Detective from The Future

Chapter 791: Search (third shift)

Early the next morning.

Han Bin summoned a few of his men, and other tasks had been assigned, and he was only investigating Tai Dongyuan now.

There are four people under Han Bin, namely Li Qin, Bao Xing, Sun Xiaopeng, and Zhao Ming.

Han Bin directly assigned the task, "Sister Li, you and Bao Xing investigate Tai Dongyuan's whereabouts on September 9."

"Zhao Ming, you go apply for a search warrant, and we will search Tai Dongyuan's house later."



Gaocheng City, Dongzhuang Town, Xiaomeng Village.

It has been raining in Gaocheng a few days ago, and the weather has gradually become cooler. It is cold when the weather changes, and it is easy to catch a cold.

The weather is good today, it is a sunny day, the sun is warm and comfortable on the body.

After breakfast, many villagers took a small bench and chatted outside to enjoy the sun.

Nowadays, there are two kinds of arguments in society. One argument is that people in rural areas work hard, not only to go out to work, but also to farm at home. Still the most industrious group in China.

There is another argument that people in rural areas are happier than people in cities. Many people’s land has been outsourced, and basically no land farming is left. There is just a small vegetable garden left to eat and grow vegetables, and raise a few chickens and ducks. Raising two pigs saves money for vegetables this year, and the cost is much lower than that of people in the city. It is still green and pollution-free food.

More importantly, at least half of the time in a year is to rest at home. This is something that the city people would never dare to think about, nor would they envy it.

The countryside is a small society with all kinds of people. These two arguments only express two distinct phenomena and only represent a small group of people, but this small group of people is precisely what attracts the most attention. .

At the south entrance of Xiaomeng Village, many people gathered in front of the Mengjun convenience store, most of them women and children, sitting together chatting, picking vegetables, and doing some manual work.

A characteristic of the countryside is that there will be some gathering points. After dinner every day, when nothing happens, the villagers will move closer to the gathering points, chat, brag, discuss major national events, and get in touch with each other.

Mengjun convenience store is a gathering point.

At this moment, three cars drove into Xiaomeng Village. The first two were police cars, followed by a black car.

Police cars are rare in Xiaomeng Village, not to mention that there were still two at once, which immediately attracted the attention of villagers in Xiaomeng Village.

Everyone began to talk about whether someone committed the crime, whose children love to fight, and which children like petty theft, these parents are short-term, and the women in the village love to talk about it.

A few idle guys patted their butts, and followed the police car to watch the excitement.

After a while, a idle man rushed over and shouted in a loud voice, "Xifeng, is something wrong with your Dongyuan?"

The woman known as Xifeng was picking vegetables, raised her head and glared, and said with no anger, "Something happened to your house, how do you say it. My brother is okay..."

"Xifeng, don't get me wrong, you can go and see, the two police cars have stopped in front of your brother's house, and the village party secretary has passed."

"Huh, it's really fake?" Tai Xifeng stood up abruptly, startled the old woman who was doing needlework next to her, "Oh, mom, it hurts me."

The man with a loud voice puffed up his chest, "I can still lie to you. If you don't believe me, go and see, I lie to you."

"Oh, mother, it's not worrying." Tai Xifeng stood up and ran west.

"Xifeng, the direction is bad. Your brother lives in the east."

"I know." Tai Xifeng said, without turning his head back.


Xiaomeng Village, village east, Tai Dongyuan’s home.

Han Bin was standing at the door of Tai Dongyuan's house. Next to him stood a man in police uniform. This man was the director of the Liangjiazhen Police Station.

There is also a middle-aged man in his fifties who is the village secretary Meng Pingben of Xiaomeng Village.

Han Bin didn't rush in, but first got to know the situation with the village party secretary of Xiaoma Village.

It's just that Xiaoma Village is a big village with thousands of people, and the village party secretary doesn't know Tai Dongyuan's situation very well.

