Detective from The Future

Chapter 818: Zhang Haiqiao

Room 902, Building 7.

As soon as Guo Tianxu walked to the door, he heard a cry, "Wife, why can't you think so much? Isn't it just a bit of a mouthful? As for jumping off the building to commit suicide."

"Wife, you are gone, let me live in the future, let's not say we will grow old together..."

"Why are you so cruel, leaving me alone in this world, I can't bear you..."

Another man's voice sounded, "Katsuko, don't cry, I've already hit 120, maybe there is still a rescue."

"Yes, yes, I want to go downstairs, I want to go down and guard her, why can't I think so." The voice fell, a sound of footsteps sounded, the door of 902 opened, and a man hurried out.

Guo Tianxu stopped the other party, "We are the police, are you the family of the jumper?"

"I, it's me, it's me, comrade police, have you seen my wife, how is she, is there any..." The man's voice trembled a little.

Guo Tianxu sighed, "Please also change your sorrow."

Hearing this, the man seemed to understand. He sat on the ground and cried loudly, "Linlin, why are you so cruel, you have to commit suicide for such a trivial matter, how can you live without me... I can't live without you can not……"

The man cried bitterly, and the police officers present were a little moved.

When Guo Tianxu saw this, he knew that he would be unable to ask anything for a while, and looked at another man.

"What is your relationship with the person who jumped off the building?"

"My surname is Dong and my name is Dong Wenhuan. I am a friend of their husband and wife."

"Help your friend into the house first."

Dong Wenhuan and a policeman helped the crying man onto the sofa.

Guo Tianxu called Dong Wenhuan aside and asked, "What is the name of the deceased?"

"Liu Xiaolin."

"Are you there when Liu Xiaolin jumped off the building?"

"Yes, I have been persuading me all the time. I wanted to take the opportunity to drag her into the house and comfort her. Who knew she would suddenly fall off. Oh, I was really frightened at the time." I wiped the sweat from my head, "Who would have thought that something like this would happen? My calf is trembling now."

"Why did their husband and wife quarrel?"

"How can the two of you not quarrel?" Dong Wenhuan sighed and continued, "I don't know the specifics. It seems that because of borrowing money, the two people quarreled with each other. Why can't the couple discuss it? It really shouldn't."

"When did the two of them start quarreling?"

"I don't know this. They were already arguing when I came anyway."

"when did you come?"

"It's around eight o'clock, it's almost nine o'clock, I didn't look at the watch specifically, they were there and yelled, Xiaolin looked very excited, Haiqiao asked me to help and persuade."

Guo Tianxu pointed to the crying man on the sofa, "His name is Haiqiao."

"Yes, Zhang Haiqiao."

"When did Liu Xiaolin commit suicide?"

"Shortly after I came, the more I persuaded her, the stronger she was, and I didn’t dare to persuade. Then the two of them quarreled again. When Liu Xiaolin got excited, she sat on the window sill, and then stood on the outside of the air conditioner. At that time, we were frightened and wanted to drag her back, but as soon as we approached, she threatened to jump off, and then the shelf for the air conditioner suddenly fell off, and Xiaolin fell down."

"Before Liu Xiaolin committed suicide, what did the two of them dispute?"

Dong Wenhuan pondered for a moment, "When they talked about divorce, Xiaolin became excited."

"They have a relationship problem?"

"I'm not very clear as an outsider, I usually feel it's okay."

"Da da..." At this moment, footsteps sounded outside, and Han Bin also walked in.

"Master, how is the situation?"

Guo Tianxu walked over and exchanged a few words with Han Bin in a low voice.

Han Bin roughly understood the situation, took a look at Zhang Haiqiao who was still sobbing, and did not immediately ask questions, and began to check the situation in the house.

This is a two-bedroom room with a lot of debris in the living room, "Which room window did Liu Xiaolin fall from?"

Dong Wenhuan pointed to the room between his fingers, "Lying on his side."

Han Bin walked into the side sleeper. The window was 60 centimeters above the ground. The outside of the window was empty, but a few holes could be seen.

When Han Bin was downstairs just now, he observed the outer rack of the air conditioner on the first floor and basically knew the general structure.

Han Bin asked Dong Wenhuan, "Have no air conditioners been installed in this room?"

"I don't know."

Han Bin checked the drop location carefully, then returned to the living room, and said to Zhang Haiqiao, "Mr. Zhang, please be sorrowful and change."

Zhang Haiqiao glanced at Han Bin, "Comrades in the police all blame me, I was wrong, I killed my wife, I shouldn't quarrel with her, please take me away."

Han Bin asked, "Why did you harm her?"

"I shouldn't agree to divorce her. I shouldn't fight with her. I will pass by with forbearance. Why should I argue with her?

Han Bin said, "Why are you two arguing?"

Zhang Haiqiao looked annoyed, "Hey, it's all a mess, it's troublesome."

"What's upsetting, please tell me carefully."

"My brother-in-law wanted to buy a car and borrowed money from my wife. My wife gave him fifty thousand. Actually, I am not a stingy person. You borrowed money to tell me that they are all serious relatives. Can I disagree Well." Zhang Haiqiao couldn't help sighing again.

"But she's fine, the money has been lent out for more than half a month, and she told me yesterday, you said I can not be angry, what does she think of me, whether there is my husband in her heart, whether there is our family."

"You quarreled about this today?"

"Yes, Comrade Police, to be fair, this is on you, are you angry?"

This matter is put on Han Bin, he must be angry too, but now is not the time to fight the fire, his conversation changed, "Is it because of this that you are divorcing?"

Zhang Haiqiao was silent for a moment, "It was what she said about the divorce. She has this problem. She threatens me to divorce every time she quarrels. This is the same every time. I am a man and don’t want to make trouble with him. I think we can live a good life. Why are you talking about divorce? I can live a good life this time, so every time I let her."

"This time it was different. I was so angry that she didn't take me seriously. She threatened me to divorce, and I became angry." Zhang Haiqiao wiped his eyes. "I said, leave, leave, who Who are you afraid of."

"When she heard that I agreed to the divorce, she froze for a while, then she exploded, saying that I had no conscience, that I had a woman outside, and that she had seen that I had a double heart, and asked if I was looking for a mistress outside. Up."

"The more I listened, the more angry it was. It was obviously her fault. She said she was going to get a divorce, but she was lying on my head instead. I was angry. I said whoever did not leave was the grandson."

"When she heard me say that, she became even more angry and threatened to jump off the building."

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