Detective from The Future

Chapter 699: one second

This heuristic method can be used once.

If you use it again, you will lose the unexpected effect, and the suspect will know that you are cheating him.

Han Bin said earnestly, "Old Pao, I still like to call you by your nickname, there is a kind of intimacy."

Wang Zhixiang shrank his neck back, and the police got close to you, which is not a good thing.

"Old Pao, I can be sure that you are the inner responder, but the person who colluded with you is not Lin Zhengyi." Han Bin thought for a while, and the remaining three were suspected, but the most suspected one was Li Shiwei.

"It's Li Shiwei, the manager of Fanglong Storage Company."

The old gun's forehead was covered with sweat, but perhaps he was prepared in his heart, without the panic he had before, and said in a low voice, "Captain Han, you misunderstood me. I really am not an internal response."

Han Bin continued to persuade, "Don't try to deceive me, you know the consequences."

"I didn't deceive you, I really don't know anything." Old Cannon lowered his head.

"If you tell the whereabouts of the stolen money now, and are willing to come forward to identify him, I will help you to reduce your sentence."

"Captain Han, I have said everything that should be said, but what you have never done before, what do you want me to say, I don't want to lie to you." Lao Pao sighed.

"I feel a little uncomfortable with my head, can you give me a break?"

Bao Xing warned, "Old Pao, if you don't seize this opportunity, once Li Shiwei confesses and proves that you are lying, your previous commutation will be in vain."

The old gun patted his forehead, "Comrade police, I'm really uncomfortable, please, let me take a break."

The suspect said that he was unwell, whether it was true or not, the interrogation was generally interrupted.

Out of the interrogation room, Bao Xing asked in a low voice, "Team Korea, are you sure he is the internal answer?"

Han Bin nodded, "It should be him."

Bao Xing asked, "This old gun started to act very cooperatively. Now that he has been arrested, why he refuses to explain it truthfully."

Han Bin lit his cigarette and took a sip, "They did these things for a word of money after all. We have no evidence now, no one has identified him, and no stolen money has been found, so he naturally refuses to explain it lightly."

Lao Pao was arrested, and he must go to jail. If he confesses the whereabouts of the stolen money, he will still be a pauper after he is released from prison.

If the stolen money has not been found, his accomplices will definitely give him a share in order to prevent him from biting. At least he will be able to ensure that he has nothing to worry about when he is out of prison.

It is not unreasonable that people die for money and birds die for food.

"The Korean team, the old gun refuses to recruit, then how do we check now?"

Han Bin flicked the soot, with a hint of advice, "What do you think?"

"I." Bao Xing licked his lips. "According to your guess, Li Shiwei is the most suspicious. We can check whether there is any connection between Lao Pao and Li Shiwei, or directly ask Li Shiwei to the police station for questioning."

Han Bin said, “The first idea is good. If we can find a connection between the two, we can confirm our previous speculation. As for bringing Li Shiwei to the police station for questioning, I think it’s still too early. With tangible evidence, Li Shiwei will certainly not confess easily."

"The urgent task is to figure out how Li Shiwei exchanged real money for fake money. As long as this is clear, it is not difficult to find evidence of Li Shiwei."

While talking, the two have returned to the office, and none of the others have returned.

Bao Xing also lit a cigarette and stood by the window and took a sip, "Team Han, in fact, I am also a little puzzled. If it is really Li Shiwei's exchange of money, how did he do it? He asked the police officer at the police station for assistance. It’s too courageous to transport cash."

Han Bin walked to the whiteboard and wrote a few words: bank, escort, and financial office.

"The **** process is mainly divided into these three places. Among them, there are police officers watching during the escort. I have talked to two police officers seriously. The possibility of Li Shiwei transferring flowers is extremely small. The remaining two places are the bank and the financial room. Two places should focus on investigation."

Bao Xing frowned, "But these two places are monitored, and the technical department has already inspected the financial room, and found no suspicious circumstances."

Han Bin thoughtfully, "There is monitoring does not mean that there are no dead ends."

After another while, others came back one after another.

Han Bin convened a meeting again to summarize the situation.

Neither Bao Jinlong nor Lu Tonghai admitted that they were internal responses, and Li Qin, Wang Xiao and others did not ask for valuable clues.