At this moment, Tai Xifeng drove over on an electric car, and a man in his 60s was still behind him.

Village Party Secretary Meng Pingben recognized the man sitting behind the electric car at a glance, "Captain Han, the one riding the electric car is Tai Dongyuan's sister, and the old man behind is his father."

When Meng Ping's original voice fell, Tai Dongyuan's father ran over, "The branch secretary, what's wrong, why did you go to my son's door?"

Han Bin looked at the other party, "You are Tai Dongyuan's father, Tai Hanhai."

"Yes, it's me. Who are you?"

"I'm Han Bin from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. You are here at the right time, and I'm looking for you to find out some information."

Tai Hanhai looked like an honest peasant, he was a little bit guilty when he heard this, and said that he was uncomfortable, "What...what's wrong, what do you know?"

Han Bin said straightforwardly, "Do you have the key to Tai Dongyuan's house?"

"Yes, I have it with me."

"Thank you for opening the door for us. We will conduct a routine search."

Tai Hanhai asked subconsciously, "Why are you searching my son's house."

"Your son is suspected of participating in a criminal case and obstructing law enforcement."

"How come, my son has always been honest, is there any misunderstanding?"

Zhao Mingliang issued a search warrant, "This is our certificate, please cooperate."

Village Party Secretary Meng Pingben persuaded, "Old Tai, the police comrades are here, so you just need to cooperate. What use can you do for a long time, can you give your son an innocence?"

The words of the village party secretary were more useful than those of Han Bin. Tai Hanhai hesitated, and finally opened the door.

"Zhao Ming, Xiaopeng, you two bring people in and search."

"Yes." The two replied loudly, and then brought several policemen into Tai Dongyuan's house.

Han Bin didn't rush in. Tai Hanhai wanted to know his son's situation, and Han Bin also wanted to get some information with Tai Hanhai.

"Officer Han, what the **** did my son commit? Why are you searching his home."

"The case is still in the investigation stage, and many things cannot be disclosed to the public. I can only tell you what I can say. If you want to clear up Tai Dongyuan's suspicion as soon as possible, you should cooperate with the police investigation. If Tai Dongyuan is wronged, we will investigate the case. Now, he will naturally be innocent."

"Okay, I must cooperate with the investigation." Tai Hanhai said without hesitation. In his opinion, his son is innocent.

Han Bin took Tai Hanhai into the gate, it was quieter here, and he was not worried about being heard, "Do you know Song Bohui?"


"Song Bohui."

Tai Hanhai frowned and thought for a while, "I don't know."

Han Bin prompted, "Are you sure you don't know a family named Song?"

Tai Hanhai's mouth grew wide, and he suddenly came to his senses, "The last name is Song, Bo Hui you said... is that child, Dongyuan's twin brother."

"Yes, it's him."

"I..." Tai Hanhai's expression changed again and again, "I always wanted to recognize...but... the Song family disagrees, I haven't seen that child. What does this have to do with Dongyuan?"

"Tai Dongyuan has already recognized Song Bohui."

Tai Hanhai showed a look of shock, "Really? When did you recognize each other? Why didn't Dongyuan tell me."

Han Bin has been staring at each other, judging from the other's expression, his surprise doesn't seem to be fake.

In other words, this Tai Hanhai should indeed be unaware.

Han Bin changed the question, "When was the last time you saw Tai Dongyuan?"

Tai Hanhai grabbed his hair hard and heard so much information all of a sudden, he couldn't accept it, and couldn't think about it. "It's been a few days. I can't remember when I saw it."

"Comrade police, where is the boy Bo Hui? Can I see him."

"Bangbang..." At this moment, the tall and magnificent Sun Xiaopeng ran out, and the ground he stepped on was banging.

"Team Korea, we found something in Tai Dongyuan's house."

Han Bin raised his eyebrows, "What's the situation?"

Sun Xiaopeng walked over and whispered, "We may have found the body."

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