Detective from The Future

Chapter 688: Check

"I understand. At the time, your approach was correct." Han Bin comforted. If the security and the robbers clashed, the case is likely to become a robbery and murder case, and it will only be more difficult.

Zhang Jinhui squeezed a smile and looked a little more relaxed.

As a security guard, his duty is to protect the company's property. If the money is robbed, he must feel awkward, afraid of being looked down upon.

But when the police said this, he felt relieved.

"Mr. Zhang, I need you to come with us to the police station to help identify the tattoo designs and gun styles."

"No problem. As long as it helps the investigation."

"Thank you." Han Bin said politely, and then asked someone to take him away.

Soon after Zhang Jinhui left, Tang Jinping and Jiang Yang returned to the meeting room, and they also finished the transcript for Ma Hui.

The two parties exchanged and checked the transcript, and the confessions of the two were basically the same.

Han Bin put down the transcript, "Tang, you are familiar with the surrounding situation, and you still need your help to check this tattoo design."

"No problem. As long as he's in this area, I'm sure to get him out."

"Excuse me."

"You are polite, it's all to solve the case."

"Boom..." Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door was pushed open from the outside, and Fanglong Storage Company manager Li Shiwei walked in with a woman.

"Captain Han, aren't you looking for our company's cashier? This is it."

The woman nodded, "Captain Han, my name is Deng Xiaoli."

Han Bin looked at the other party, Deng Xiaoli was wearing glasses, she was not tall and looked pretty.

"Sister Li, you take someone to make a transcript for her."

"Okay." Li Qin responded and took Deng Xiaoli to the nearby office.

Li Shiwei did not intend to leave, and went to sit down at the conference table, "There is a situation, I want to respond to you."

"Some time ago, our company fired an employee. He was very angry and said that sooner or later he would bankrupt the company. At that time, I didn't take it as the same thing. Thinking about it now... I think I should tell you about this situation."

"Why fire him?"

"This employee is getting sick and he is not doing his work with all his heart. Some time ago due to work mistakes, the company lost a lot of money. I deducted some of his wages. He quarreled with me, and I fired him. Swearing, I asked the security to drive him out."

"What's his name?"

"Feng Renyong."

Han Bin made a note in his notebook, "Do you have his contact information?"

"Yes, I just checked from the personnel department, this is his information." Li Shiwei took out a document and placed it beside Han Bin.

Han Bin took the file and checked it, "We will investigate."

"Sergeant Han, is there any progress in the investigation of the case now? Has the robber traced been found?"

"not yet."

"Then the villagers are all waiting for the money to be paid when the suspect can be caught and the dividends can be recovered."

Han Bin said sternly, "No one knows the exact time to solve the case, but you can rest assured that we will do our best to investigate the case."

Hearing this, Li Shiwei couldn't help being a little discouraged.

After Li Shiwei left, Han Bin talked with the two police officers who were assisting in the delivery of cash.

The two police officers did follow to obtain cash from the bank, and found no abnormalities along the way. They safely sent the cash to the Finance Department and left.

The two police officers did not provide too many valuable clues.

Subsequently, Han Bin arranged another task.

Tang Jinping took the police to collect surveillance around the company.

Han Bin took people to find Feng Renyong.

The information given by Li Shiwei contains Feng Renyong's address.

He lives in Gaomao Village near Fangjing Village, and it takes only ten minutes to drive.

A policeman from the Fuping Town Police Station led Han Bin and others and found the Gaomao Village Committee smoothly.

The village chief is Gao Luyuan, probably in his thirties, young and capable, and he is considered relatively young among the village chiefs Han Bin has met.

After learning the purpose of Han Bin and others, Gao Luyuan happily agreed to take Han Bin and others to Feng Renyong's house.

Driving is only a few steps away.

Feng Renyong's house is facing a small street, the black wooden door is closed tightly, and the couplet at the door is a little pale.

Han Bin made arrangements in advance and arranged for the team members to guard at the back to prevent the suspect from escaping from behind.

Afterwards, the village chief Gao Luyuan called for help, "Boom..."

"Who is it?" A man's voice sounded in the yard, which sounded a bit immature.

"I am the head of the village. Open the door."

"Chuck..." The door opened, and a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy showed his head. "The village chief, what's the matter?"

Gao Luyuan glared, "Open the door, where is your father?"

"My dad is not at home."

"Where did you go?"

"Go to work in the city, you have already left."

Han Bin asked, "When did I go to work in the city?"

The boy asked, "Who are you, why haven't I met you?"

"I'm from the city. I have something to do with your dad."

"What's the matter?"

"It's a private matter. When did your dad leave the house?"

"It's been a few days since I left."

"What day did you leave?"

"I can't remember. What the **** do you do, asking in such detail? What can I do with my dad?"

Gao Luyuan waved his hand, "Why are you a hairy boy with so many questions, what about your mother?"

"My mother went to work in the factory."

"Which factory?"

"East of the village, the old Liu's wooden door factory."

Gao Luyuan frowned, "Okay, you can go back."

"Hehe." The young man smiled and closed the door again.

Gao Luyuan asked, "Captain Han, should I take you to the wooden door factory to ask Feng Renyong's wife."

Han Bin didn't answer immediately. Based on his experience, this kid was probably lying.

Han Bin pointed to Jiang Yang, "Go to the neighbor's house to ask about the situation."

"Yes." Jiang Yang responded and knocked on the neighbor's door.

After asking for a few sentences, Jiang Yang walked back, "Team Korea, I asked, the neighbor said that he saw Feng Renyong at home yesterday, and this kid lied."

"This brat even lied to me." Gao Luyuan was a little angry, "Captain Han, or I will call the door again."

Han Bin shook his head. If Feng Renyong is not at home, there is no need for the kid to lie. In other words, Feng Renyong is probably hiding at home now.

The other party may use a perfunctory attitude the first time you call the door. If you call the door again, the other party will probably notice that the police has discovered an abnormality and will definitely be prepared. In this way, the police will become passive instead.

In the beginning, Han Bin didn't think Feng Renyong had too much suspicion, just a routine investigation.

Feng Renyong's act of lying, on the contrary, there is no silver three hundred taels here, which raised his suspicion.

If Feng Renyong is really a robber, then he is likely to have a gun, and Han Bin has to guard against it.

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