Detective from The Future

Chapter 660: Big reward

A lot of content has been deleted, most of which are sorrows.

"Xiaofang, how are you doing? Brother wants to watch your video every day. I can't sleep if I don't watch it, and I can't sleep even if I watch it. Okay, I confess, I want to sleep with you."

"Fangfang, your dress today is really delicious, those two big Bai legs are really greedy."

"Sister, listen to your voice, we should be fellow villagers, add my WeChat. I have time to make an appointment. Brother, I have great skills."


In addition to Saohua, there are also some rewards. Among them, there are several larger rewards in June, which add up to tens of thousands of dollars.

Han Bin knocked on the table and said to Jiang Yang on the side, "Call Chen Xihai of Liren Media Company and ask him to come over immediately."

This account belongs to Lu Jingfang and Liren Media Company. It is still unclear whether the content was deleted by Lu Jingfang or Liren Media Company.

To figure this out can we get a clear idea of ​​this matter.

Han Bin was not idle while waiting. He researched several large rewards, all of which were rewarded by the same account. The name of the rewarding account is Xia Haihai.

This account called Summer Hail also sent some private messages to Lu Jingfang, at first it said some flirting words, and then began to meet with Lu Jingfang.

Judging from the content of the private message, the two should have met three times, the first time being on the afternoon of June 18. The second time was at noon on June 22, and the third time was on the evening of June 25.

These private messages have been deleted without exception.

Judging from the content of the private message, this ‘summer hail’ is suspected of committing a major crime.

"Mr. Ni, can you please help me check the data of another account, which is called "Summer Hail"."


After a while, the technician named Xiao Ma returned.

He sat at the conference table, glanced at the computer screen, and quickly tapped ten fingers on the keyboard.

"Da da da……"

In less than thirty seconds, the information on summer hail was called up.

Summer Hail didn't have much personal information, only female, 21 years old, and the last login time was yesterday morning.

The most important point is to register the mobile phone number, 157235XXXX.

"Sister Li, contact the technical department to check the identity of the owner of this mobile phone number."


Han Bin checked the collection, attention and browsing history of the summer hail account.

Summer Hail has only visited two people recently, one is Lu Jingfang, and another is a soft girl who loves fitness.

Han Bin basically watched Lu Jingfang's video.

Han Bin clicked on the video of a soft girl who loves fitness. It is a young girl who looks like she is in her early twenties, with a ponytail, and wearing a blue tight yoga suit. She has a curvaceous figure, protruding forward and backward. I felt a little itchy after seeing it.

The girl did not speak, and started to practice yoga before the video. The exquisite figure and beautiful lines are very eye-catching.

Han Bin put the video in front of Ni Yuanfeng, "Mr. Ni, are there many similar videos on your company's website?"

Ni Yuanfeng took the phone and looked at it for a while, "'s fitness videos. Nowadays, women like to practice yoga. This anchor teaches people to practice yoga and fitness, which is pretty good."

"Are you sure this is a video teaching women to practice yoga?"


Han Bin said, "Then why I see that the fans who left messages are all men."

"Maybe some men like yoga."

Bao Xing also leaned over, and said sternly, "Are you sure this has something to do with yoga, what are you writing about?"

"Look at this one, the layout is great, so I like this type."

"And this comment, Khan pushes the cart. Which car to push. Where is the cart?"

"And the following, you can see for yourself what the mess is."

Ni Yuanfeng wiped the sweat from his forehead, he was indeed a little guilty.

"Boom..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Ni Yuanfeng was amnesty, "Come in."

The secretary pushed the door and walked in, "Mr. Ni, there is a man named Chen Xihai, the general manager of Liren Media Company, and he said he is looking for Officer Han."

Ni Yuanfeng looked at Han Bin, "Officer Han, look?"

"Let him in, I just have a few questions to ask him."

Ni Yuanfeng instructed the secretary, "Hurry up, call Chen Xihai in."

After the secretary left, Ni Yuanfeng asked, "Officer Han, do I want to avoid it."

"Not for the time being, I will tell you if necessary."

Ni Yuanfeng breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Han Bin didn't hold onto the video content.

