after get off work.

Han Bin went to his parents' house to eat. What he eats is secondary. The key is to tell his father that he is safe.

Han Bin estimated that he would not be completely relieved without seeing himself.

Han Bin had dinner with his parents, and while his mother was doing the dishes in the kitchen, he chatted with his father about the case.

Han Weidong has worked in the Qindao public security system for most of his life, and he has many acquaintances in the Municipal Bureau. He knows a little about this case, but because of confidentiality reasons, he doesn't know much.

However, the suspect had been caught and his son was not injured, so he was relieved.

That's the case, he still took advantage of his tea time and told Han Bin to be careful in the future. Although investigating the case is important, the body is the capital of the revolution and safety first.

Han Bin agreed, he was not the kind of desperate person to solve the case.

After eating, Han Bin went home to rest.

Today, Wang Ting also returned to his parents' house, and the room was a bit deserted.

Han Bin chatted with Wang Ting on WeChat, and fell asleep after listening to the novel.

Early the next morning.

"Tingling bell..." A cell phone rang.

When Han Bin looked at his cell phone, it was Li Hui's call.

Han Bin pressed the answer button, "Hey, Leader Li, where is it cool."

"We came back last night. I wanted to call you, but I was afraid to interrupt your rest. How is the investigation going?"

"The suspect has been caught, and the victim has been rescued."

Li Hui smashed his mouth, "Tsk tsk, awesome, it's our team leader Han, who solved the case before I came back."

"You are ashamed to say that you went out to be chic, and came back only after investigating the case."

Li Hui smiled bitterly, "Big brother, I am also very helpless. I am in a dilemma. If I don't go, I'm afraid my wife will be upset. When I go, I'm thinking about the case again, and I'm not playing pragmatically."

"Furthermore, I didn't expect to solve the case so quickly, it would not give me a chance to perform."

Han Bin yawned, "Okay, don't talk, I should get up to work. If you really feel owed, please have a good meal another day."

Li Hui vowed to say, "It's okay, it's necessary."

Han Bin smiled, "But let's say it first, you can't always eat big kidneys and change your taste."

Li Hui "..."

After Han Bin got up, he didn't go downstairs to eat at his parents' house. Although his mother's meal was delicious, it was good to change the taste occasionally.

There is a pancake stall near the Municipal Bureau that tastes good. The pancakes are filled with two eggs, a ham, a fried dough stick, and a cup of soy milk. Breakfast is basically enough.

When he arrived at the city bureau, Han Bin called the crowd and held a short meeting, mainly to prepare for the trial of Fan Xianyi.

Yesterday's interrogation failed to pry his mouth open. Today, Han Bin must be more fully prepared.

At the beginning of the meeting, Bao Xing first talked about the situation of yesterday's interrogation and distributed the interrogation records to everyone.

After everyone finished watching, Han Bin glanced, "What do you think?"

Wang Xiao put down the information, "This kid is a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water. It is not easy to get him to touch him."

Bao Xing said with a smile, "That is, if it were easy, the team leader and I would put him off yesterday."

Li Qin knocked on the information on the table, "From the content of the transcript, Fan Xianyi's attitude towards Wang Siyu is somewhat different from the previous two victims."

Han Bin went on to say, "I also feel that Fan Xianyi should be a bit sincere towards Wang Siyu."

Huang Qianqian snorted, "Like this kind of murderous demon, what are you talking about sincerely. Wang Siyu still trembles when he hears his name, and I guess it will leave a shadow in this life."

On the contrary, Han Bin felt that Fan Xianyi's true feelings for Wang Siyu were not a bad thing, but it might be helpful to solve the case.

"Wang Xiao, you call Wang Siyu and ask her to take notes at the police station. Ask about black dog paw print shoes, Mercedes-Benz cars and other related clues."

"Sister Li, take someone to interrogate Li Yancui and ask about the source of the dangerous goods. More importantly, ask Fan Xianyi if he has been irritated or emotionally hurt before, and if he is hostile to women."


"Papa." Han Bin slapped his hands. "Okay, the meeting will end here. Let's split up."

After arranging the task, Han Bin sat at the table drinking coffee. It was not easy to pry open Fan Xianyi's mouth. It would take a lot of time and energy. Han Bin now needs to recharge.

After a short break, Han Bin went to Ma Jingbo's office again, reported the situation to him, and discussed the next interrogation plan.

