Detective from The Future

Chapter 642: Identity

"Da da da……"

The slides on the screen flashed, showing pictures of the scene.

The roofs, gates, water towers, corpses, clothing, shoes, etc., came into view one by one.

Ding Xifeng and Han Bin built a three-dimensional live model in their minds, and they also had a more intuitive understanding of the case.

After reading the pictures at the scene, Wei Gaoming said, "Ding Detachment, I will introduce you to the investigation progress of the case."

"After we surveyed the site, because of the special circumstances, we couldn't visit the residents of the community, but we just asked the property company about the situation."

"According to the property management company, the door on the top floor is always closed, and the gate of the water tower is always locked. Generally, they will not send people up without special circumstances, and when the comrades of the police station arrive at the scene, the door lock and the gate lock All have been destroyed, it is very likely that the suspect has done it."

Ding Xifeng asked, "There is news of dead bodies in the water tower. Has it spread out?"

"After Director Han discovered that there was a dead body, he sent someone to seal the scene, prohibiting anyone from entering the top floor, and repeatedly warned relevant personnel not to disclose the case to the outside world. However, I personally feel that it is unlikely to hide it." Wei Gaoming After sighing, the conversation turned around and said,

"The peculiar smell in the water has not been a day or two. Many residents have troubles with their stomachs because they drank carrion water. At first, the residents thought it was a problem with the water company, but later they thought that someone might have poisoned it."

"The response of the property company was a bit slow and there were a lot of complaints. In order to calm the emotions of the residents, when the comrades from the police station arrived, the people of the property company wanted all residents to know that the police were coming and would help solve the water problem in the community. It’s not about the property company."

"It was the evening again. Many people just got off work. Some elderly people were walking around. Many residents saw police cars driving into the community. Comrades from the police station went upstairs in police uniforms. I guess it has spread among some residents."

"I thought that the police were here and could help solve the problem of the smell in the water. When we went there, the downstairs was already full of people. Director Han sent a dozen policemen to maintain order below. Persuade the residents."

"Later, people from the technical team and the forensic room went, and the corpses had to be transported back to the branch. I have made them be careful and careful, but the people are not stupid. I personally feel that I can’t keep it away. It should have spread in a small area. Up."

Ding Xifeng frowned. It is definitely not a trivial matter that concerns the water use of thousands of ordinary people. It is very likely that the leaders of the municipal party committee will also be alarmed, which is why he intervened in the case for the first time.

Ding Xifeng asked, "Has the identity of the deceased been found?"

"There were no items to prove the identity of the deceased, and no communication items such as mobile phones were found. I have sent someone to check the recent missing persons case, and maybe it can be compared." Wei Gaoming finished speaking and continued.

"There is another situation. I have sent someone to check the surveillance of the community, and there is no trace of the suspected dead person yet.

Ding Xifeng thought for a while, then turned to look at Han Bin who was aside.

"What do you think?"

Han Bin knew what Ding Xifeng meant. He wanted to ask if the two cases were related. He organized the language, "Only the situation at the scene, there are still few clues. I want to ask Captain Wei a few questions."

"Just ask."

"Captain Wei, has the autopsy report come out?"

Wei Gaoming replied, “Because the corpse is highly corrupt, the view of giants has been formed. The autopsy is more difficult, and the autopsy has not been completed yet. However, some basic information is already understood.”

Wei Gaoming flipped through his notebook and introduced, "The deceased was a woman aged between 20 and 25. The body should have been strangled and suffocated to death. There were some defensive injuries on the arms and legs. Time of death. Between fourteen and eighteen days, it is difficult to determine the exact time of death because of the decay of the corpse and the special environment."

"However, the surveillance of the community can be kept for 15 days, and no suspects were found in the surveillance video. Therefore, I estimate that the time of death of the deceased should be between the 15th and the 18th."

"That's all I know so far."

Han Bin asked, "Did the deceased suffer a surname attack during his lifetime?"

"This situation needs further autopsy to know." After Wei Gaoming finished speaking, he added, "Because the identity of the deceased has not been found out, the police can indeed obtain few clues."

Han Bin pondered for a moment. The two cases did have a certain similarity. The deceased were both young women who were strangled and suffocated to death. Shoes with dog paw prints were found near the crime scene.

Only one is the found shoe, the other is the found shoe print, and one is worn on the victim's foot and the other is worn by the suspect.

But from another perspective, suppose the two cases are related. The water tower murder case preceded the construction site homicide, and the suspect bought the victim’s dog paw print shoes after killing the victim.

