After the conference, there will be a small meeting.

Ma Jingbo and Ding Xifeng talked for a while, gathered everyone together, and arranged the task in detail.

Ding Xifeng arranged for the suspect to conduct a criminal investigation sketch, Ma Jingbo was responsible for the investigation of the internal response, Han Bin was responsible for the investigation and monitoring, and Zhu Jiaxu took someone to visit the Jianhua community.

Since becoming the deputy squadron leader, Han Bin has rarely checked and monitored himself. Although it is not difficult, it is very cumbersome. Many police officers do not like to do it.

This time, the situation is a little different. It is related to the image of the entire Qindao public security system. In order to improve work efficiency, Han Bin also joined the ranks of investigation and monitoring.

Jianhua Community is an affordable housing or an open community, with easy access to all areas, poor security measures and not much monitoring.

Both the elevator and the door of the unit are monitored, but the monitoring at the door of the unit is broken. According to the property staff, it is because the property fee is difficult to collect and there is not enough money to repair it.

Han Bin doesn't know whether this is the truth or irresponsible evasion, but regardless of the reason, the monitoring at the unit door will not be lost and recovered.

Fortunately, the monitoring in the elevator can still be used normally. Han Bin personally checked the monitoring in the elevator. At 10:54 last night, six men in police uniforms entered the elevator. Everyone was wearing a big brimmed hat. Covered his face.

The elevator stopped on the fifteenth floor, and six people stepped down the elevator one after another. One of them was carrying a black backpack.

After that, no one went up and down in the elevator until 12:41 in the evening. The elevator stopped on the 15th floor again. Six men in police uniforms got on the elevator one after another. At this time, except for the black backpack, They also have two more putting boxes.

When the elevator reached the first floor, six people got off the elevator one after another, and they never saw their images again.

Although there are six suspects under surveillance, there are few images, and given the perspective, there are almost no useful clues. Moreover, after entering the elevator, these people hardly walked, and Han Bin could not observe their walking posture.

It is not enough to catch the suspect with this video.

Han Bin checked it over and over five times. Except for the black backpack and suitcase, he still found no valuable clues.

"Did you find out there?"

Jiang Yang replied, "Team South, I found a suspicious vehicle when I was checking the exit monitoring on the west side of the community. This car was in a community separated at 12:58 in the morning and was very close to the time the suspect committed the crime."

Han Bin got up and walked over and checked the screen. It was a black Mitsubishi off-road vehicle. "When did this car come?"

Jiang Yang reversed the video, pushed the video time forward by half an hour, and found the surveillance when the car entered the community.

Han Bin ordered, "Enlarge part of the picture to see if you can see the appearance of the front row."

Jiang Yang zoomed in on the video and frowned, "No, the sun visor is put down in front of the car, and the driver and the co-pilot cannot be seen clearly. However, the upper body clothes of the two people can be seen. The driver is wearing a black leather jacket and the co-pilot The room is in black down jackets. They probably haven't changed into police uniforms."

Wang Xiao said, "Judging from this behavior, this car is suspicious. If the lights are dazzling, the driver may put down the sun visor. The co-pilot should rarely do this."

Huang Qianqian blinked her eyes, "If the co-pilot is a woman, she may also be putting on makeup."

Han Bin rechecked the video of the car leaving the community, zoomed in the front of the car, and found that the sun visor of the driver and co-driver was still down.

What Huang Qianqian said has some truth, but all the clues are too coincidental. Even if the co-pilot is putting on make-up, it is impossible to put on make-up when he comes in, so put on make-up when he leaves.

"Wang Xiao, check the license plate number of this car."

"Good." Wang Xiao responded and went directly to the traffic police brigade.

Soon, Wang Xiao called, "Team Korea, you guessed right, this is indeed a licensed car. The car with the original license plate is a red Honda."

"I see, I'll go to the traffic police brigade." Han Bin hung up his cell phone and said to Li Qin and Huang Qianqian on the side, "Sister Li and Qianqian, you two continue to check the community monitoring to see if you can find others Clue. Others followed me to the traffic police brigade to track the suspected deck car."

"Yes." Then, everyone split up.


Traffic police brigade monitoring room.

After arriving at the traffic police brigade, Han Bin and the four began to check Skynet's surveillance to track the whereabouts of the suspected vehicle.

After the suspected vehicle left Jianhua Community, it drove along Xincheng Avenue and passed three intersections. At the fourth intersection, the sun visor of the co-pilot was closed, and there was no one in the co-pilot.

In other words, the suspected vehicle should have parked in this area and the accomplices should be released.

Han Bin found the topographic map between the two intersections. There are three communities between the two intersections. The suspect may have entered these three communities after getting off the car.

The suspect vehicle continued to move forward and turned right at the fifth intersection. After that, it disappeared at the third intersection. The suspect vehicle was probably parked on this section of the road and never appeared again.

After finding out the whereabouts of the suspected vehicle that night, Han Bin immediately arranged a task. Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang went to investigate the suspect who got off the bus halfway. Han Bin took Li Qin and Bao Xing to investigate the suspected vehicle.

The suspected vehicle disappeared between Xisha Road and Hepingjin Road on Longping Street.

The three of Han Bin drove around this section of the road twice. There are two communities and an open-air parking lot on this section of the road. Cars may appear in these three places.

Han Bin and the three people now went around in the parking lot, and found no suspected vehicles, and then set their targets in two communities.

It is even simpler to check in the two communities. Han Bin found the property in the community and told the property the license plate number of the suspected vehicle. As long as he searched in the access control system of the underground garage, he would know whether there was a suspected vehicle.

The query quickly got results, and the entry and exit records of this car were found in the underground garage system of Hongjiang Community.

Afterwards, Han Bin asked the people at the property to call out the surveillance, and after comparison, it was the suspect vehicle, and the parking space of the suspect vehicle was the 805 parking space.

The owner of the parking space is called Ma Guoen, who is also the owner of Room 1102, Building 8, in this community.

The car is still in the parking space, indicating that the suspect may also be at home.


At this time, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

No. 8 building 1102 outside.

Considering that the opponent might have a gun, Han Bin called for support, and most of the members of the Second Squadron of the City Criminal Investigation Team arrived.

A group of police officers stood in the corridor, some inspecting firearms, some wearing body armor, and no one dared to take it lightly in the face of gunmen.

Han Bin and Ma Jingbo were standing at the corner of the stairs, discussing how to open the door. They would not arouse the suspicion of the other party, but also control the suspect in the first time.

"Ding Dong..." At this moment, the elevator door rang.

Wang Xiao, Jiang Yang, and Zhao Ming ran to the elevator entrance. The elevator door opened. A takeaway boy stood in the elevator with a takeaway in his hand. He was stunned when he saw the waiting team members.

Wang Xiao gestured a soft procedure and lowered his voice, "We are the police and we are handling the case."

"Oh...then...then I will avoid it first." While talking, the takeaway boy was about to press down the elevator.

Han Bin also walked over and asked in a low voice, "Whose takeaway?"

"Room 1102."

There is nowhere to look for it after breaking through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it, and Han Bin Zhengchou can't find a reasonable excuse to call the door.


A few minutes later, Zhao Ming changed into the yellow takeaway clothes, took a deep breath with the rice in his hand.

Han Bin whispered a few words to him again.

Afterwards, many police officers hid on both sides of the door. Zhao Ming took a deep breath and walked to the door with the takeaway, "Boom..."

"Who is it?"


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