Detective from The Future

Chapter 693: Identity

Han Bin whispered to Jiang Yang on the side, "Go and verify."

"Yes." Jiang Yang looked at Wang Donggen, "What's the name of the person talking with you?"

"I don't know what her name is, only her screen name is'Lonely Cloud'."

"What are you talking about?"


After asking, Jiang Yang left the interrogation room.

Wang Donggen breathed a sigh of relief, "Comrade police, what I said is true. I really haven't been to any storage company. I was wronged."

"You keep saying that you are wronged, then how do you explain this tattoo?"

"Someone must have planted me."

Han Bin said, "Who is planting you?"

"I... don't know which **** did it." Wang Donggen was a little upset. It wasn't that he didn't doubt the object, but that there were too many objects.

Take the matter of eating the King’s meal today, he has long been used to it, and he often does it. Not only does he want to pay less, he prefers that feeling.

Like this kind of wicked things, he did more and offended more people.

Han Bin suspended the interrogation and compared the photos with Wang Donggen.

The suspect in the photo looks like Wang Donggen. He wears a headgear and cannot be identified from the outside. Only the half-exposed tattoo is special.

Wang Donggen is likely to be a suspect.

But in case, if the person in the photo is not Wang Donggen, is someone deliberately framed him?

Han Bin put the photo in front of Wang Donggen, "If you look at this photo carefully, does it look like someone you know?"

Wang Donggen held the photo with both hands and looked at it for a long time, "Xu Haipeng, Li Gen, Wang Zhihu, Dong Haiyang, they all look like this person."

Han Bin frowned, "These people all have enemies with you."

"Yes, I have something wrong with them."

"Tsk tusk." Bao Xing smashed his lips, "You are really good, don't say, don't tell, there are four people."

Wang Donggen sighed, "You will inevitably offend some people when you come out, and there is nothing I can do about it."

Bao Xing took out a piece of paper and put it in front of Wang Donggen, "Write down the details of these people."

"Okay." Wang Donggen hurriedly took the carbon pen and started writing.

After a while, Wang Donggen raised his head and said, "It's done."

Bao Xing took his paper and pen, and put the paper in front of Han Bin.

Han Bin took a look, only the name and simple address, it is not easy to find out, "What about the phone number?"

"I can not remember."

"Is it in the phone?"

"There should be some, but not all. I can't remember who they are. But if I want to catch them, I can ask my friends and I will find their numbers soon."

Han Bin put the paper on the interrogation table. When he was about to say something, Jiang Yang walked in from the outside and whispered in Han Bin’s ear, “Team Han, it’s been verified. This old boy was indeed following People chatted on video and the other party said they could testify to him."

"Is it credible?"

Jiang Yang hesitated, "It's hard to tell, I asked the lady to come to the police station to make a transcript, and she didn't want to."

Han Bin nodded. Although Wang Donggen was testifying, the credibility has yet to be verified. However, it can alleviate Wang Donggen's suspicion to a certain extent.

Wang Donggen vaguely guessed something, "Comrade police, what did the woman say? Did she prove my innocence."

Han Bin turned around, "We asked her to come to the police station to make a transcript, but she refused."

Wang Donggen cursed, "Huh? This stinky lady, I had a good chat yesterday, and promised to meet with me. Why did you turn your face today."

Han Bin knocked on the table, "Stop shouting. What is your relationship with her?"

"It's a netizen."

"Have you met?"

"not yet."

Han Bin replied, "If no one knows you, what obligation do you have to testify to you?"

Wang Donggen stomped his feet angrily, "Then she can't harm people, she is pushing me into the fire pit."

"You can only save yourself now."

"Comrade police, then you show me a clear way, how should I save myself, tell me, I will cooperate well."

Han Bin opened his notebook, "Do you know someone called Lao Pao?"

"What's your name?"

"Old gun."

"Lao Pao..." Wang Donggen lowered his head and muttered silently. After a while, he suddenly raised his head, "I remember, there really is such a person. His surname is Wang, Wang Zhixiang, and his nickname is Lao Pao. ."

"He is also from Fuping Town?"

"He is not."

"He followed Bao Jinlong. Bao Jinlong belongs to Fuping. He is Bao Jinlong's Ma Tsai."

Han Bin wrote in his notebook, "How did you meet him?"

"One time at KTV, we were with a bunch of friends. Lao Pao came with Bao Jinlong. I toasted Bao Jinlong. Before Bao Jinlong had spoken, the old Pao stopped the wine and didn't give any face. "

"I didn't have a good temper, so I had a fight with him. I smoked him twice. If it weren't for Bao Jinlong to stop me, I would have to let a few brothers break it."

Bao Xing scolded with a stern face, "Hey, look at what you can do. Do you know where this is? You want to get rid of people, I think you don't want to go out."

Wang Donggen hurriedly changed his words, "I'm sorry, I made a slip of the tongue, just to frighten him. I can't take it seriously. I know the law and have a sense of measure."

Han Bin continued to ask, "Do you have the address or contact information of Lao Pao?"

"No." Wang Donggen replied, and added, "However, I have Bao Jinlong's address and phone number. He is Lao Pao's elder brother. If you find him, you can find Lao Pao."


Bao Jinlong's home in Fuping Town.

In a spacious courtyard, there is a masonry path paved with vegetables on the left side and a clearing on the right.

A big bald man wearing a gold chain, one hand on his hips, another hand holding a purple clay hand pot, this man is a golden dragon.

Standing next to him were his two younger brothers, Lao Pao and Lu Tonghai.

Old Pao rubbed his hands, his face was flattering, "Boss, those stinky policemen haven't moved at all, should we..."

Lu Tonghai also came over, showing a look of expectation, "Boss Bao, my family can't open the pot anymore. I'm waiting for money."

Bao Jinlong smiled, don't look at him calmly on the surface, he couldn't hold back for a long time, "Go get a shovel and dig."


The two younger brothers snatched up the shovel by the wall and began to dig in the clearing.

These three people were the robbers who robbed Fanglong Storage Company. In order to avoid arousing suspicion, they hid the tools of the crime and the stolen money in Bao Jinlong's yard.

Bao Jinlong had planned to wait for the limelight to divide the money, but the two younger brothers could not wait, so they came to his house this morning and rubbed him all morning.

Bao Jinlong was also said to be a little excited, anyway, sooner or later, as long as it is low-key, it should not attract the attention of the police.

They had been very careful throughout the crime, and he was confident that there should be no evidence left.

Under the stimulus of money, the two younger brothers were very motivated. In addition, the soil was buried yesterday and was a little loose, so the suitcases were dug out soon.

The suitcase is full of money and heavy.

The two brothers worked together to pull the box out of the ground.

"Mother, such a big box of money is ours." Lu Tonghai stared at the suitcase with a smirk.

"Why do you open it in a daze?" Bao Jinlong kicked the box, "I told you a long time ago, as long as you are willing to follow me, keep your delicious and spicy food."

The suitcase was locked, but the symbolic meaning of this kind of lock was greater. The old gun grabbed a pair of iron tongs and opened it directly, and could not wait to open the zipper.

The lid of the box was opened, and it was filled with red banknotes.

Old Pao swallowed, "Sister, I have never seen this money in my life."

"It's so beautiful, so beautiful." Lu Tonghai knelt beside the box, grabbing a few stacks of banknotes with both hands.

Bao Jinlong kicked Lu Tonghai and said with a smile, "Mother, look at what you two are doing."

"Hehe..." Lao Pao and Lu Tonghai also followed with a smirk.

As long as there is money, let alone a kick, they are happy to kick ten.

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