This is some kind of psychological satisfaction or some kind of symbol.

It is still the suspect who started from the actual situation and felt that it was not easy to track the footprints of shoes wearing dog paw prints.

However, this line of thinking is correct at present. The shoes with dog paw prints did cause some interference to the police. If the suspects are wearing ordinary shoes, Han Bin may have analyzed the suspicion based on the footprints left on the scene. Human characteristics.

If the latter situation is true, it means that the suspect is learning and improving, and no one can guarantee that he will continue to commit crimes.

Han Bin briefly said his own analysis, and finally concluded, "From the existing evidence, the two cases have some things in common, but I cannot judge whether it was the same murderer or not. Need to continue to follow up the case."

Ding Xifeng nodded, and when he was about to say something, there was a knock on the door outside.


"Come in."

The door was pushed open from the outside, and a young police officer walked in and said, "Captain, the parents of a recently missing person came to recognize the body, but the forensic doctor has not completed the autopsy. Look..."

Wei Gaoming thought for a while, "Don't go to the forensic room for now. The condition of the body is not suitable for identification. Let the parents of the missing person look at the photos of the remains. In addition, bring a copy of the missing person's information."

"Yes." The young police officer responded, handed over a piece of information, and then quickly left the conference room.

Among the people present, Han Bin is considered the youngest. He took the initiative to take the materials and walked to the projector to show it.

Name of missing person, Zhou Jingjing.

Gender: Female

Height, 165

Weight, 49 kg

Date of birth, May 17, 1997

Mobile number, 1538157XXXX

Hometown, No. 173, Xiguan Street, Chengnan District, Qindao City

Family members, father, mother

Date of disappearance, June 11, 2020.

Report date, June 13

After reading it, Ding Xifeng touched his chin and said, "This missing person basically matches the situation of the deceased."

Wei Gaoming agreed, "The missing time, age, and height are all consistent, so we notified her parents as soon as possible."

That's the basic situation, no one can tell if it is or not, and can only wait for news from the corpse recognition side.

Han Bin picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea. The tea is good tea, but it was a pity that the tea had been brewed for a long time and it was bad.

After a while, there was another knock on the door outside the meeting room. Before Wei Gaoming could answer, the door was pushed open. It was still the police officer before. "Captain, the parents who came to the corpse are sure that the deceased is Their daughter Zhou Jingjing."

The corpse was highly corrupted and formed the view of giants. It is very difficult to recognize the appearance. Wei Gaoming confirmed, "How sure."

"The parents of the deceased said that they were 100% their daughters and they could recognize them."

Wei Gaoming thought for a while and ordered, "Collect the DNA of the deceased's mother, do a DNA sample comparison, and then bring the deceased's parents to the conference room."


All the people present were relieved. As long as the identity of the deceased is confirmed, the subsequent investigation will be much easier.

Han Bin originally wanted to offer himself a transcript for the parents of the deceased, but he gave up thinking that this was the place of others.

A few minutes later, a middle-aged couple was taken to the meeting room.

The woman looked about fifty years old, was of medium build, had a mess of hair, and was still choked. She was helped into the conference room by two police officers, one man and one woman. ,

The man looks in his forties and is relatively young, but he also has a hunched back, and his mental state does not look very good.

The man's voice choked and said, "Hello leaders, I am Zhou Jingjing's father. I am just such a daughter. She should not be killed. I beg you to avenge her."

The woman cried directly, "My poor daughter, how did you die so tragically? How could anyone be so cruel?"

Liao Pingsi, captain of the 1st Squadron of Criminal Investigation Brigade of Xinhua Branch, came over, "Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou have changed in mourning, please sit down and say."

The man grabbed Liao Pingsi's hand, "Comrade police, have you caught the murderer? Who killed my daughter?"

Liao Pingsi asked, "How do you call it?"

"My last name is Zhou, and my name is Zhou Lihui. I am Zhou Jingjing's father. This is my lover Wang Ruoli and Zhou Jingjing's mother. Comrade police, you must seek justice for my daughter. She shouldn't have died like this!"

Liao Pingsi calmed down, "Mr. Zhou and Ms. Wang, I understand your feelings very well, but we also found Zhou Jingjing's body just last night. The investigation of the case will take some time."

"Why did it take so long to find her? Didn't we call the police long ago? It's been more than half a month before we found someone. What did you police do?" Wang Ruoli said and cried again.

Everyone present was silent.

Regardless of the reason, whether it is the first time I heard about this case, no one can be indifferent to the accusations of ordinary people.

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