Detective from The Future

Chapter 640: Police

"In addition, we also learned from her shared roommate that the house was actually rented by Beauty Media Company. Lu Jingfang and that roommate were both employees of Beauty Media Company. The reason why Lu Jingfang went to work on the construction site was to shoot the material for the video. ."

"In addition, we also found that the beauty media company paid Lu Jingfang a salary of 15,000 yuan for two consecutive months, which is several times the income of her site data staff."

“We traced this clue to Beauty Media Company and found that Chen Shifeng, the general manager of Beauty Media Company, also had a black Mercedes. He gave his alibi, but it has not been fully confirmed yet.”

"Before, I said that the DNA to be tested was Chen Shifeng's. I will also send someone to verify his alibi. This is the current investigation situation."

After listening to Dai Minghan, he concluded, "Basically I understand the situation. The main investigation directions are surveillance, communication and contact, and the suspect Chen Shifeng..."


Guang'an Police Station.

Inside the director's office.

Han Weidong is leaning on his chair and playing with his mobile phone. Although he prefers the feeling of flipping through the newspaper, the news in the newspaper has certain limitations. First, the space is limited and the news is definitely not comprehensive.

Another thing is that there is a certain delay in time. What happens today will not be published in the newspaper tomorrow, but if you use the Internet, you can basically see the news on the same day.

Sometimes news spread by word of mouth is only seen in the newspaper the next day, so don't mention the depressed energy.

So Han Weidong has also changed now, instead of reading the newspaper, he has switched to his mobile phone.


There was a knock on the door outside.

Han Weidong put down his phone, "Come in."

"Crack..." Sergeant Cui Hao walked in when the door rang.

"Director, the owner of the nearby Tiannanyuan community came to report that the water supply system of the community might be poisoned." Cui Hao said.

Han Weidong said sternly, "Is the situation serious?"

"Dozens of residents have experienced diarrhea of ​​varying degrees."

Han Weidong asked, "Many conditions can cause diarrhea, how do you know that there is a problem with the water quality?"

"Recently, some residents have reported to the property company that the water in their home has a strange smell. At first, the residents didn't pay much attention to it. They only thought it was a pipe problem. It might be better after two days. But I didn't expect it lasted for ten. The next day, there was still a strange smell in the water, and the residents had diarrhea of ​​varying degrees, which made them think of calling the police."

Han Weidong frowned, "This property company is slow enough to respond. It has been a few days, and the problem has not been detected yet."

Cui Hao said, "The property company has contacted the water supply company, and it is said that there is no problem."

Han Weidong sighed, "It's not a trivial matter that dozens of residents have diarrhea."

"Who can say no? Several older residents have been hospitalized. I heard that one of the residents caused complications and the condition is more serious."

Pouring drugs in densely populated residential areas is not a trivial matter. Dozens of residents are already sick, so Han Weidong doesn't pay attention to it.


In half an hour, Tiannanyuan Community.

Two police cars drove to the gate of the community, and the manager of the property company hurriedly directed the doorman to open the door to greet him, and the police car drove directly into the community.

This is not to say that he is engaged in privileges, but that he hopes that the police car can help stabilize residents' emotions.

Han Weidong, Cui Hao and others got off the police car one after another.

The manager of the property company quickly greeted him, "Hello comrades, I am Jin Xiaobing, the manager of the property company."

Han Weidong looked at the other party, "My surname is Han and I am the director of Guang'an Police Station."

"It turned out to be Director Han, disrespectful and disrespectful." Jin Xiaobing hurriedly walked over to shake hands.

"Manager Jin, the residents of your community report that your community is suspected of being poisoned. Is that true?"

"Director Han, I'm not good at this. On the contrary, many residents have reported that there is a peculiar smell in the water, and it is true that some residents have diarrhea. So I also want to ask you to check it out. The residents can also feel relieved. ."

Han Weidong asked, "What did the people at the water company say?"

Jin Xiaobing replied, "We have contacted the water company and asked them to come to the community for maintenance. According to them, there is no problem with the water supply pipeline in the community. It is guessed that there is a problem with the high-rise water tower."

"Where is the water tower?"

"It's upstairs."

"Take us over and see."

"No problem." Jin Xiaobing agreed happily, calling an employee from a property company and letting him go to the property duty room to get the key.

This community is 32 stories high. Under the leadership of Jin Xiaobing, a group of people took the elevator up to the 32nd floor, and then got off the elevator again. The gate of the water tower is on the top floor, and it is necessary to climb up the stairs.

Jin Xiaobing took Han Weidong and others up the stairs. There was a door at the end, but the lock had been broken.

Han Weidong walked over and checked, "What's the situation? This door lock has been broken?"

"No, no, it's absolutely impossible." Jin Xiaobing hurriedly denied, "Because the top floor is more dangerous, our property company is afraid of accidents, so this door is always locked and will not open normally, let alone breaking the lock. "

Cui Hao on the side said, "Director, it is indeed possible that someone has come to the water tower."

Han Weidong nodded, "Wear your shoe covers and don't spoil the scene."

Afterwards, the group went up to the top floor. The top floor was empty and windy. No figures or unusual objects were seen.

Jin Xiaobing pointed not far away, "Director Han, the location of the water tower is in front."

"You take us over."

On the top floor, Jin Xiaobing was also a little faint. It was thirty stories high and more than one hundred meters high. If you fall from here, don't care where you land, it's a death.

Under Jin Xiaobing's guidance, a group of people reached the gate of the water tower. The gate was made of iron and had been lifted up. A lock and an iron pliers were placed next to it.

Han Weidong frowned. Judging from the situation at the scene, the possibility of being poisoned is extremely high.

"Cui Hao, you are responsible for handling the scene."


Cui Hao responded and directed several police officers to take photos, survey the scene, and put away the locks and iron pliers.

Han Weidong glanced into the water tower, it was dark and empty, and his eyes were not so good when he was old, and he couldn't see what was inside.

It can make people in a community feel that the water tastes abnormal, and dozens of people have diarrhea. If someone is poisoned, and if so many people are poisoned, and it lasts for such a long time, then the amount of poison must be a lot.

"Cui Hao, take a flashlight and check for suspicious objects in the water tower." Speaking of this, Han Weidong added,

"Be careful, don't fall."

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