Detective from The Future

Chapter 581: Ashamed

After copying the video and call recordings, Han Bin and Li Qin immediately returned to the city bureau.

After Han Bin returned to the Municipal Bureau, he directly sent Li Hongshan's DNA to the technical department for comparison.

If the DNA can be compared successfully, the case can be declared solved.

When the technical department was doing the appraisal, Han Bin was not idle, and asked Li Qin to check the communication records of Li Hongshan and Li Dongmei to see if there were any suspicious contacts.

Han Bin himself ran to Ma Jingbo's office and prepared to report to Ma Jingbo.

When Ma Jingbo was not there, Han Bin went directly to the captain's office.

"Boom..." Han Bin knocked on the office door.

"Come in." Ding Xifeng's voice resounded in the office.

"Chuck..." With a sound, Han Bin pushed the door and walked in.

The matter was urgent, Han Bin went straight to the point, "Captain, we went to the prison and found new clues."

"Say, what's the clue?" Ding Xifeng is also worried about this case. The leader above is watching very closely and he is under great pressure.

"We went to Li Hongshan's home and found that the conditions of Li Hongshan's home were average. Then we went to the prison again, checked the prison surveillance video, and listened to the recording of the visits. We heard the problem from the recording. "

"Li Hongshan once said, ‘That’s good, the new house has been prepared for you. It’s on the east side of the old house. When you release it, Dad will let me pick you up.’"

"As far as I know, Li Hongshan is just a retired worker from an LPG company. The housing price in Qindao City is so high that he should not be able to buy a new house."

"And the new house in Li Hongshankou is probably the house of Sun's house in Hanjia Village. The old house refers to the prison, and the east is probably the direction of reception."

"Furthermore, I compared the video of the prison visit and found that Li Hongshan made a chin support when he said this sentence. This is the only action he has done since his visit. In summary, I think Li Hongshan It’s probably the person who delivered the message."

"As for whether he was the responder, whether he was the murderer of Zhu Weichao, it is not yet known. I have sent his DNA to the technical department for comparison."

Ding Xifeng paced for a few laps, with a solemn expression on his face, "This clue is very important, you kid did a good job."

"Is there anyone staring at Li Hongshan now?"

Han Bin replied, "I have already sent Bao Xing over, and I also greeted the local police station and asked them to assist Bao Xing in monitoring."

Ding Xifeng thought for a moment, “From the current situation, this Li Hongshan must be related to the escape case. Even if he is not the murderer, he may have been in contact with the murderer.”

"Let's not wait for the result of the technical department, and go directly to the control site." If Li Hongshan is the murderer, Ding Xifeng also hopes to participate in the arrest himself.

"Yes." Han Bin responded, Ding Xifeng is much higher than his level, and there is no possibility for the two of them to compete for merit.

With Ding Xifeng's order, the city criminal investigation team began to take action.

Ding Xifeng contacted Ma Jingbo and asked him to check Li Hongshan's communication records.

Ding Xifeng transferred the existing manpower in the game and rushed directly to place control around Li Hongshan's home.

In the car, Ding Xifeng also listened to the recording of the call and checked the surveillance video of the prison visit. He had the same idea as Han Bin. This Li Hongshan should be suspect.

And the suspicion is high.

Near the liquefied gas dormitory complex.

The liquefied gas dormitory is not large, and generally there are no outsiders in and out. If there are cars outside, it will be very eye-catching.

Therefore, the criminal investigation team's cars were parked outside, and then they were broken into pieces and entered the liquefied gas dormitory community one after another.

Ding Xifeng, Han Bin, and Zhu Jiaxu hid in a unit, and Zhu Jiaxu whispered, “Captain, regardless of whether the DNA comparison is successful, Li Hongshan may be the person involved in the case, or should he directly control Li Hongshan.”

Ding Xifeng hesitated, and said to Han Bin who was on the side, "What do you think?"

Han Bin thought for a while and shook his head, "I don't recommend arresting directly. This old man is in poor physical and mental condition, and his whole person is lifeless and indifferent. He doesn't want to say, we can't do anything with him. ."

To put it bluntly, in Li Hongshan's current state, let alone being arrested and imprisoned, he was going to be shot, maybe he would still take it as a relief.

