Detective from The Future

Chapter 583: Speculate

Back to the Municipal Bureau, it was already past three in the afternoon, and neither Han Bin nor Li Qin had a meal yet.

At this time, there was nothing else to eat, so Han Bin made a bucket of instant noodles.

When people are hungry, instant noodles are the most delicious.

Han Bin eats the most classic flavor, braised beef noodles.

After eating a bowl of instant noodles, about 30% of them are full. After drinking some noodle soup and filling the gap, they still feel that they are shortcomings.

When Han Bin was about to find something to eat, Huang Qianqian walked in, "Group leader, the team leader wants you to go to his office."

"Are there anyone else besides me?"

"Captain Horse also went."

"I know." Han Bin wiped his mouth, threw the instant noodle bucket into the trash can, and patted his empty stomach. Come on, let's talk about it at night.

Han Bin knocked on the door and entered the captain's office. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ding Xifeng and Ma Jingbo sitting on the sofa, smoking a cigarette.

Han Bin, who was watching, was also addicted to smoking.

"Captain, you are looking for me."

"Sit down." Ding Xifeng pointed to the sofa next to him, and handed Han Bin a cigarette. "Listen to your captain, then Li Hongshan refuses to plead guilty?"

Han Bin had already told Ma Jingbo about the situation on the phone, but Ding Xifeng should not be satisfied with the posture.

Han Bin organized the language, "We went to Li Hongshan's house and re-recorded him. He admitted that he had helped Zhu Weichao and Li Dongzhi pass the news."

"However, he claimed that he was getting older, he was a little confused, forgot what happened, and he refused to confess other people."

Ding Xifeng frowned, "This old man has clearly admitted to assisting in the escape, but he refuses to recruit a partner. Why do you think?"

Han Bin spit out a cigarette, "I have thought about this too, I think there should be three possibilities."

Ding Xifeng flicked the soot, "Talk about it."

Han Bin personally wrote the transcripts for Li Hongshan, and he also knew better about Li Hongshan's situation, and his judgment was also the most intuitive.

In Han Bin's view, Li Hongshan only confessed his crimes, but refused to confess other accomplices, indicating that he was also entangled in his heart.

First of all, the reason why he pleaded guilty was because he could not hide it, and the other was because he did not want to deceive the police.

I have to say that the probation line of Han Bin and Li Qin still has a certain effect. If Li Hongshan was bitten to death and refused to admit it, it would be more troublesome.

Because the recording of the call is very vague, the others sounded normal, and there was no explicit statement to assist in the escape. It was more like saying that the parents were short.

Han Bin believes that after the escape of Zhu Weichao and Li Dongzhi, Director Feng must have sent someone to check the recording of the prison visit, but because he was not familiar with Li Dongzhi's home, the police did not hear the problem.

This also shows that if Li Hongshan does not voluntarily admit it, it is difficult to prove Li Hongshan based on the recording of the prison visit.

This situation also illustrates a problem. Sometimes it is not a good thing for too many people to participate in the investigation of the case. Everyone has their own division of labor and it is difficult to share information at the first time. Even if it is a meeting, it only talks about some key situations.

The policeman who listened to the call recording should have never actually contacted Li Hongshan, let alone his home.

As for why Li Hongshan refuses to recruit an identification partner, Han Bin thinks there are three possibilities. First, this partner is very important and the relationship between them is very close.

For example, if Li Dongmei was also involved in the escape case, Li Hongshan would certainly not confess easily in order to protect his daughter.

Of course, even if Li Dongmei participated in the case, it was not the murderer they were looking for, because it was a male who left the DNA.

Second, there is a transfer of interests between each other. For example, another person who assisted Zhu Wei in surpassing prison gave Li Hongshan some hush money.

Of course, this possibility is unlikely, because Li Hongshan is not too interested in money now.

The third possibility is that Li Hongshan wants to leave to Li Dongzhi the opportunity to commute his sentence.

Li Dongzhi himself is a serious prisoner, and coupled with this escape, he is likely to be sentenced to death by the court.

The only chance that Li Dongzhi's sentence can be commuted is to confess another suspect.

Li Hongshan may be using his own methods to protect his son for the last time.

Of course, his approach is somewhat selfish.

From Han Bin's perspective, Li Hongshan must have done something wrong. He was condoning criminals.

But from Li Hongshan's point of view, he felt that what he did was right, he just hoped to save his son's life.

Ding Xifeng and Ma Jingbo were both old criminal investigators, and immediately understood what Han Bin said.

Ding Xifeng thought for a moment, "Do you think that Li Dongmei is very suspicious?"

Han Bin recalled that when Li Hongshan took the initiative to confess, Li Dongmei showed a look of surprise. Through the observation of micro expressions, Li Dongmei's surprise was not in disguise.

However, any matter can be analyzed from multiple angles.

Take Li Dongmei's surprise.

Han Bin's first reaction was that Li Dongmei didn't only know about this, so he was surprised.

After that, Han Bin thought about it again, and there is still a possibility.

Li Dongmei had known about this for a long time, but she didn't expect her father to be probated by the police and confessed guilt hastily, so she seemed very surprised.

Both of these situations are possible, so Han Bin could not judge what role Li Dongmei played in it.

Han Bin organized the language, "During contact with Li Dongmei, no problems have been found for the time being. However, her suspicion cannot be completely ruled out. I suggest checking Li Dongmei's recent communication records and whereabouts."

Speaking of mobile phone communication, Ding Xifeng looked at Ma Jingbo, "How is your investigation?"

"The technical department has already retrieved the communication records of Li Hongshan and Li Dongmei. Among them, Li Hongshan has very few contacts. Except for some harassing calls, all other calls are made to Li Dongmei, which is basically no problem."

"As for Li Dongmei's communication contacts, Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang are still checking."

Ding Xifeng exhorted, “Hurry up. If you find out that Li Dongmei has a problem, immediately arrest her.”


Ding Xifeng pointed at Han Bin again, "Although Li Hongshan is old and ill, we should not take it lightly. Don't let him slip away."

Han Bin said confidently, "Don't worry, I left Bao Xing at the liquefied gas dormitory complex, and with the assistance of comrades from the local police station, I can definitely target Li Hongshan to death."

"That's good." Ding Xifeng leaned on the sofa and took a cigarette.

Han Bin is still very relieved of his work.

Han Bin flicked the soot and suggested, "Captain, I think Li Dongzhi is the breakthrough now."

"First of all, Li Dongzhi himself was involved in the escape case. He probably knows who is responding outside the prison. Moreover, if Li Dongzhi is willing to confess, Li Hongshan's problem is not big, and he might also confess. So, I think the top priority now is to interrogate Li Dongzhi."

Without waiting for Ding Xifeng's answer, Ma Jingbo interjected,'"For such a simple reason, I also use your kid to remind you that the captain has thought of it a long time ago and has been in contact with the hospital. However, Li Dongzhi's current physical condition is not very good and his condition is still There is no control over whether you can speak or not. The doctor suggested postponing the time of the interrogation."

Ma Jingbo stroked his chin, "I've been to see it, this Li Dongzhi is indeed quite miserable, and he will be considered dead if he can live till now."

Ding Xifeng concluded, “The focus of the current investigation is still on Li Hongshan. He should have contacted the person who assisted Zhu Wei in surpassing prison, and that person may be the murderer who killed Zhu Weichao.”

"It is best for Li Hongshan to confess. If he refuses to confess, he will find out the contact information of the two people and catch the murderer."

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