Detective from The Future

Chapter 573: Hou Jiansheng

Mao Yamei is not a liar, sweat is already on her forehead.

Han Bin handed her two tissues, "Wipe off your sweat."

"Thank you." Mao Yamei lowered her head and whispered, "Comrade Police, I'm sorry, I lied just now."

"Our police are not unkind, and it is not too late to explain things clearly."

Mao Yamei thought for a while and said, "Since Zhu Weichao entered, it has not been easy for me to earn money and raise my family alone. I was so busy all day long, but he didn't understand and he always thought I would not go. To see him."

"Every time he makes trouble after a long period of time, he suspects that I have other thoughts and warns me that if I dare to find another man, he will kill me."

"The more threatening he is, the worse my heart is. I know he can do everything, but he can't get out of prison anymore, so I'm not afraid of him. The more threatening he is, the less I will be. Go see him."

"After a long period of time, I went to see him again. He knew that the threat was not good, so he changed the way. He said he had a lot of money outside, but he still can’t spend it. As long as I listen to him, After a while, he will give me the money."

"Actually, I didn't believe all of this. When asked where the money was hidden, he refused to say. Who knows if what he said is true or false."

Han Bin asked, "Have you asked him why this money can't be spent?"

"I asked, I remember very clearly. He gave me a fierce look at that time. I am familiar with that look. If it was not in jail, but at home, he would definitely beat me. I wouldn't dare to ask."

"He beat you?" Han Bin said.

"Fight, why don't you fight." Mao Yamei pursed her lips. "During his time in prison, although it is exhausting to take care of the children alone, at least there is no need to worry about being beaten."

Bao Xing opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he still didn't speak.

For long-term domestic violence, Bao Xing is quite incomprehensible.

In Bao Xing's view, first of all, this kind of thing shouldn't happen. If you encounter it unfortunately, you should do it only once.

This kind of thing must not be condoned, and don't forgive easily, otherwise one time, there will be a second time.

Whether it is a man or a woman or a woman or a man, as long as it happens, it must be completely resolved. There must be no ambiguity, otherwise, the other party will only get worse.

If it really develops into a long-term domestic violence, it is not a matter for one person. It can only be said that Zhou Yu is willing to fight Huang Gai, and the other is willing to suffer. In this case, it is difficult for the police to intervene.

Bao Xing once heard a case of a woman who was often domestically abused by her husband. She tolerated it once or twice, and finally she could not bear it once and went to the police.

The police at the police station who received the police were also a bit embarrassed, because domestic violence is actually not easy to handle.

When the woman saw the police coming, she cried again, crying about her husband's atrocities, hoping that the police would arrest her husband.

The police from the police station who received the police were very responsible. Because the beating was relatively serious and the woman's attitude was also very strong, the woman's husband was detained.

As a result, the next day, the woman ran to the police station and asked the police to release her husband.

The policeman handling this matter was also dumbfounded.

You didn't let people be caught, what are you doing?

The woman started crying again, saying that her husband made money at home. If the police detained her husband, and the leaders of the unit knew about him, they would probably get rid of him publicly and the family would have no source of income.

The police are also very helpless, they have already dealt with it. You asked for it now, when the police station is a playhouse.

The woman was so upset that she went to the director's office to complain.

Reluctantly, he finally released his husband in advance.

The policeman handling the case was very angry.

Many people accuse the police of being too conniving and muddy to domestic violence. In fact, the police can't help it.

After all, they are a couple. You really want to come hard. Maybe the person who has been domestically abused will intercede in turn. The police are not human on either side, and neither side will please.

Han Bin continued to ask, "Who did Zhu Weichao interact with before he went to prison?"

Mao Yamei replied, "There is a man named Hou Jiansheng in our village. The two of them match each other, and they often drink together."

It's Hou Jiansheng and Han Bin this is the second time they have heard this name.

Han Bin said, "After your husband was in prison, has Hou Jiansheng inquired about his situation?"

"Yes, when he was in prison, he often went to my house to inquire about news. Later...I didn't open the door to him much. He didn't come."

Han Bin asked, "How much do you know about the case your husband committed that year?"

"Humph." Mao Yamei snorted softly, "I know something...Afterwards, I was also a little scared. Even if he is not dead, I can't live with him."

"Do you know why he committed the crime?"

"I don't know, I haven't asked."

After asking a few more questions, without asking any more clues, Han Bin asked Bao Xing to take her to the corpse.

After inquiring Mao Yamei, Han Bin's doubts kept increasing.

Is the property of unknown origin that Zhu Weichao said is true or not?

Is it for some purpose to cheat the two of them, or is there really a ill-gotten wealth?

If so, is it related to the case that year?

More importantly, by making transcripts for Zhu Wei'an and Mao Yamei, Han Bin felt that the two of them were unlikely to lie. If they really didn't help pass the news, then how would Zhu Weichao contact the people who helped him escape.

There are strict requirements for prison visits. Generally speaking, only relatives can visit prison.

Moreover, there was surveillance during the visit. Except for Zhu Wei'an and Mao Yamei, Zhu Wei Chao Chao did not see anyone else before prison.

Han Bin felt that by finding Zhu Weichao's contact information with the outside world, he might be able to find a breakthrough in the case faster.

Another point is that the person named Hou Jiansheng, Han Bin felt that he should take notes as soon as possible.

"Crack..." With a sound of the door, Bao Xing walked in from outside.

Huang Qianqian raised her head and said unexpectedly, "Didn't you take Mao Yamei to recognize the body?"

Bao Xing shrugged, "It's over, why am I not coming back."

Huang Qianqian subconsciously said, "So fast?"

Bao Xing was stunned for a moment and explained, "She took a look there, turned her head and walked out of the house. Then she told me that the deceased was indeed Zhu Weichao, signed the documents and left."

Huang Qianqian sighed with emotion, “For this purpose, it’s better to divorce early, why bother to hurt each other.”

In order to avoid this incident affecting the two young men’s vision for the future, Han Bin said with a smile, “This is just a case, otherwise you will not be surprised. The world is so big, it is inevitable that some strange things will happen, it is normal. ."

"Bao Xing, have you contacted Hou Jiansheng?"

"After contacting, he said he would come over before noon."

"Keep watching."

Bao Xing took out his phone, "I'll urge him again."

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