Detective from The Future

Chapter 827: Oolong

"It's no wonder."

Han Bin thoughtfully, thinking of Ma Jingbo's reaction some time ago, it made sense.

This reminder from Bao Xing was very timely, and he was going to see Ma Jingbo in a while. If he said the wrong thing at the moment, it would be easy to get bad.

After the meal, Han Bin still went to Ma Jingbo's office, which was inevitable.

"Come back, sit down." Ma Jingbo handed Han Bin a cigarette.

Han Bin took out a lighter and helped Ma Jingbo light a cigarette. "The horse team, haven't seen you in half a month, you have lost a lot."

"It's better to be thinner. By my age, thinner and healthier."

"Recently, does our team have a new case?"

"Not for the time being." Ma Jingbo took a cigarette, "How do you feel about this rotation training?"

Han Bin said sternly, "Very good, I have learned a lot, and it is also a rare experience for me."

Ma Jingbo glanced at him, "Okay, don't you guys stop talking in front of me. You used to work at the Baohua Police Station, and now you are back to the Baohua Police Station for training. Isn't it the same as going home? experience."

Han Bin smiled.

Ma Jingbo continued, "In response to this issue, the Municipal Bureau held a symposium two days ago, and the leaders of the Municipal Bureau also discovered this situation. Many police officers in rotation training hope to transfer to familiar departments. Rotation training is of great significance. At a discount, the higher-level leaders have spoken, and this behavior must be eliminated in the future. Since it is a rotation training, you should study in a new position instead of fooling around in a comfortable environment."

Han Bin touched his nose, looking embarrassed.

"Okay, this is not about you alone. Many police officers are in this situation. After all, this is the first time this kind of training has been organized. It is a lesson. The leader also said, forget it this time, if it happens next time This situation will definitely be investigated to the end."

Han Bin responded loudly, "Yes, next time I must obey the organization's arrangement."

Ma Jingbo sneered, "Okay, don't just think about good things. How can it be your turn every time, and you have to give other colleagues some opportunities."

The two chatted for a while, and Han Bin left the squadron captain's office.

Ma Jingbo obviously has something to worry about. He is no longer talkative. If he kept it in the past, drinking tea and smoking cigarettes, he could have an hour with Han Bin.

Han Bin went to the captain's office again, but Ding Xifeng was not there.

Turn around and go to the second group office of the second squadron.

"Bang Bang." Han Bin knocked on the door symbolically and went straight into the office.

"The Korean team." Several players greeted.

"Team Han, when did you come back?" Zhu Jiaxu got up to greet him.

Han Bin smiled and said, "I just came back this morning, and I haven't seen you for a while, so I just came to see you."

Zhang Shungu moved Han Bin a chair, "Han team, sit down."

Zhu Jiaxu asked, "Team Korea, how do you feel about this rotation training?"

If Ma Jingbo didn't say that, Han Bin might say it in detail. However, after being spotted by Ma Jingbo, he was really embarrassed to say it any more, and said perfunctorily, "It's okay, it's not going to serve the people wherever he goes."

Han Bin's conversation turned, "I remember, your team also has a rotation training quota."

Zhu Jiaxu smiled and said, "He Yingsheng, this kid went to the traffic police brigade, and when he came back he was a whole fatter."

He Yingsheng touched his head and said embarrassedly, "I often check the car at night, and I get off work late and eat late, so I accidentally got fat."

Everyone looks contempt, only ghosts believe you.

After a few greetings, Han Bin turned his attention to Zhao Ming. He came to the second group this time, one purpose was to greet his colleagues in the second group, and the other was to look at Zhao Ming.

"Zhao Ming, why don't you speak, are you still used to coming to the city bureau?"

Zhao Ming hurriedly came over and handed Han Bin a Huazi. He also lit a fire diligently, "Brother Bin, it's good, the big guys take care of me."

"You work hard, just ask if you don't understand, here are your seniors, study hard."


Zhu Jiaxu knew Han Bin's relationship with Zhao Ming for a long time, and took good care of him. He patted Zhao Ming on the shoulder, "Team Han, don't worry if Zhao Ming is in our group. This guy is a criminal policeman. These goods are poor."

The other team members also smiled and said a few words, and it was obvious that Zhao Ming was still in the group.

On the one hand, it is Han Bin's face, on the other hand, it is naturally the credit of Huazi.

Of course, Huazi's path is just a metaphor. Zhao Ming is rich and generous. When he is fine, he invites his colleagues to gather for a meal. Such people can eat anywhere.

At noon, Han Bin and Zhao Ming had a meal together, covered by Han Bin, an elite of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, and it would not take long for Zhao Ming to integrate into the city bureau.

There were no new cases for several days, and Han Bin was also happy.

Taking advantage of the gap, I watched a movie with Wang Ting, which was a military movie.

Han Bin doesn’t like to watch military-themed movies. In his impression, there are only two military-themed movies. One is tunnel warfare, and the other is landmine warfare. He hasn’t seen the founding of the country or the army. He always felt that This kind of subject matter is a bit heavy, and watching a movie is just to be easy.

However, this year is a little different. Movies on this subject are quite popular. Wang Ting has heard from many friends, and Han Bin watched it with her.

The filming was good and the plot was very tense. The actor's acting skills were online, but after watching it, he felt a little heavy. Han Bin still didn't like this feeling.

Two days later.

At ten o'clock in the morning, while Han Bin was discussing lunch with Bao Xing and Huang Qianqian, Ma Jingbo walked into the office.

"Papa." Ma Jingbo slapped his hands. "Everyone is here, there is a new case."

Bao Xing curiously asked, "The horse team, what case?"

"A case was reported half an hour ago. There was a strong case in Xinhua District and Jianhua District. The Criminal Investigation Brigade of Xinhua Branch was understaffed, and the location of the crime was just close to the Municipal Bureau. So it was handed over to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau.

"Okay, pack your equipment, and gather in the yard in five minutes."



Jianhua Community is an economical housing. Compared with the surrounding communities, the environment of this community is much worse, and the rooms are also much worse.

In addition, this is an open community, and police cars drove directly into the yard.

After Han Bin, Ma Jingbo and others got out of the car, they saw two police officers greeted him. The headed man was in his 40s, surnamed Cheng, who was the director of a nearby police station.

"The horse team, you guys came very fast, I'm about to contact you."

"Old Cheng, what's the situation here? Where is the victim?"

Director Cheng gave a wry smile, "After I received the call, I rushed over and found the informant Wu Yu. However, she changed her mind again now, saying it was a misunderstanding and was not strengthened."

Ma Jingbo frowned, "Can you misunderstand this kind of thing?"

"Wu Yu had a conflict with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend wanted to have **** with her. She didn't want to, so she called the police in annoyance. Seeing that we were here, I was afraid that we would really take her boyfriend, so she changed her mind. Said it was voluntary. You said this What is it called?"

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