Detective from The Future

Chapter 666: progress

"No, no." Zhang Yibin was anxious, "I have no accomplices, let alone killed them two."

Han Bin slammed the notebook on the table, "How can I believe it just based on your testimony of lie?"

"You are clearly framing, how can I be a host with murder."

"Bang bang..." Bao Xing knocked on the table, "Hey, how do you talk, regardless of your profession, you are superior to the host. No one is born with the word criminal engraved on his forehead."

Zhang Yibin shouted, "I didn't mean that, I can't talk nonsense if you don't have evidence, you can't label me indiscriminately, there is no guilt, I understand the law."

"Just now you said that there is no suspicion, we put out this evidence, and you recruited it immediately. Co-author, suspicion is never with you. This is an excuse to escape crime." Han Bin hummed.

"This time I told the truth, I really didn't lie anymore." Zhang Yibin was anxious and annoyed, and almost cried.

Han Bin didn't speak, picked up Zhang Yibin's cell phone from the table and looked through it.

Zhang Yibin also has a headline account on his mobile phone.

Han Bin whispered to Jiang Yang on the side, "You can contact Ni Yuanfeng and ask him to send over the background data of Zhang Yibin's tiao account."

Jiang Yang responded and left the interrogation room with Zhang Yibin's mobile phone.

Seeing Han Bin ignoring himself and whispering to the police officer on the side, Zhang Yibin's heart became more and more hopeless. He had watched many foreign film and television dramas, and the police could not solve the case, so they would find some dead ghosts.

He was scared.

"What are you going to do, what are you going to do, I am a host, a public figure, I am not a person who can knead at will, I have a very good relationship with the leaders of Taiwan, they will not ignore me."

Bao Xing took out his cell phone from his pocket, "Which station leader, make it clear, I will call him now to see how he wants to manage you. It would be better if he understands the situation of the case. We just ask him a few questions. ."

Zhang Yibin immediately wilted. Unless it is a particularly iron relationship, it is too late to dismiss, who wants to touch it.

At this moment, Zhang Yibin's mentality collapsed.

Zhang Yibin's family is superior and his studies are good. After graduating from university, his parents spent a lot of effort to get him to work in the TV station, and he went to no less than ten with his trust relationship.

Since then, Zhang Yibin has made up his mind that he must mix up his personality on the TV station, not only for a better life, but also for his parents. In the future, he will become a famous show host. Those people should turn around. Please yourself.

After entering the TV station, although Zhang Yibin was not very popular, he also had his own show and became a real show host. Many people walking on the street can recognize him, giving him a sense of satisfaction. He is also a celebrity.

Because of his identity as the host, he also participated in a lot of dinners and met many people in the system. He had eaten and drank together. Gradually, his heart began to expand a little, and he felt that he was on Qindao. It's also a personal thing.

At the moment when he was sitting in the interrogation chair, he realized that all this was fake.

He was thinking about it in his mind, but he couldn't think of who to call for help.

To be honest, at the beginning, he was a little ignorant of these police officers. He also met some friends in the system at the dinner. They had ranks, identities, and face.

However, the subsequent development of the matter was beyond his expectation. These policemen did not care about his'identity'.

Zhang Yibin's personality is more extreme. Once he makes some achievements, he will swell. Once he encounters setbacks, he will completely deny himself.

At this time, his heart was completely messed up, he just wanted to clarify the matter, clean up his crime, and get out of here sooner.

"Comrade police, I admit that I hindered the execution of official duties, but I really didn't kill people, really didn't."

"Then you can re-state your crimes, from beginning to end. If you are unclear and ambiguous, the police will not fully accept your confession. We will continue the investigation based on the previous analysis." Han Bin said.

"I said, I said..." Zhang Yibin nodded busy.

This time, he said in great detail. From the first time Han Bin went to the TV station, he no longer had the slightest concealment. He even described his sordid heart and selfish behavior at that time in great detail.

Han Bin is just a temptation, holding the mentality of having a date or not playing three poles, and did not expect Zhang Yibin to admit that he will ultimately rely on evidence to speak.

Zhang Yibin finished describing, sobbing in a low voice, "Comrade police, what I said just now is true. I admit that I have selfish intentions, but I really didn't kill anyone, nor did I have the guts."

"Please believe me, I don't want to go to jail, please..."

"Boom." There was a knock on the door outside, Jiang Yang pushed the door and walked in, sitting next to Han Bin and whispered, "Team leader, Ni Yuanfeng sent the background data of Zhang Yibin's tiao account. No suspicious information and information have been found for the time being. Contact."

Han Bin nodded slightly.

"In addition, the captain will hold a case summary meeting so that you can finish the past trial."


"Meeting room on the fourth floor."

Han Bin packed up his things, "I'll leave it to you here, and send him back to the detention room after finishing the transcript."

Zhang Yibin shouted, "Sergeant Han, don't go, I'm innocent, please trust me."

Han Bin ignored him, except for the door of the interrogation room.

What the **** did you do early? Cooperate with the police as soon as possible.


Han Bin returned to the office and poured a glass of water, and then went directly to the conference room on the fourth floor.

Someone can be heard from outside, and the meeting should have already been held.

Han Bin didn't knock on the door, unscrewed the handle, and walked in gently.

This is so, and it also attracted the attention of some people, but it did not interfere with the progress of the meeting.

Han Bin pulled a chair and sat down, opened his notebook, making a serious record.

At this time, it was Zeng Ping who was speaking and was describing the progress of the investigation.

"Received the reminder from Team Leader Han, we rushed to Wang Siyu's home and checked the surveillance of the community. Wang Siyu left the community at around 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. She walked in a hurry, and there were a few try-on sets on the bed. The clothes are not put away."

"We checked the surveillance carefully. Wang Siyu did not come back after leaving the community yesterday. When she left home that day, she was wearing a beige dress, ponytail, black high heels, and a brown leather bag on her back."

"After leaving the community, he got on a black Mercedes-Benz with the license plate number Lu B1***d. It is different from the license plate number found near the construction site, but the color and style of the Mercedes-Benz are exactly the same."

"We checked and it was still a deck. In addition, the driver intentionally blocked it and couldn't see his appearance, but judging from his figure and clothes, the opponent should be a male."

"I personally feel that this Mercedes-Benz driver is probably the murderer of Lu Jingfang."

Ding Xifeng raised his head and asked, "Is there any trace of the Mercedes Benz?"

Zeng Ping said, "We are still using Skynet monitoring and monitoring and tracking of merchants along the street. I believe there will be results soon."

Ding Xifeng urged, "Keep track of the suspected vehicle. Judging from the current clues, Wang Siyu is likely to be held hostage by the murderer. However, we did not find her body, indicating that she is probably still alive."

"At the same time, her current situation is very critical. Every additional minute will be more dangerous. Only by finding out the identity of the murderer as soon as possible and finding his hiding place can we have a chance to rescue Wang Siyu."

"In addition, I have another situation to explain. Zhou Jingjing has extracted the murderer's DNA. After comparison, it is completely consistent with the DNA of the murderer of Lu Jingfang. This proves that our investigative thinking is correct. The two cases are the same murderer. For."

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