Near noon, the technical department sent the most important clue, Fan Xianyi's DNA test report.

After comparing Fan Xianyi's DNA with the DNA found in the victims of the 626 joint project, they are completely consistent.

With this evidence, the next trial will be much easier.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, Fan Xianyi was taken into the interrogation room again.

There are three people in charge of interrogating him, namely Han Bin, Li Qin, and Bao Xing.

Han Bin is straightforward, "Fan Xianyi, how are you thinking about it?"

Fan Xianyi asked, "Are you going to solve the case by dealing with the suspect now?"

Han Bin replied, "Our police are people-oriented. As long as the suspect is willing to cooperate with the investigation, we will provide some convenience within the scope permitted by the policy. To put it a step further, as long as you commit a crime, you will leave evidence, even if you do not confess. The police can also convict you."

"Then just tell me, how can I offend me?"

"It's me asking you now, not you asking me." Han Bin opened his notebook, "June 25th between 9:30pm and 1:30am, where are you?"

"I can't remember."

"Then I will remind you, have you ever been to the construction site of Everbright Real Estate Company in Yuhua District?"


"Have you met Lu Jingfang?"

"never seen it."

"you sure?"


"Then tell me, why does Lu Jingfang have your DNA in his body?"

Fan Xianyi was silent, and said after a while, "That can only prove that I had **** with her, it cannot prove that I killed her."

Han Bin found out yesterday's transcript, "Where is Zhou Jingjing? Yesterday you admitted to killing her."

"I'm talking nonsense."

"Why nonsense?"

"It was you who said that I killed Zhou Jingjing. I was so angry that I just said nonsense."

"Then have you met Zhou Jingjing?"

Fan Xianyi thought for a while, "No."

"We also found your DNA in Zhou Jing crystal."

"Impossible, all her corpses..." Fan Xianyi stopped halfway through.

Han Bin went on to say, "You mean to say that her body was thrown into the water tower, why can DNA be detected?"

Fan Xianyi lowered his head and said stiffly, "Anyway, I have never killed anyone. If you have evidence, you can condemn me."

"Fan Xianyi, I hope you can correct your attitude, and cooperating with the police is best for you."

Fan Xianyi sneered, "What's the advantage? Let me confess the crime of murder and shoot me earlier."

From Han Bin's experience, Fan Xianyi's attitude is difficult to communicate anymore, and he glanced at Li Qin next to him.

Li Qin nodded and walked to the interrogation table, "Fan Xianyi, do you know Zhang Ranran?"

Fan Xianyi glared at her without speaking.

Li Qin took out a photo, "Look clearly, do you recognize it?"

"none of your business."

"It should have been a long time since you guys." Li Qin took a photo of Fan Xianyi with her mobile phone. "I wonder what she thinks when she sees you now. You two childhood sweethearts have so much affection. Okay, she should be very sad."

"Fart, she won't be sad and deleted my photo."

"That won't work." Li Qin shook the phone, "I'm going to have a video call with her and ask her a few questions. Your photo should be used as evidence for her to identify."

Fan Xianyi gritted his teeth and said, "My business has nothing to do with her."

"Since it doesn't matter, what are you doing so excited? I heard that you grew up together, she should know you well. I just routinely ask about some cases."

Fan Xianyi asked loudly, "She has all gone to America. We haven't seen each other for many years. Why are you asking her?"

Bao Xing said, "If you don't meet, it doesn't mean that you have no contact. You can use your head to tiao it. It's so convenient, you can send private messages, and you can also video."

Fan Xianyi scolded, "I bought a watch last year!"

Bao Xing sneered, "When I'm waiting for Zhang Ranran's video, I must ask her if I know about your strong murder."

"You can't do this, don't tell her about me, a bunch of bastards."

"We are bastards, then what are you? What are the two innocent women killed by you?" Bao Xing patted the table and scolded, "For Zhou Jingjing, Lu Jingfang, and Wang Siyu, you are the real demon. "

Han Bin patted Bao Xing on the shoulder and signaled him not to be so excited, "Fan Xianyi, since you don't want to recruit, then do so first. Let's ask some relevant personnel involved in the case, and maybe we can make new discoveries."

Fan Xianyi glared at Han Bin, where he couldn't hear what he meant, and took a deep breath, "Don't contact Zhang Ranran, I'll recruit."

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