Detective from The Future

Chapter 668: reward

After seven o'clock in the evening, Four Seasons Restaurant.

At this time it was summer, the days were long and nights were short, the sky hadn't darkened yet, and there were many pedestrians on the road.

Compared with the bustle of the past, the Four Seasons Restaurant can be described as Menkoluoque.

Except that the door is still open, almost no people can be seen entering or leaving.

Han Bin parked the car at the door, walked into the shop, and saw Wang Ting sitting at the counter with her right hand resting on her cheek, as if in a daze.

The hall was empty, the tables and chairs were neatly arranged, and two waitresses were cleaning.

There is a glass next to the counter, you can directly see the situation of the back kitchen, this time in the past, it was the busiest time of the back kitchen, but at this time there was no one.


"Um." Wang Ting raised her head, looking back, "Are you off work?"

Han Bin stood by the counter, "Let's go home."

Wang Ting nodded and said to the two waiters, "It's almost done, you should go back soon."

The two waiters were young and didn't want to work anymore. They went to the back and changed their clothes, said hello to Wang Ting and left.

"Tingting, do you plan to suspend business for a while?"

"Yes." Wang Ting looked around the restaurant, her eyes full of nostalgia.

A lot of her efforts have been devoted here.

Han Bin patted her on the shoulder, "Let's go, this is only temporary."

Wang Ting nodded, still feeling low, and followed Han Bin into the car without saying a word.

Han Bin helped her fasten her seat belt, "Whatever you want to eat, I will treat her."

Wang Ting sighed, "My store is closed, so there is no mood to go to other people's store for dinner."

Han Bin said, "Then go home and I will cook for you."

"You have been investigating the case for a day, and you must be tired. How can you cook. I will do it."

Han Bin started the car and said with a smile, "I'm having fun cooking for you, and I'm not tired at all."

Wang Ting felt sweet in her heart, and she felt less depressed.

"After the busy days, the case is solved, I will take you out to play and relax."

Wang Ting blinked her eyes and looked at Han Bin, "Where do you want to take me to play."


Wang Ting chuckled, "I think you haven't figured it out yet."

Han Bin touched his chin and smirked. He really didn't think about it yet.

Back home, the two of them started together, cooking and chatting.

Wang Ting made a mushroom green vegetable and a winter melon ball soup.

Han Bin made a scrambled egg with tomatoes and an ant went up to the tree.

They are relatively simple home-cooked dishes, which are simple to cook and can be served.

During the meal, Wang Ting couldn't help but ask, "If the restaurant wants to change the cuisine, which cuisine do you think I should do?"

Han Bin put down his chopsticks, thought for a while and said, "The recent catering industry is not very easy to do. You might as well take a rest for a while and wait for the market to get better after a while before you decide."

"Should I stop being a restaurant and switch to other businesses?"

Han Bin clipped a piece of shiitake mushrooms to Wang Ting, "Interlace is like a mountain, even if you want to change careers, you can't rush for a while."

"That's right, then I'll take a good rest for a while, charge it up, and wait until the market is better." Wang Ting made up her mind and felt a lot more relaxed, even with her appetite.

Two people swept away three dishes and one soup.

After dinner, it was late. Wang Ting went to the bathroom to take a bath. Han Bin sat on the sofa and looked at the phone, and couldn't help but yawn.

"Congratulations, Constable 577533, for successfully solving the prison escape series." A long-lost voice rang in Han Bin's mind.

Micro expression analysis: Proficiency: +7

Observation skills: proficiency +7

Footprint identification: Proficiency +3

Meritorious value rewards 37 points.

Hearing this voice, Han Bin showed a smile, not only because of the generous rewards this time, but also representing that the series of prison escape cases have been officially closed, and Shida will receive the sanctions he deserves.

As for the 626 joint project, Han Bin also has a clue. He believes he can solve the case and catch the murderer.


The next morning, the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Han Bin entered the Criminal Investigation Building and ran into Ma Jingbo with two dark circles in the corridor.

Because the victim's body has not been found, she is very likely to be alive. In order to improve the efficiency of the case, Ding Xifeng decided to investigate in shifts around the clock.

Last night, Ma Jingbo led the second group to investigate the case.

"The horse team, your black circle is powerful enough, have you had breakfast, or should I buy you a copy?"

Ma Jingbo yawned, "No need, I will hand over with Captain Zeng, and I will go back to the dormitory to sleep, and I will buy some food by the way."

Ma Jingbo and Zeng Ping were investigating the same clue. They were both tracking Mercedes-Benz cars, while Han Bin was investigating the identity of the murderer.

Therefore, Ma Jingbo was handed over to Zeng Ping, not to Han Bin.

"Courts, is there any progress in the tracing of the Mercedes-Benz?"

"Yes, the approximate range has been locked. If it goes well, maybe you can find a Mercedes-Benz today." Ma Jingbo said in a mocking tone, "Young man, you have to work harder. Found the Mercedes-Benz, the identity of the murderer. The truth is clear, don't do useless work, kid."

Han Bin smiled and said, "That way, I will try my best to find out the identity of the murderer first."

Ma Jingbo suddenly changed his conversation, "By the way, I want to ask you something. I heard that your young people are all moonlight clan, and by the end of the month, your pockets are cleaner than their faces."

Han Bin was a little puzzled. He didn't know why Ma Jingbo asked, but he said smoothly, "This is also divided into people, and there are people who don't spend money and love to save money."

"What about you, what do you belong to?"

"I...I should be of the middle type. I don't have much money to spend. I buy things I like, and save money if I don't want them. Although it's not too much, I have some savings."

Ma Jingbo smiled and patted Han Bin on the shoulder, "Yes, this is a good habit."

Han Bin was even more puzzled. Ma Jingbo rarely asked about his personal affairs before.

Could it be... the horse team is tight, and embarrassed to speak directly.

Just as Han Bin was thinking about it, Ma Jingbo waved his hand, "I'm going back to rest, and I have to call."

Han Bin watched the other party leave, still didn't think about the meaning of the other party's words just now, and was too lazy to think about it, and went directly to a group of offices.

Han Bin made a cup of coffee first, and when the team members were almost there, he called everyone for a morning meeting.

"Jiang Yang, after I immediately interrogated the room yesterday, did Zhang Yibin explain the new situation?"

Jiang Yang replied, "I didn't say the new situation, but I kept calling myself wronged, begging us to let him go, and following the TV station would be totally different."

Bao Xing snorted, "I've seen it a long time ago. This kid is just a fool. It's enough for a big man to copy other people's programs, but also to copy a blind date program."

Since there is no progress on Zhang Yibin's side, Han Bin decided to let it go first and said, "Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang, you two go to the bank to check the source of funds for the summer hail account reward."

"Sister Li and Bao Xing, you two will go to the tiao company with me, and you must tie the bell to untie the bell. Maybe you can find the identity of the murderer from this company."

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