say it again."

Ma Jingbo gave a wry smile, "Captain, how many people do you plan to transfer to participate in the investigation of this case."

Ding Xifeng pondered, "Just your second squadron. In addition to the first group, the second group will also participate."

"I see, I will contact Zhu Jiaxu, the leader of the second group, and ask him to bring the people from the second group."

Ding Xifeng waved his hand, "Since the superiors do not want to announce the killing of Zhu Weichao, there is no need for us to make an open investigation, lest it arouse the alarm of the murderer and let him escape early."

"After dealing with this matter, go back to the Hancun police station for a meeting and let Zhu Jiaxu go directly."

The murderer buried Zhu Weichao alive. It is estimated that he did not want to be detected by the police. His actions were considered meticulous, and he should not have thought that the police had found Zhu Weichao's body.

This is still relatively beneficial to the police and can be regarded as an advantage.

Ding Xifeng didn't want to break this advantage and fall into a situation where the enemy is in secret.


Twenty minutes later, Ding Xifeng took him back to the Hancun police station, and Fang Guangyuan, the director of the police station, came out to greet him.

Ding Xifeng exchanged a few words with him and directly requisitioned the conference room of the police station to hold a summary meeting of the case.

Participants at the meeting were Ding Xifeng, Ma Jingbo, Han Bin, Jiang Yang, and Bao Xing from the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau. All three people were sent to the meeting, namely, Director Fang Guangyuan, Deputy Director Xiao Yushun, and Police Constable Yang Hongyi.

Ding Xifeng glanced at his watch, "It's a meeting without waiting for Zhu Jiaxu."

"Everyone should know about this case, so I won't say more. We are now mainly analyzing the case and the direction of the next investigation."

"Director Fang, you are more familiar with the situation around here, so let's talk about it first."

Fang Guangyuan nodded, "Okay, then I'll throw in some ideas and say a few words."

"Hanjia Village is a village in the city. There are more migrant workers outside, and the situation is relatively complicated. Our police station has also made some deployments in response to the situation here. There are several entrances and exits and cameras around Sun’s house. We basically know everything. Help gather evidence."

"Then please let the director go."

"It should be."

Ding Xifeng continued, "Captain Ma, tell me too."

"Zhu Weichao's escape from prison must have been planned for a long time. I think the person who assisted him in escape is probably the murderer who killed him."

"The two of them probably knew Zhu Weichao before he went to prison, and the relationship is still extraordinary. I suggest to check Zhu Weichao's surrounding relationship to see if there are any suspicious persons."

"Furthermore, if the murderer wants to help Zhu Weichao escape from prison, he must have been in contact with him. It is very likely that he was the visitor, or the visitor passed the word."

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