Detective from The Future

Chapter 576: Reflection

Han Bin looked at the other party's expression and felt that the other party should be hiding something, but he was not in a hurry, and some of them had time to ask slowly.

Now it is more important to figure out Hou Jiansheng's whereabouts.

"I'll ask you again, where is Hou Jiansheng?"

During the interrogation process, it is a common method for the police to ask a question many times when confronted with a cunning prisoner.

As for the effect?

It must be, otherwise the police would not do it often.

Liu Xingang's head swayed like a rattle, "Comrade police, I really don't know. This guy made it clear that he framed me, and he might have run away long ago."

"Besides, he might have expected me to be arrested, so how could he tell me whereabouts."

"I'm the ghost he's looking for, I'm really more wronged than Dou E."

Han Bin's face was a bit ugly. He guessed before that Hou Jiansheng was looking for someone to help pick up the ticket. He secretly observed from the side, and if there was no danger, he would take the ticket to enter the station.

Now it seems that there is another possibility. Hou Jiansheng's purchase of train tickets was originally a cover, and the purpose is probably to divert the attention of the police, and he can leave calmly in other ways.

But if this is the case, his buying a train ticket has successfully attracted the attention of the police, so why bother to find someone to collect the ticket?

Or in other words, it was his temptation to the police, to see how the police arrested him, to judge his own danger.

The arrest of Liu Xingang just now may have been known to Hou Jiansheng in some way.

If this is the case, it means that Hou Jiansheng has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance, and such people often carry cases on their backs.

Han Bin has been very careful about the means of arresting him just now. The arrests were also carried out in the car. It is not clear whether he himself was exposed.

"Liu Xingang, did you see any acquaintances around when you bought the ticket?"

"There are too many people in this train station, I don't care much."

Bao Xing took a sip, "Just now, this guy has been aiming at those girls who are bare-chested and bare-legged. It's weird that there is room for other things in his eyes."

Judging from the current situation, Hou Jiansheng has no reason to show up, and it is useless to stay here again.

Han Bin ordered, "Drive and go to the bus station."

Jiang Yang was a little surprised, "Group leader, why don't we go back to the police station and go to the bus station?"

Han Bin explained, "Our arrests just now were very secretive, and the only thing that could be noticed was the moment Bao Xing and I got in the car, but that time was very short, which was only ten seconds."

"If the other party hadn't been staring at the time, it might have missed this point, and the arrest might not have been exposed. Go to the bus station and take a round, maybe you can confuse the follower."

Whether Han Bin's idea can be effective is not certain, but it is better to do it than not to do it well. It is better to go to the bus station for a round than to go directly to the police station.

In the process of arresting the suspects, the police actually did many useless tasks, and it was these useless tasks that piled up and blocked the suspect's escape route.

On the way to the bus station, Han Bin would also observe through the rearview mirror to see if there was a stalking car behind him, but he did not notice clearly after walking all the way.

After making a round at the bus station, Jiang Yang drove back to the city bureau.

Han Bin asked, "Liu Xingang, what do you do?"

"I used to work at a gas station and stopped doing something if something went wrong. Now I just follow others to run a cart and go to the construction site to do some casual work. Although it is a little harder, I am free. Anyway, I will be a bachelor and take a rest when I have enough money. For a period of time, I won’t be able to work until I have no money."

"What does Hou Jiansheng do?" Han Bin asked again.

"I..." Liu Xingang lowered his head, "Didn't I just say it, I am not very clear."

Han Bin's tone was a little harsh, "Where is I? I most hate people who lie, and I hate others for wasting my time. I will ask one last time, what does Hou Jiansheng do?"

"He...I didn't lie. We met him by drinking. I don't know him in particular. However, I have heard people say that he is quite energetic and has many friends on the road. He can help... ."

"Do you know Zhu Weichao?"

Liu Xingang glanced at Han Bin cautiously, "I don't know, but...I've heard it."

"Where did you hear it."

"When I was drinking, I heard some friends mention that Hou Jiansheng knew him very well. Once Hou Jiansheng drank too much, he even told us that he and Zhu Weichao had a special relationship, that kid was born to be a stubborn stubborn, and said Zhu Weichao also asked him to sell the stolen goods. It's just that Zhu Weichao has entered now and the money has fallen into his hands."

"What kind of items did Zhu Weichao ask him to sell?"

"I don't know this. He drank a lot of wine at the time and said vaguely. I thought he was bragging." Liu Xingang sighed, "We bastards, we all like to drink and say something cruel. , Otherwise people look down on you. I don’t know if what Hou Jiansheng said is true or false."

Han Bin showed a thoughtful look. If what Liu Xingang said is true, Zhu Weichao really asked Hou Jiansheng to sell the stolen goods, and he would match the fortune he told Zhu Weian and Mao Yamei before.

After arriving at the police station, Han Bin found Captain Ding Xifeng and reported the arrest to the other party. At the same time, he asked him to contact the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Laiping City to assist in the investigation of Hou Jiansheng's situation.

If Hou Jiansheng has nothing to do with Zhu Weichao's death, and just ran away because of the sale of stolen goods, he would be handed over to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Laiping City for processing. Han Bin's main task is to investigate the murder of Zhu Weichao.

Zhu Weichao was wanted by the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and his influence was too great. Too many people knew about him and they had to give the people an explanation.

After returning to the office, Han Bin lit a cigarette and stared at the car driving outside the window in a daze.

Han Bin is reflecting on today's arrest. It seems that today's arrest was not successful.

Hou Jiansheng should be a habitual offender. He has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities. He will run away with a little turmoil. What is even more annoying, this guy also came to turn the tiger away from the mountain, and Han Bin was very passive.

Han Bin made up his mind that after this old boy was arrested and brought to justice, he would interrogate him himself.

At the same time, future actions should be arranged more carefully to prevent similar situations from happening.

Of course, Han Bin cannot be completely blamed for this kind of thing.

There are many people involved in a case. If there is not enough evidence, the police cannot apply for a warrant and can only ask the other party to assist in the investigation by way of summons.

No one knows which one is a human and which is a ghost.

As long as you do things, you will inevitably make mistakes.


At six o'clock in the evening, people who went out to investigate returned one after another, and Ding Xifeng held a case summary meeting.

The meeting was attended by Ma Jingbo, Han Bin, Zhu Jiaxu, and other members of the Second Squadron.

Ding Xifeng put down his tea cup and said, "Everyone has been busy for a day today. The purpose of calling everyone to have a meeting is to summarize the clues of the investigation."

"Let’s talk about my investigation today. I checked the landlord’s situation and summoned him to come over and make a transcript. From the current point of view, the landlord’s own problem is not big."

"According to the landlord, Sun Dongxing, someone contacted him more than two months ago and wanted to rent the house of the Sun family. The person came when the contract was signed. He was wearing a mask and a hat. The specific appearance is unclear. He is of medium build. Man."

"Because time has passed for a long time, and he hasn't seen the other person's face, it is very difficult for him to describe the image of the suspect."

"When renting a house, the suspect left a copy of his ID card. The photo is black and white, and looks very good. Another thing, I asked someone to check the ID card information, it is fake."

"The only thing related to the suspect now is the mobile phone number that I contacted the contract with. I have already given the number to the technical department, and I believe there will be news soon."

After Ding Xifeng finished speaking, he glanced at everyone, "I'm finished, let's talk about your investigation."

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