Detective from The Future

Chapter 629: Ma Xuepo

Han Bin asked, "Have you thought about firing her?"

Chen Baoquan replied, "I have thought about it. Although looking for a beautiful female subordinate to look seductive, I feel a little itchy in my heart, but I can see that I can't eat, and the light is irritated. It's better not to see."

"Then have you ever said to your face to fire her?"

"I can't say that this kind of thing can be done. I increased her workload and wanted her to retire. But who knows that she doesn't care at all. If she is busy, she will leave at the end of get off work without working overtime." Chen Baoquan revealed With a hint of hesitation, he thought about it and said,

"One time, there was a special situation where she needed to work overtime. She still refused to work overtime. I said that she would deduct money if she couldn't finish it. She didn't care at all. She should leave work and just leave work.

"To be honest, I don't know what she is doing. If she doesn't make money, she offends the leader. The environment on the construction site is difficult, so what hope is there."

Han Bin asked, "Have you seen her take a video?"

"Yes, sometimes when I come back from outside, I look at her with a mobile phone on the table, but she is quite self-conscious, and I rarely take pictures when I am here."

"I asked her once, I said, what are you taking with your phone?"

"She said she played with it, put it on the Internet and cheated a click to earn some pocket money."

"I didn't say anything, thinking she may be young and playful, as long as it doesn't affect her work, I don't bother to care."

Han Bin has been observing the other party, without seeing any obvious signs of lying. "As far as you know, does Lu Jingfang have close male friends?"

"I don't know much about this. I only saw her when I was at work. I don't know who she saw after get off work."

"There is a man named Ma Xuepo on the construction site, do you know him?"

"Ma Xuepo." Chen Baoquan muttered and shook his head, "No impression."

"People on the construction site like to call him by his nickname, Ma Si."

"Hey, I know when you talk about Ma Si. He is a small foreman of ours. He usually works, eats and lives on the construction site."

"As far as you know, has he harassed Lu Jingfang, or whether the two have had a closer relationship."

Chen Baoquan waved his hand, "I don't know this."

"In this way, if it is convenient, you take us to find him. I want to talk to him in person."

Chen Baoquan hesitated for a while, and nodded in agreement, "Okay, it's still hot at this point, and work probably hasn't started yet. I'll take you to find him."

Chen Baoquan locked the door of the office and led Han Bin and his party to the workers' dormitory area.

The workers’ dormitory area is at the east end. There are two rows of two-story simple buildings. Some people are enjoying the shade, some are playing cards, and some are sleeping.

Chen Baoquan went downstairs and yelled twice, "Ma Si."

No one responded.

Chen Baoquan asked a worker in the shade, "Have you seen Ma Si?"

"I saw you at noon for dinner. I guess I will sleep upstairs now."

Chen Baoquan said to the worker, "Which house does he live in, you call him down."

The migrant worker was in his thirties. He was not tall, but he was very sturdy. He sighed. Although he was reluctant, he still followed Chen Baoquan's instructions.

The migrant worker went upstairs and shouted in a loud voice, "Ma Si, fourth, someone is looking for you!"

"Who is it?" A man walked out of the room at the east end of the second floor. He looked about thirty years old, big and tall, with a small flat head, shirtless, and yawning.

"Fourth, someone is looking for you below."

"Why, I don't know if I sleep."

"It's Manager Chen from the project department. It's downstairs. I'll pass the news to you, so I don't care." After speaking, the worker turned around and left.

Ma Si took a look downstairs, was taken aback, and stared at Han Bin, Chen Baoquan and others.

At this time, Chen Baoquan also saw the other party and greeted him, "Ma Si, come down and find something to do with you."

"What's the matter?"


"Manager Chen, I can hear you here too, so just talk about it."

"This is a comrade from the Municipal Public Security Bureau next to me. I want to get some information with you."

"Don't be joking, tell me what's the situation."

Chen Baoquan shouted, "Okay, don't talk so much nonsense, let you come down and come down."

"Okay, I'll go down with a dress." After speaking, Ma Si turned and went back to the house.

Han Bin frowned slightly, vaguely feeling something was wrong, "Tian Li, Zhao Ming, you two are staring down, Xiaopeng follow me up."

After speaking, Han Bin took people up to the second floor, walked to the door of Ma Si's house, knocked on the door, "Dong dong dong..."

No one responded.

Han Bin pushed the door hard, and the door closed tightly.

