Song Bohui took his mother to the capital on September 11, and he opened a room at the Wanda Hotel near the hospital.

Han Bin can be sure that the man wearing the shirt is Song Bohui.

The man wearing a gray T-shirt visited the Wanda Hotel for the first time on September 13. Based on Tai Dongyuan's own confession and his walking posture, Han Bin judged him to be Tai Dongyuan.

According to Tai Dongyuan, he began to pretend to be Song Bohui from the morning of the 14th.

And Song Bohui left wearing his clothes on the morning of the 14th, that is to say, the man who left wearing a T shirt should be Song Bohui.

However, judging from the walking posture of the man in the T-shirt, he is not Song Bohui, but Tai Dongyuan.

In order to confirm this, Han Bin opened the previous video and carefully compared it. The man wearing a T shirt on No. 13 and the man wearing a T shirt on No. 14 walked in exactly the same posture. They were definitely alone.

Han Bin continued to play the video. At 8 o'clock in the morning, another man walked out of room 808. This man was wearing a shirt and trousers. Judging from his walking position, this man should be Song Bohui.

This Tai Dongyuan's previous confession was different.

At least on September 14th, Tai Dongyuan has not yet begun to pretend to be Song Bohui.

Han Bin clicked on the 15th airport video again. According to Tai Dongyuan, he was disguised as Song Bohui and took Song Bohui’s credentials to fly back to Qindao.

Han Bin began to check the surveillance of the airport and soon found Song Bohui's figure. He carefully observed Song Bohui's walking posture and carefully compared it with the previous surveillance of the hotel.

Han Bin studied for half an hour, and he was certain that Song Bohui should be returning to Qindao by plane.

To prove this, Han Bin clicked on the video of Qindao Airport.

This camera can just capture the monitoring of passengers taking luggage. Han Bin found Song Bohui's figure. This time he did not wear a mask and found it easily.

Han Bin made a careful comparison, and the man who returned to Qindao by plane was indeed Song Bohui.

In other words, Song Bohui did not stay in the capital, nor did he abscond from the capital, but disappeared after returning to Qindao.

Tai Dongyuan lied!

Judging from the current situation, he should have disguised himself as Song Bohui starting on September 15.

Song Bohui is probably still in Qindao.

Han Bin took a deep breath, this clue is too important.

However, one thing is puzzling. If Song Bohui made up his mind to abscond, then there is no need for him to return to Qindao, which would increase the probability of his arrest. The capital is well-connected and the flow of people is large. To escape from the capital, it is difficult for the Qindao police to make effective interceptions.

Could it be that Song Bohui played the safest trick in the most dangerous place, and it is unlikely.

Han Bin also thought of one thing. The clues of the previous investigation all pointed to Zhang Li. The police did not suspect that Song Bohui was involved. Song Bohui had no reason to escape. It was only when Tai Dongyuan disguised himself as Song Bohui that Han Bin discovered the clue.

In summary, Han Bin feels that Song Bohui is more likely to have an accident.

If Song Bohui is killed, where is his body hidden? To convict Tai Dongyuan, the corpse is the key.

If the body cannot be found, there is no proof that Song Bohui is dead.

And Zhang Li.

If Song Bohui still has 50% hope to live, Zhang Li is already dead 90%.

Because most of the clues of the police investigation pointed to Zhang Li, in Han Bin's view, her gang consciously used her as a scapegoat, and if something went wrong and killed her, the investigation of the case would also be interrupted.

In other words, what the police are looking for is probably two bodies.

The hiding of corpses is also a technical job, and the focus of the next investigation is around the location of the corpse.

"Chuck..." The sound of the door interrupted Han Bin's thoughts.

Zhao Ming and Sun Xiaopeng returned to the office.

"Team Korea, we are back."

Han Bin raised his head and glanced at them, "How is the investigation?"

Zhao Ming replied, "You really expected things to be true. The three of them are really connected. But the connection is not as close as expected."

"What do you think."

Zhao Ming pulled a chair and sat down, "After we printed out the call records of the three of them, we looked at it in general, and we didn't find any direct connection between them."

"Later, we did a closer comparison and found that there was a mobile phone number of 1533844XXXX, not only with Tai Dongyuan, but also with Zhang Li, but this mobile number has never been called with Song Bohui. I guess this mobile number It is likely that Song Bohui is using it."

Han Bin asked, "Have you checked the owner of this phone number?"

"I checked, this is the owner's information." Zhao Ming handed a piece of information to Han Bin.

Owner, Ma Ziming

Sex: Male

Date of birth, May 2, 1978

Hometown, Qindao City, Yuhua District, No. 183, Xiqing Road.

After seeing Xiqing Road, Han Bin immediately thought of a person, Su Tongguang.

This number is probably also a real-name mobile phone number purchased from Su Tongguang.

Han Bin also basically agrees with Zhao Ming’s guess that Song Bohui’s approach is quite clever. Song Bohui is related to Zhang Li and Tai Dongyuan, but Zhang Li and Tai Dongyuan are not directly related. Even if he uses the same number to call both The difference between the two was that they were arrested, and the police would not suspect that this number was wrong.

If two people are really targeted at the same time, Song Bohui will not be able to remove the suspicion, regardless of whether he has the mobile phone number.

Han Bin stared at the call records of the three people for a while, and found that the three people did not contact frequently, and the duration of each call was extremely short.

The murder case requires careful planning, and it is impossible to make a hasty decision. Obviously, their airtime cannot make an effective implementation plan. Han Bin feels that they must meet and discuss in private, and may even have a fixed den.

Han Bin asked, "Is the newly discovered mobile phone number 1533844XXXX still in use?"

Zhao Ming said, "No, it has been shut down."

Han Bin thought for a moment, and then ordered, "Tian Li, Xiaopeng, you two interrogate Su Tongguang to see if this phone number was sold to Song Bohui."

"Zhao Ming, you go to the technical team to make a copy of the driving recorder on Song Bohui's Mercedes-Benz. I want to see it."



It didn't take long before Zhao Ming copied the video of the dash cam of the Mercedes-Benz car.

Then, Han Bin and Zhao Ming separately checked the video and drew the route of the Mercedes-Benz to see where the Mercedes-Benz has been.

And analyze the rationality of Song Bohui's visit to these places. For example, Song Bohui went to the company and Rongding Garden. There is definitely no problem.

However, if he goes to a remote place and has been there more than once, there is a problem.

Han Bin and Zhao Ming drew a map of the Mercedes-Benz driving route and soon discovered a suspicious location.

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