Detective from The Future

Chapter 632: true and false

Unless there is evidence to support the suspect's words, Han Bin will not easily believe it.

Take Ma Xuepo as an example, no one can guarantee that he will avoid the serious and lose the **** to protect the car.

Han Bin asked, "When was the last time you stole?"

"It should be three days ago."

"What car do you use to transport the steel?"

"A small truck."

"The brand, color, license plate number of the car?" The clearer Han Bin asked, the easier it was to verify.

Ma Xuepo thought for a while and replied, "Daling brand car, silver gray, Lu B384CAN."

Han Bin is not very interested in this theft, and will be handed over to the police station sooner or later.

What he cares about is whether Ma Xuepo is related to Lu Jingfang's death. The question he is asking now is to prove whether the other party lied.

Later, Han Bin asked the question he really cared about, "Where were you between 9:30 pm and 1:00 am last night?"

"Last night I drank two bottles of beer. At first I lay in bed and watched my phone. Then I couldn't sleep. It became hot again in the dormitory. I went out around ten o'clock and went back to sleep in the dormitory after ten o'clock. Went out."

"You went there alone?"


Han Bin smiled, "You really will find time to stroll."

Not only did Ma Xuepo have no alibi, but he may have been near the scene.

The suspicion that he was the murderer rose further.

"Do you know where Lu Jingfang was killed?"

Ma Xuepo hesitated for a moment and nodded, "I know. I listened to what others said."

"Have you been there last night?"

Ma Xuepo shook his hands, "No, I have never been there."

"How do you prove that you haven't been there?"

"I, I... this big night, how can I prove it." Ma Xuepo thought for a while and felt wrong. "Comrade police, it's not about being suspicious now. In other words, you should prove that I have been there before you can prove me. Guilty, not that I should prove that I have not been there."

"The suspected crime is never considered from the case as a whole, but now it is in the investigation stage. You have not proved the alibi, and the suspicion rises further, which is not good for you. If you really want to hard-top and do not cooperate with the police investigation, we will only Treat you as a key suspect. I think you should be clear about the difference."

"But I really can't prove it. The land is there and there is no monitoring. How can I prove that I haven't been there." Ma Xuepo sighed with a helpless expression.

Han Bin changed his opinion, "Did you see anyone or something unusual when you were walking last night?"

"As long as you think it has something to do with Lu Jingfang, you can talk about it."

"I saw a lot of people, and many of the workers did not sleep. There were still playing cards downstairs in the dormitory, and some people who couldn't sleep were walking outside. As for the abnormal situation..." Ma Xuepo recalled for a moment, "I remember, last night I saw a Mercedes-Benz near the construction site. At that time, I was still a little wondering, how could there be a Mercedes-Benz on the construction site this night? Could it be that which big boss came?"

"But if you think about it, it has nothing to do with me, so I will leave."

"What color is that Mercedes-Benz and what's the license plate number?"

"The car is black. It's too dark. I can't see the license plate number, let alone remember it."

"What are the exact times when that Mercedes Benz came to the construction site and left the construction site?"

"I didn't look at the watch at the time. I only knew that when the Mercedes-Benz came around ten o'clock, I didn't know when it left. I went straight back to the dormitory."

Han Bin noted in his notebook that it was not normal for a Mercedes-Benz to come to the construction site at night, not to mention that the suspicion was even greater if he had been to the vicinity of the crime scene during the time of the crime.

"Comrade police, please let me go. I was really wronged. I ran away because I thought that the stealing of steel bars was discovered. I was so nervous at the time and my mind was confused and I just wanted to run, which made you misunderstand. I."

Ma Xuepo stretched out three fingers again, "I can swear to heaven, I definitely did not kill Lu Jingfang."

Han Bin turned over the previous record and said seriously, "Did you steal Lu Jingfang's underwear?"

"I was wronged, this is something abnormal. How could I do it."

Han Bin continued, "You also watched Lu Jingfang's video. She said in person that she suspected that you had stolen the underwear. There are so many workers on the construction site, why she does not doubt anyone but you."

"This..." Ma Xuepo cried and said aggrieved, "I am more outgoing and like to make friends. So I often talk to Lu Jingfang. Maybe she has misunderstood it."

Han Bin asked, "You want to explain the misunderstanding with a sentence. After you go to court, will the judge accept it?"

Ma Xuepo was anxious, "But what I said is true."

"Evidence, say ten thousand things, whether you commit a crime or not, you still have to tell the evidence, and you have no alibi. If you can't produce real evidence, it's hard to be convinced."

Ma Xuepo patted his forehead vigorously, "Didn't I already explain the crime of stealing steel? What more evidence do you want?"

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to know what to say, Han Bin changed the subject, "Based on your knowledge of Lu Jingfang, who do you think killed Lu Jingfang?"

Ma Xuepo shook his head, "I don't know."

Han Bin looked at him without speaking.

Perhaps it was Han Bin’s gaze that made Ma Xuepo feel a little pressure, "Um... Lu Jingfang, a woman who not only looks beautiful, but also loves to dress up, in the eyes of us rough men, is no different from fairies. Especially after she takes a shower, His body was so fragrant that he either showed his chest or his legs. The masters on the construction site looked at him, and none of his eyes were straight."

"It's fine during the day and there are many people. In the evening, if she wanders around on the construction site, she may be caught by a man who has drunk. Anything will happen then."

"Do you think Lu Jingfang was killed by people on the construction site?"

Ma Xuepo hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "I guess so."

"Do you have a specific suspect?"

Ma Xuepo smiled, "Wolves are ferocious and some are not, but regardless of their nature, they still eat meat when they are hungry."

Han Bin asked, "Your metaphor is quite interesting, so you belong to that kind of wolf?"

Ma Xuepo showed helplessness, "I belong to the one who didn't eat meat and fell a dog to eat shit."

Han Bin asked a few more tentatively, but did not ask more.

The trial came to an end temporarily.

Han Bin, Bao Xing and Tian Li left the interrogation room.

In the interrogation room, Tian Li took charge of the record and didn't ask many questions, but this does not mean that she has no problems.

"Team leader, the construction site is a melting pot and it is very inclusive. Some people have not even signed a contract. I think people with a history like Ma Xuepo may not be an exception. Are there any violent crimes on the construction site? Personnel with criminal record."

"The proposal is good." Han Bin praised, Tian Li's idea coincided with him.

At this moment, Du Qi, Zhao Ming, Sun Xiaopeng, and Mai Jun came to face each other.

Zhao Ming said straightforwardly, "Brother Bin, Team Zeng asked us to go to the conference room for a meeting."

Han Bin immediately turned and walked towards the meeting room.

"Brother Bin, did Ma Xuepo recruit?"


"He admitted that he killed Lu Jingfang? Then this case was solved."

"He did not admit to killing Lu Jingfang, but confessed to another case."

"What case?"


Du Qi guessed, "This Ma Xuepo is not going to make a noise and deliberately divert our attention from investigation."

Han Bin said, "I also have this kind of speculation. In order to avoid delaying our investigation and progress, I decided to transfer the theft case to the local police station."

It is a matter of importance. Theft is more important than the murder case.

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