A few minutes later, the secretary walked into the conference room with a man, it was Chen Xihai from Beauty Media.

Chen Xihai entered the conference room with a smile on his face. He walked quickly to Ni Yuanfeng and said with a fawning expression, "Mr. Ni, I am Chen Xihai from Beauty Media. I was fortunate to be invited at your company’s annual meeting last year. I have seen you."

"Oh, Mr. Chen is good." Ni Yuanfeng shook hands with each other out of politeness.

Chen Xihai looked very excited, stretched out his hands and shook it firmly.

Ni Yuanfeng retracted his right hand without a trace, and pointed to Han Bin on the side, "Chen, this is the Han police officer of the city criminal investigation team. He invited you over.

"Yes, I know, Police Officer Han, we met once." Chen Xihai turned his head and looked at Han Bin, "Hello, Police Officer Han."

Han Bin didn't say anything about Chen Xihai's actions. The two companies have an interest relationship, and Chen Xihai's Beauty Media Company is in the downstream industry chain, so it is natural to curry favor with Ni Yuanfeng.

A slight tilt of the other party's resources is enough for him.

Han Bin said, "Mr. Chen, I invite you to come over today. I have a few questions I want to ask."

"No problem, you say."

"Is the account of Xiaofang, a construction girl, operated by your company's editor, or is it operated by Lu Jingfang himself?"

Chen Xihai thought for a while, "This is also divided into circumstances, not generalized. Some anchors are relatively strong. For example, some old anchors know what kind of videos netizens like and which clips can attract fans. They can edit by themselves. Will have an extra income."

"Lu Jingfang just entered the industry. She is not familiar with video editing. The editor of our company is still responsible for editing, reviewing, and uploading."

Han Bin continued to ask, "The account of Xiaofang, the construction site girl, also has some interaction with fans. In this regard, it is your editing operation or Lu Jingfang's operation."

Chen Xihai explained, “In terms of maintaining fans, the anchors do it themselves. One is because each anchor has its own style. After the fans follow for a long time, they will have a certain understanding of the anchor’s personality and habits. It is easy to see through editing operations, which is not conducive to the cohesion of fans."

"One more thing, in the process of interacting with fans, the anchor can know more clearly what the fans like and what content they want to watch. The next time the anchor shoots, it will know how to shoot. It is also helpful for the growth of the anchor."

Han Bin asked, "What if fans give a reward to the anchor?"

Chen Xihai turned his head and glanced at Ni Yuanfeng next to him, "Five to five points."

"How is the five-fifth rule?"

"The website and our beauty media company are five to five points, and beauty media company and the anchor are also five to five points."

Han Bin said, "In other words, the anchor can only get a quarter of the reward."


"Does the account of the construction site girl Xiaofang give a lot of rewards? And how is the settlement done?"

"Um." Chen Xihai hesitated for a while, "how do I say it, I don't remember clearly."

Han Bin made a please gesture, "It's okay, doesn't this have a computer, you can log in and check it."

Chen Xihai showed an awkward expression, "I think about it, think about it..."

"That... Lu Jingfang started shooting in May. There are not many rewards in May, which adds up to a few hundred yuan. In June, there are more rewards, about 30,000 yuan, but it has to wait until July. It won’t be settled until mid-term. It’s not time yet."

"As for the settlement method, the website generally deducts half of the share and transfers the balance to the wallet of the tiao software. Our company usually withdraws more than one thousand yuan."

"Lu Jingfang's reward in May was only a few hundred yuan, so we didn't withdraw it. There were a lot of rewards in June, but it was not possible to withdraw it until the settlement in mid-July."

Han Bin wrote in his notebook, "Does your beauty media company pay attention to the content of the interaction between the anchor and the fans?"

"sometimes will."

"How do you generally handle the situation where fans ask the anchor to meet?"

Chen Xihai said, "This situation is more complicated. We generally don't support the anchor and the fans to meet in private. First, it will affect the anchor's image. Second, it will bring some uncontrollable factors."

Han Bin pointed to the account data on the computer screen, "Do you have any impression of this account called Summer Hail?"

Chen Xihai was taken aback. He checked the background data of his account for the first time. He squinted his eyes for a while and said, "I am impressed."

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