Detective from The Future

Chapter 676: Reunion

After eating, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. Han Bin drank some water, and continued to work without taking a break.

Han Bin did not interrogate Fan Xianyi immediately, but first made a transcript for Wang Siyu.

With Wang Siyu's testimony, the trial will do more with less.

Wang Siyu rested for a while, her mood gradually stabilized, and at the same time she put on clean clothes.

After seeing Han Bin and others, Wang Siyu bowed deeply, "Thank you comrades, thank you for saving me."

"Miss Wang, you are welcome, please sit down." Han Bin made a please gesture and motioned to Li Qin to take a note for her.

Wang Siyu has just experienced some bad things, and there will be some resistance to men, so it is more appropriate for Li Qin to ask, while Han Bin sits and listens.

Li Qin whispered, "Miss Wang, how are you feeling now? Can you take a transcript?"

Wang Siyu nodded slightly, "Yes, I am willing to assist the police in the investigation."

"How did you and Fan Xianyi meet? How long have you known each other?"

Wang Siyu thought for a while, "It didn't take long for him to contact me at the end of June."

"How did he contact you?"

"I contacted me through Toutiao software. I am the anchor of Toutiao and will post some videos on the website. He privately wrote to me and said that my appearance is good. He knows some friends in the film and television industry and can recommend me some auditions. opportunity."

"I think this is an opportunity to meet him."

Li Qin asked, "Do you really want to be an actor?"


"How did Fan Xianyi know?"

Wang Siyu showed a look of regret, "I said in the video when I filmed the video that my dream is to be an actor. He may have seen my video and knew my thoughts."

"Now I feel stupid. Why do you want to say this in the video? Everyone knows what I want and can count on me. I feel like a fool, so why can I be fooled so easily."

With that, Wang Siyu cried again.

Li Qin handed her a tissue, "Can you tell me what happened when you two met?"

"He said he would invite me to dinner, and he said he wanted to come and pick me up, so I agreed. He drove a black Mercedes-Benz and picked me up at the gate of my community, and then I got in his car."

"The weather was relatively hot that day. After getting in the car, he gave me a bottle of mineral water. I got out in a hurry and I was a little thirsty. I unscrewed it and drank it. Later..." Wang Siyu clenched his fist tightly. Gritting his teeth, "I feel a little dizzy, so I don't know anything."

"The first time you two met, and you are not familiar with each other, would you dare to drink the water he gave?"

Wang Siyu regretted, "At first I hesitated, but later I found that the bottle cap hadn't been opened and he couldn't put anything in it. I was afraid that it would be bad to refuse him, so I drank it.

Li Qin shook his head. He felt that the other party was still too young and wanted to add ingredients to the bottle. There was no need to open the bottle cap. There were so many new bottles in old Maotai bottles. If the cap was destroyed, who would buy it.

"Later, I woke up, and I found that I had..." Wang Siyu burst into tears, with a painful expression on his face, as if he was thinking of some unbearable memory.

"He told me that he likes me, he will be responsible for me, will not hurt me, and let me be his girlfriend... I dare not refuse."

"I also thought about running away and lied to him that he wanted to go out and wander around, so he tied dangerous objects to me, and said it was only temporary. As long as I don't run, just listen to him honestly, he will help me untie it later. ."

"I'm so scared, how can I run with that thing, I can't run at all, woo..."

"If it weren't for your rescue in time, I would already want to die, I'm too scared, he is a demon..."

Seeing her crying so sad, everyone present was a little moved.

Han Bin didn't know how to persuade him, but just listened quietly by the side and let her cry by herself, which might be better.

After a while, Wang Siyu stopped crying, "Officer Han, what will happen to that person?"

"You mean Fan Xianyi?"

Wang Siyu bit his lip and nodded.

"As far as we know, before you were kidnapped, Fan Xianyi kidnapped two other young women and murdered them cruelly. As long as the DNA comparison results come out, we can convict him."

Wang Siyu said with a trembling voice, "He...he has kidnapped and killed other people?"

"Not bad." Han Bin sighed and continued, "Because the two women have been killed and we have no other witnesses, I don't know if you are willing to come forward to testify against him."

"I..." Wang Siyu was a little frightened, and then his eyes became more determined, "I am willing."

