Detective from The Future

Chapter 840: Identity

Binhai International Community.

This is a high-end community located in the city center, with Wanda Plaza in front, a city hospital across the street, and an elite middle school to the south. Those who can live here are rich.

This community is in sharp contrast with Jianhua Community. Jianhua Community is an affordable housing. If you use six words to describe it, it is dirty, messy, old and broken, while Binhai International Community is tall and tall.

Ding Xifeng, Ma Jingbo, and Han Bin got off the car at the gate of the community. They wanted to check the monitoring and security situation of the community.

There are two security guards at the gate, both in their 20s and 30s. They look much more reliable than the 50 or 60-year-old janitor in the ordinary community. Of course, the salary of such security guards must be much higher than the uncle.

After entering the community, there is a monitoring station not far away. The community environment is good, with green lawns, and some trees and vegetation. The houses are low-rise western-style buildings. Although not comparable to villas, they are more comfortable than high-rise buildings. Many, compared with the tower, it is a world of difference.

The crime scene was in Room 501, Unit 1, Building 6.

Han Bin and others went directly to Building No. 6. The entrance of No. 6 unit and the elevator were monitored. Han Bin found that the building did not have four floors, which means that the deceased’s house actually lived on the fourth floor.

Han Bin and his party went down the elevator from the fifth floor. There were two houses on one elevator. The door of Room 501 was open. There were many people standing around. A cordon was pulled up at the door and police officers in uniform were guarding them.

Ding Xifeng said loudly, "Who is in charge here?"

A man in his forties came over. The man had a small flat head and a scar on his right face. He replied, "I am Zhang Huayi, director of the Binhai Road Police Station."

"I am Ding Xifeng, deputy head of the City Criminal Investigation Detachment."

Zhang Huayi hurried over, shook hands and said, "Ding Detachment is good, I didn't expect you to come so soon."

Ding Xifeng pointed to Ma Jingbo and Han Bin on the side, "Director Zhang, let me introduce to you, these two are Captain Ma Jingbo of the Second Squadron of the Municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade, and Vice Captain Han Bin."

The three got to know each other.

Later, Ding Xifeng brought to the topic, "Director Zhang, how is the situation at the scene?"

Zhang Huayi said, "A female deceased was found at the scene, and the identity of the other party is not yet known."

Ma Jingbo asked, "Isn't the crime scene indoors? Could it be a female landlord or a female tenant?"

Zhang Huayi said, "We checked the photos in the room, and the deceased woman is not the same person in the photo."

Ma Jingbo asked, "Could it be a nanny?"

Zhang Huayi said, "The deceased was wearing brand-name clothes and expensive accessories. It is estimated that the watch on his wrist alone can cover the nanny's salary for one year."

Ding Xifeng said, "Director Zhang, please take us to the scene to see."

"Okay." Zhang Huayi made a gesture of request and led Ding Xifeng and others into the hallway.

The deceased was lying on the floor of the living room with no blood stains and obvious strangulations on his neck. He looked about forty years old. He was wearing a red dress and a famous brand watch on his wrist. He could already smell a faint smell of rancidity. Smell.

Han Bin knelt down and stared at a crystal clear object on the ground, "Captain, there is a diamond beside the dead man."

Ding Xifeng also squatted down and looked carefully for a long time, "It looks like the style is like a diamond on a necklace."

Han Bin checked the scene carefully and said, “No necklace was found at the scene, it is very likely that the murderer took it away.”

Ma Jingbo checked the watch worn by the deceased and said, “The strap of the deceased was not in the buckle. It is possible that the murderer wanted to take the watch, but because he panicked after the murder and was in a hurry, he didn’t untie it, so he gave up.”

Ding Xifeng nodded and agreed with their analysis, "Director Zhang, where is the reporter?"

"The informant was the cleaner of this unit. When she was cleaning this morning, she found that the door of the deceased's house was open. She was worried that thieves might be recruited, so she knocked on the door, but no one responded. So she entered the house. I checked it and found that the person was out of breath. I was so scared that I quickly called the police."

"After we received the alarm, we rushed to the scene as soon as possible. At that time, the property also knew about it and sent security guards outside the house. I heard one of the security guards say that the police visited this family yesterday afternoon. I quickly reported the situation."

Ding Xifeng said after listening, "Han Bin, you will make a detailed record for the informant in a moment."


Taking advantage of the fact that the reporter did not come, Han Bin turned around in the room. There were a lot of photos in the room. They were photos of a couple of men and women, which made people feel like the owner of the house, and the dead were even more. Like a superfluous person.

Finding out the identity of the deceased is also a top priority. Han Bin walked to the deceased and checked it carefully, trying to see some clues from the deceased.

Before long, people from the technical department and the forensic department came, and Han Bin stepped aside.

After a while, a police officer came over and said that the informant had arrived.

Han Bin took Bao Xing to take notes.

The informant was an aunt, who appeared to be in her 50s or 60s, wearing a clean uniform, short hair, and very rich.

Han Bin smiled, "Auntie, are you the reporter?"

The aunt nodded quickly, "I am, I found it by cleaning."

"Don't be nervous, I'm Han Bin from the Criminal Investigation Brigade, I want to make a note for you."


"What's your name?"

"I...I'm Wang Qimei, you can call me Lao Wang."

"Aunt Wang, when did you find the body?"

"It's over seven o'clock."

"Do you remember the exact time?"

"It's about seven forty."

"Apart from you, were there anyone else present?"

"No, I was responsible for cleaning this building. We were all responsible for the same building. I saw that her door was open at the time, and no one came in or out. I was worried about recruiting thieves, just to remind her. At home, I knocked on the door. Who knows that no one has responded, I was even more worried. I opened the door and took a look and found someone lying on the ground. I thought she was ill. I wanted to help her up quickly. It's cold to touch people, and it scares me to death." At this point, Wang Qimei patted her heart.

"My god, it's the first time I've seen a dead person in my life, and I touched her. Now my hands are still shaking and my legs are soft."

Han Bin thought for a moment and asked, "You opened the door, and you could see the dead lying on the ground from the crack in the door?"

"I didn't see the whole person, I saw half of my arm slumped on the ground."

Han Bin nodded, indeed only half of the deceased's arm could be seen from the door, "Do you know the deceased?"

Wang Qimei first nodded, then shook her head, "I have seen her and knew she lives in this building, but I haven't spoken. However, I have a good impression of her family. Her family often buys things online, and there are often a lot of piles at the door. Boxes. Sometimes there are **** in them, so I don’t want them. I thought that the boxes could be sold for some money, so I helped her house to take out the **** and I took the boxes."

This is also the case in Han Bin's house. Wang Ting also likes to shop online, and the opened boxes will be put at the door of the house.

The one who took the box and took out the garbage was a good cleaner. If you take the box and don't help out the garbage, you won't do anything.

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