Li Qin said, "Captain, I agree with Team Leader Han that Li Hongshan only cares about his son now. You know Li Dongzhi's current situation, he may not easily cooperate with us."

Ding Xifeng thought for a while, "Wait."

If the DNA comparison is successful, Li Hongshan is the murderer who killed Zhu Weichao. There is nothing left to say, he will arrest the person and close the case.

If the DNA comparison is unsuccessful, then change to another method. The police also have a human side, and it is impossible to be hard at all times.

Time passed by, half an hour later, Han Bin's cell phone rang.

"Hey, it's me."


"You said."

The phone conversation was not long, only a few words were said.

After Han Bin hung up his cell phone, he said, "It was from the technical department, and the DNA comparison did not match. Li Hongshan was not the murderer who killed Zhu Weichao."

Ding Xifeng was expressionless and did not show a look of disappointment. He thought the case would not be won so easily.

Ding Xifeng patted Han Bin on the shoulder, "I'll leave it to you, I'll take someone home first."

Han Bin replied and changed the conversation, "Captain, it's okay to leave it to me. However, Li Hongshan is getting older and his physical condition is not very good. Can you catch him?"

"You go talk to him first, and according to the actual situation, you can see if you are arrested."

Han Bin nodded, "Understood."

In fact, regardless of whether he was arrested or not, Li Hongshan would never leave the dormitory of the LPG community.

After Ding Xifeng led away, Han Bin took Li Qin and Bao Xing to the door again.


"Who is it?" Li Dongmei's voice came from the room.

Li Qin replied, "Ms. Li, it's me."

Li Dongmei opened the door with a look of doubt, "Inspector Li, Officer Han, why are you here again?"

There was a scent floating in the room, and Li Dongmei should be cooking.

Han Bin did not go in immediately, but stood at the door and said, "We have a few questions, and we want to ask again."

Li Dongmei was stunned for a moment, "That's OK, come in."

"I want to ask you a few questions alone." Han Bin finished, and without waiting for Li Dongmei's reply, he continued to ask, "How many years has your father worked in the LPG company?"

"Worked for a lifetime, until retirement." Li Dongmei replied.

"How much is Elder Li's one-month pension?"

"More than two thousand."

"Have your father engaged in other sideline jobs? Does your family have demolition, or other sources of income?"

Li Dongmei helplessly said, "I think. My dad is an honest person and has been working in the LPG company all his life. Originally, his two thousand yuan was enough to spend, but my brother owes a lot of foreign debts. Only one thousand yuan is left in a month, and the rest is used to pay off the debt."

"Recently, has your father bought a new house?"

Li Dongmei shook her head, "How is this possible, the house price is so high now, even if you buy my dad, you can't buy a toilet."

Through the conversation with Li Dongmei, Han Bin became more certain of his previous speculation.

Li Dongmei wondered, "Police Officer Han, what do you ask these for? Does it have anything to do with my dad?"

"It's just a routine inquiry, let's go in, don't let Old Man Li wait in a hurry." Han Bin said.

Li Dongmei led Han Bin into the house and shouted, "Dad, Officer Han and Officer Li, they are coming to see you again."

"Huh..." A sigh came from the room, "Invite them in."

Han Bin walked into the room and observed the surroundings, "Master Li, how is your health?"

"It's okay, it can last a while." Li Hongshan pointed out.

"We want to ask you a few more questions."

Li Hongshan asked, "Didn't you ask before?"

"The previous question was not very detailed, and I would like to add a few more questions." Han Bin said.

Li Hongshan hesitated and sat on the edge of the bed, "You can ask."

"You also know that the prison escape case has a great impact. In addition to a few of us, many colleagues will look into the matter again. After we returned to the city bureau, some of our colleagues found new clues. I would like to ask you to listen. A recording." Han Bin didn't want to arouse the other party's disgust, so he did not say that it was a clue that Li Qin found.

Afterwards, Han Bin took out his tablet and played a recording of the conversation between Li Hongshan and Li Dongzhi.

After hearing this, Li Hongshan did not immediately answer, but waved to the daughter on the side, "Dongmei, take the two hundred dollars and return it to Officer Li."

Li Qin hurriedly stopped, "Master, don't be too insignificant, that is my little heart."

Li Hongshan lowered his head and sighed, "Officer Li, I don't think I am too young, but I feel ashamed!"

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