Han Bin immediately focused the investigation on Lao Pao and Li Shiwei.

"Wang Xiao, Jiang Yang, now you go to Fanglong Storage Company to keep an eye on Li Shiwei. You can ask the police officer of Fuping Town Police Station for assistance. You can't let him leave the sight of the police within 24 hours. At the same time, if you find him abnormal, report it immediately. ."

"Li Qin, go check if there is any communication between Lao Pao and Li Shiwei."

"Bao Xing, you come to ICBC with me."



Forty minutes later, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, 208 Intercity Road.

Han Bin contacted the bank staff before he came, and the bank’s deputy governor Li Jinying was responsible for receiving him.

Li Jinying is in her thirties, with curly hair perming and wearing rimless glasses, a kind-looking lady.

After seeing Han Bin, Li Jinying was a little surprised, "Hey, you are Captain Han, so young, I almost didn't dare to recognize it."

"President Li, trouble you."

"Captain Han is polite. We are all serving the people. It is our honor to be able to assist the police in investigating the case. Let me take you to the VIP lounge. Let's talk inside."

After entering the lounge, a young female staff member poured two cups of tea for Han Bin and Bao Xing.

With a professional smile on Li Jinying's face, "Captain Han, I heard that you are here for Fanglong Storage Company."

Han Bin took a symbolic sip of tea, then put the teacup on the table, "Yes, do you know that Fanglong Storage Company was robbed?"

"I heard that Fanglong Warehousing Company is a VIP customer of our bank. I personally called to give condolences. At the same time, I also told Li Shiwei, the manager of Fanglong Warehousing Company, that if the company has financial needs, it can come to our bank for loans. "Speaking of this, Li Jinying changed his head.

"However, the money was robbed after leaving the bank. We don't know the details."

Han Bin took out a few photos from his bag and put them in front of Li Jinying, "President Li, take a look."

Li Jinying took the photo and checked it. At first, it didn't matter. She frowned when she watched. "This is a fake currency disguised with white paper."

"Yes, we have caught the robbers and found the stolen money they robbed. However, there is only 210,000 real money in the box containing the money, and the rest are white paper. We are tracing the whereabouts of the other stolen money."

Li Jinying showed a solemn expression and took a deep breath, "Captain Han, I can guarantee that these counterfeit coins have nothing to do with our bank. We have strict regulations and professional procedures. When the money was withdrawn that day, Manager Li Shiwei and an accountant surnamed Lin They were all present. They were just staring, and we had no chance to cheat."

Han Bin said in a calm tone, "President Li, I have no doubt about the staff of your bank. I just want to ask about the specific process when the money was withdrawn, whether Li Shiwei and Accounting Lin had a chance to exchange counterfeit coins."

Li Jinying thought for a while, "This is unlikely. There are surveillance everywhere in the bank, and it is difficult to perform such operations with many people. The staff of our bank are also more vigilant and will report any abnormalities in time."

"I want to check the monitoring of your bank."

"Do you have any relevant procedures?"

Han Bin said truthfully, "I'm still applying, but the case is urgent, so I would like to ask Mr. Li to make it easy."

Li Jinying instinctively wanted to refuse, but reason told her that she could not refuse, and that it was only convenient for others to be convenient for herself.

If Han Bin is rejected this time, it will be inconvenient for them to branch when Han Bin comes over with the procedures.

Li Jinying stood up, "Captain Han, wait a moment, I don't have the authority to help you, so I have to report to the leader."

"It should be."

Han Bin also stood up and nodded to indicate that since it is the courtesy to ask someone for help, he still needs to be polite, "By the way, the case is still in the investigation stage, and the relevant case needs to be kept confidential. Please do not tell outsiders about our conversation just now."

Li Jinying promised, "Don't worry, I understand."

Watching Li Jinying leave, Bao Xing put away the photos on the table, "Team Korea, I just noticed that there are surveillance everywhere in the bank, and it is almost impossible to change real money into blank paper here."

Han Bin leaned on the chair and scanned the surrounding monitors, "In fact, you can change your mind. Li Shiwei does not need to take the cash out of the box. He can prepare an identical box in advance, as long as he replaces the box directly. If the hand speed is fast enough, it can be done in one second."

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