Han Bin recalled the previous conversation, "Is the husband you mentioned before the ex-husband or the current boyfriend?"

Zhang Lixin shook her head, "Neither, it's my husband."

"Aren't you single and divorced?"

Zhang Lixin bit her lip and looked a little embarrassed. "That's just an account name. The company helped me pick it up. They said it can attract clicks. I agreed."

Bao Xing asked, "Eh, then you are not a lie."

"This is the company's name, and I can't help it. I didn't think it was appropriate at the beginning, but the company's people said that we only need to click and there is no money to cheat netizens, which is not a cheating."


"Comrade police, in fact, I just want to make some money. I never thought about cheating anyone."

"Does your husband know about this?"

"Yes, I told him."

"He also agreed to let you do this kind of thing? Although it is not illegal, it is not a glorious thing. What do relatives and friends think?"

Zhang Lixin showed helplessness, "I can't help it either. My husband is unemployed, and I don't want to make this kind of video if I can do anything."

Although Zhang Lixin said that she had never lied to others, she was actually a little guilty. She was a married woman and took an account called Divorced Single Hot Mom to use this persona to attract fans.

Obviously there is no divorce, but every day she pretends to be divorced, and she also talks about the inner monologues of divorced women, showing how hard it is for a person to raise a child. She feels a little awkward and even looks down on herself.

However, there is no way, her husband has no job, and the family wants to get a good meal and drink northwest wind without making money.

Han Bin asked, "What is your situation? Role playing?"

Zhang Lixin pursed her lips, "It should be regarded as a person design, anyway, the person in charge of the company said that."

People set.

Han Bin is not unfamiliar with this term. He had done a celebrity case before, because of human life.

Person settings are very popular in the entertainment circle. Person settings represent the audience’s recognition and targeted traffic, and these two represent substantial economic benefits.

Now new media is also starting to play this set, using big data for targeted push, as long as you click on a video of this type, it will push several similar videos.

"What is the name of the person in charge of the company you just mentioned?"

"Chen Xihai, President Chen."

"Is Lu Jingfang also in charge of him?"


"What is Lu Jingfang's personality?"

"She is not the same as me. I still walk in the mature style. She walks in the girl style next door. There is no need to deceive her personality, but the environment is more difficult. Both meals and lodging are on the construction site, which is not easy. of."

"The company has established a personal design for you, but will it help you find another job?"

"How do you say it." Zhang Lixin thought for a while and explained, "The person who is not tolerated has different occupations. This job must match the person and serve the person, just like my person, divorced single hot mom. ."

"The company arranged for me to be a full-time wife. Later, I divorced because my husband cheated. In order to get the custody of the child, I chose to go out of the house. From a pampered full-time wife to a poor divorced woman waiting for work, the company The job set for me temporarily is to set up a street stall, which is more in line with my personality."

"As for the future development, I will use my spare time to learn something, and then find a formal job, just like storytelling, a little upgrade."

Han Bin asked, "Lu Jingfang works on the construction site to provide services for the girl next door?"

"Yes." Zhang Lixin said, "Actually, setting up a person is also following the trend. Whoever sets up a fire, the website will mainly promote this person during this period, and our company will also shoot some videos of the corresponding person."

"The divorced single hot mom and the female construction site data officer are both popular at present."

"Does the income from your video shoot directly pay wages to the video site, or does your company pay wages?"

"It's the money that Beauty Media Company sent me."

"What is your monthly income?"

"Fifteen thousand."

"When will it be released?"

"I just arrived at the company this month and I haven't officially issued it yet, but when I signed the contract, it was said to be around the 20th."

Hearing what Zhang Lixin said, Han Bin was basically sure that the money Lu Jingfang received on the 20th of each month should have been given by Beauty Media.

"Where is your company?"

"In..." Zhang Lixin hesitated, as if worried about something.

"Don't worry, our police have other channels to investigate, and will not raise your issue with your company."


Han Bin asked, "Do I have to lie to you?"

"Our company is in Feng'an Building, Room 713."

Han Bin changed the conversation, "Next, I will ask you a few questions on a routine basis. You only need to answer truthfully."

"Okay, you can ask."

"The night before, where were you between 9:30 and 1:30 in the morning?"

"I am home."

"You mean here?"

"No, no, after shooting the video, I will go back to live in my own home."

"Who can prove it?"

"My husband can prove that I finished the video at 8 o'clock in the evening. At that time, there were not many people buying things from the street stall. My husband picked me up and went to bed after washing, and never went out."

"Do you know who Lu Jingfang had a conflict with?"

"do not know."

Han Bin opened his laptop and asked, "Is there anyone you know who drives a Mercedes-Benz?"

Zhang Lixin thought for a while, "It seems that our company's President Chen Xihai drives a Mercedes-Benz."

Han Bin asked, "What color."



"I saw him drive once. The car is very beautiful and very angry."

Han Bin wrote a note in his notebook. Ma Xuepo said in his transcript that he had seen a Mercedes-Benz near the construction site at eight the night before.

Although that Mercedes-Benz may not be related to the murderer, it is also an important clue.

"Da da da..." Tian Li walked over, "Leader Han, we opened the door of Lu Jingfang's room and found some video shooting equipment, a laptop, and two bank cards."

"I see. Send the notebook to the technical department for identification."


"Ms. Zhang, let's do this for today's transcript. Thank you for your cooperation."

Zhang Lixin hesitated and asked, "Comrade police, can I continue to shoot videos in the future?"

"Of course, this is not illegal, and it is not within the jurisdiction of our police." Han Bin finished speaking, stood up and handed the other party a business card, "If you think of any new clues, you can call me directly."

"Okay, I will." Zhang Lixin took the business card and put it in her pocket. Lu Jingfang's death made her feel a little bit of crisis.

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