"Ma Xuepo."

"Ma Four."

Still no one responded.

Han Bin said decisively, "Xiaopeng, knock the door open!"


Sun Xiaopeng did not hesitate at all, and ran into it like a red-eyed bison.


The simple door with only the latch was knocked open.

At this time, there was no one in the room, it was empty, only a smell of wine was left, there were peanut shells on the ground, and a window was open.

Sun Xiaopeng ran to the window to check and found that Ma Xuepo had climbed to the ground and was about to escape.

"Captain Han, this kid ran to the east."

"Chasing." Han Bin turned and left the house while shouting on the walkie-talkie, "Ma Si jumped through the window and ran away, ran east, and immediately caught him back."

Tian Li and Zhao Ming were already under surveillance. After receiving Han Bin's reminder, they immediately began to hunt Ma Xuepo.

At this time, Ma Xuepo hadn't ran far, Tian Li and Zhao Ming chased them from left to right.

Ma Xuepo did physical work, and coupled with his familiarity with the terrain, it was not easy to catch him on the construction site.

Zhao Ming chased and shouted, "We are the police, stop him!"

However, these words had no effect. No one took the initiative to intercept them. Instead, a few people avoided them from afar.

Zhao Ming was angry and scolded his mother.

Han Bin also ran to the back of the building, saw the three people chasing after him, and told Sun Xiaopeng on the side, "Let's stop them separately."

After speaking, Han Bin ran from the left.

Sun Xiaopeng ran from the right.

This is a construction site, not an open space. There are obstacles in front, and it is impossible to run all the time. As long as Ma Xuepo turns, it is possible to be outflanked by Han Bin and others.

Therefore, Ma Xuepo could only rely on his familiarity with the terrain to take advantage of the loopholes and run short-cuts.

The four of Han Bin chased after him. If they let the other party run away, where would their face be saved?

Not to be laughed to death.

In fact, the people present only had the idea of ​​making transcripts at first, and no one thought that Ma Xuepo would have such a big reaction.

The chase lasted for a few minutes, and when Ma Xuepo was about to run out of the construction site, he was twisted up by Zhao Ming, and a tiger pounced and crushed the opponent to the ground.

Han Bin was the second to come. Although Tian Li had strong fighting skills, he was not as strong as Han Bin after all.

Ma Xuepo was held by Zhao Ming, but he was still dishonest. He was very strong and not small. Zhao Ming really couldn't hold him down.

After Han Bin walked over, he grabbed one of his arms with both hands and twisted it vigorously.

"Ah!" Ma Xuepo let out a scream, and immediately lost the ability to resist, "It hurts, it hurts, my arm is about to break!"

Han Bin's technique is professional. Although it hurts, it will not cause any organic damage.

The human body is very fragile. Once a joint is twisted, the whole person may be held.

With Han Bin's help, Zhao Ming was finally able to free his hands, handcuff Ma Xuepo, and gave the other side a dipper, "Hey!"

"Damn, see if your kid can't run anymore!"

This slap slapped Ma Xuepo's tears out.

Ma Xuepo stretched out her neck and yelled, "Why are you hitting me? The police have hit someone, come and help!"

There were a lot of migrant workers watching the excitement. After hearing Ma Xuepo's scream, many people leaned in.

Han Bin looked serious and hummed, "Scream, you shout hard, call everyone over, let them listen, what crime did your kid commit!"

"How splendid and amazing, maybe you can still become a'hero' in the mouth of others!"

Hearing Han Bin's words, Ma Xuepo fainted immediately, "I didn't break the law."

Although still rebutting, the voice was obviously much smaller.

Han Bin asked him to be picked up, "What's your name?"

Ma Xuepo glared at Han Bin, "Don't you know."

"Answer whatever you ask, why is there so much nonsense?"

"Ma Four."

"Da Ming."

"Ma Xuepo."

"What about the ID card?"

"It's in the house."

Han Bin asked his subordinates to disperse the surrounding workers and continued to ask, "Why did you run just now?"

Ma Xuepo wrinkled her nose and twisted her wrist. "I...I do exercise."

Han Bin smiled and patted the other person on the cheek, "You, don't exercise first, train your brain first. Thinking that the police are as stupid as you, just make up a lie and fool around."

Zhao Ming on the side couldn't help but scolded, "Stop being slick here, hurry up, why did you run just now?"

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