Li Qin encouraged, "Well, with your testimony, we can definitely bring him to justice!"

"Boom..." Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

The office door opened from the outside, and Huang Qianqian led a pair of young men and women in.

The man Han Bin knew, Wang Siyu's brother, Wang Shiyuan.

At this time he looked haggard, but his spirit was very excited.

"Thinking about rain!"

"Brother, sister-in-law." Wang Siyu stood up, threw herself into Wang Shiyuan's arms, and burst into tears.

"Siyu, it's okay, don't be afraid, brother is here."

Wang Shiyuan's wife also came over and put her arms around Wang Siyu's shoulders, "Siyu, you will be fine if you come back, but it scared us."

The three cried together in a hug.

After a while, Wang Shiyuan wiped his eyes, walked in front of Han Bin and the others, bent his legs, and knelt down, "Police Officer Han, comrades, thank you, thank you for saving my sister."

None of the people present expected him to kneel, and Bao Xing and Jiang Yang hurriedly helped him up.

Han Bin persuaded, "Mr. Wang, you don't need to do this. We are the police, and protecting the people is what we should do."

"No... this is different. You not only saved my sister, but also our family." After that, Wang Shiyuan was about to kneel again, but he was being held by Bao Xing and Jiang Yang, and couldn't kneel anyway.

After Wang Shiyuan learned that his sister had been kidnapped, and possibly even killed, he felt uneasy. He dared not tell his parents, only his wife.

However, this matter couldn't be kept for too long. His parents also noticed the problem and couldn't contact Wang Siyu on the phone. They repeatedly asked Wang Shiyuan whether he knew where his sister was.

Wang Shiyuan couldn't hold it anymore, he had a bad feeling that his sister was probably no longer there.

His parents are getting older and are sick again, especially when his mother has a heart disease. He fears that once his parents know that his sister has been kidnapped, he may not be able to accept it.

Just when he hesitated and didn't know what to do, he received a call from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade saying that Wang Siyu had been rescued successfully.

At that moment, Wang Shiyuan was stunned, thinking that he was dreaming, he gave himself a big mouth.


He knew it was not a dream.

He cried with joy and drove to the city office immediately.

His gratitude to Han Bin and others could not be expressed in words. It was not Wang Siyu alone who saved them, but the entire Wang family.

Han Bin and others persuaded them for a while before the emotions of the Wang family stabilized.

Wang Siyu's spirit is a little bad, and he is not suitable for continuing to take notes, so he can only interrupt temporarily.

After sending away the three of Wang's family, Han Bin took a sigh of relief and calmed down after drinking a cup of tea.

"Chuck..." With a sound, the office door was opened again.

Ma Jingbo walked in, "Did you finish the transcript?"

Han Bin smiled bitterly, "Have you heard it all?"

"What do you mean?" Just across a room, how could Ma Jingbo not hear.

Bao Xing handed over a document, "The horse team, this is Wang Siyu's transcript."

Ma Jingbo took it in his hand and opened it. He probably knew it in his mind. "There was news from the left-behind police in Xiaofeng Village. They found some items that looked like Fan Xianyi in the garbage dump outside Fan Xianyi's rental house. Among them was a pair of black ones. Dog paw print shoes."

"The shoes have been sent to the technical department. They have undergone technical appraisal and they are exactly the same as the footprints left on site."

"Do you want to check it out."

Han Bin thought for a while, "Since the technical department has given the appraisal conclusion, I won't mix it up."

Han Bin is indeed proficient in footprint identification, but he is not an in-service technician and cannot issue relevant identification procedures.

To put it bluntly, Han Bin's footprint appraisal can only provide the direction of investigation and cannot be used as evidence for a verdict.

However, this is also good news. With shoes as evidence, the evidence to convict Fan Xianyi is even more sufficient.

"The horse team, when will Fan Xianyi be interrogated? Should we wait for the DNA identification result?"

Ma Jingbo shook his head, "The DNA test results have to wait until tomorrow, but the above is very tight, let us interrogate as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

"I am going to arraign Fan Xianyi now. With the evidence we have now, it is not difficult to convict him."

Han Bin stretched, and after a day of tossing, he was also a little tired.

However, now is the critical moment, he can't drop the chain.

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