Detective from The Future

Chapter 874: visit

Han Bin gradually took over the job of team leader, because he is still a group leader now, and he is a lot busier than usual. It can be said that he is tired and happy.

There are no new cases these days. Han Bin’s main task is to close cases and hold meetings. After he was promoted to squadron leader, the number of meetings increased significantly.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Han Bin had just finished the meeting and was in the office sorting out the meeting minutes. After he had a clue, he would convey the contents of the meeting to the members of the Second Squadron.

"Chuck..." With a sound, the office door opened.

Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang walked into the office and immediately attracted the attention of others. These two have gone for several days to investigate in Quancheng.

Bao Xing got up to greet him, "Yo, Brother Wang, Brother Jiang, you can count as coming back, I almost miss you."

Wang Xiao smiled, "We used to be at home every day, and we didn't see how good you were to us."

"The Korean team."

"Team Han." Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang walked to Han Bin's desk and said hello.

Han Bin nodded, "Was it going well when I came back?"

"It went smoothly. The high-speed train was very fast." Wang Xiao replied and smiled, "Team Korea, congratulations on your promotion to the squadron leader."

Jiang Yang said, "I heard that you were promoted to the captain of the squadron. We couldn't wait to come back right away, but we still missed your promotion banquet."

Han Bin patted him on the shoulder, "Next time I treat you to eat more, try to make up for it."

Jiang Yang respectfully saluted, "Yes."

Han Bin smiled and said, "After a break, let’s warm up and talk about the situation in Quancheng."

On the way back, the two of them didn't feel tired, they were so cold that they were relieved after drinking a cup of hot water.

Wang Xiao began to talk about his experience in Quancheng in the past few days, "After we arrived in Quancheng? We went to the Quancheng Public Security Bureau and asked people from the local police station to help investigate Lao Mao. But Lao Mao is just a nickname and we don’t know his real name. ?It was a little difficult to investigate at first."

"Until the next afternoon? We did not find out some information about the old cat. A police informant had seen the old cat? The boss that this informant had used before bought guns from the old cat, and this informant also I went with it, but it was last year? This line can no longer find the old cat."

"But? According to the informant's memory, the Quancheng police drew a sketch portrait of an old cat." With that, Wang Xiao took out a sketch portrait from his briefcase and handed it to Han Bin.

Han Bin took a closer look. He was an ordinary person. His age and appearance were similar to those described by people who had seen the old cat before. He just wanted to find the suspect with a sketch? It was too difficult.

Wang Xiao continued? "This informant only started cooperating with the police this year? At that time, he did not deliberately collect clues about the old cat. But he said he could try to help the police find the old cat."

Han Bin asked, "How to find?"

"He will release news on the road, saying that he wants to buy a gun. According to him, the old cat will confirm after he gets the news. If he is sure that his identity is okay? Will he contact him to sell the gun? He has been with him before. The boss also found the old cat in this way."

"How sure is he?"

Wang Xiao shook his head? "He can't say it himself."

"What did the Quancheng police say?"

"They said they would pay close attention to this situation? Keep in touch with the informant."

"So, if the informant discovers the situation, he will contact the Quancheng police first? Instead of contacting us directly?"


"Thanks for your hard work." Han Bin roughly understood the situation.

Judging from the arrangements of the Quancheng police, they seem to want to lead the trace of the old cat.

The clue of the old cat was provided by the Qindao police, but the location of the old cat’s hiding place was probably in Quancheng, and the informant was also provided by the Quancheng police. The Quancheng police did take advantage of the land and people.

Han Bin doesn’t have much opinion on this. He is not a workaholic, nor lacks credit. He has just become the acting squadron captain. Now even if he makes great credit, he cannot be promoted in a short time. The reason for investigating the old cat is because the other party is very dangerous. It is an unstable factor in Qindao City. He must do the investigation out of police duty.

Now that the Quancheng police wanted to take over, they would give it to them. Han Bin himself didn't want to deal with gun dealers, it was too dangerous.

The clues of the old cat were discovered by the Qindao police first. Even if the Quancheng police caught the old cat, they would have to give Han Bin and others a share of credit, so why not do it.



Han Bin got up early, and he doesn't have to go to work today, but he has a special and difficult task.

He is going to Wang Ting's house to visit his future father-in-law. This is related to his happiness in the second half of his life, so it should not be vague.

Han Bin was neatly dressed, took a gift, and was about to set off.


Four Seasons Yunding District.

Wang Ting's house.

Wang Ting's house was also busy early in the morning. Wang Ting still wanted to sleep late, but was pulled out of the bed by his mother Song Min.

At this time, Song Min and Aunt Zhong Diangong were busy in the kitchen, Wang Yan was watering the flowers in the open air, and Wang Ting was sitting beside the coffee table placing dried fruits.

The part-time worker's nanny, whose surname is Chen, has been in Wang Ting's house for many years.

Song Min didn't really want outsiders to live in his own home. Instead of hiring a full-time nanny, he hired a part-time worker. He would come to the house two or three times a week to clean and improve the food.

This will not affect the life of the family, but also reduce some housework.

Song Min walked out of the kitchen, "Tingting, have you contacted Han Bin?"

"Contacted, he has already set off, it is estimated that he will be there in ten minutes."

Wang Yan opened the glass door of the terrace, "You won't go out there to pick someone up."

"I said, he said it was very cold outside today, and he was afraid that I would be freezing outside, so I would wait at home."

Song Min asked, "Then he can find our house?"

"Mom, don't worry, his detective is not for nothing."

Wang Yanmeng remembered something, "Tingting, Han Bin was promoted to the squadron leader, why didn't you tell me earlier."

"Didn't I say it."

"Why didn't you tell me when you went home last time."

Wang Ting gave a white stare, "I really want to tell you. Before you say a few words, you drank with a friend in a hurry. Give me a chance."

Wang Yan was speechless for a while, as if it was really the case, "I didn't drink alcohol that day, I was going to do business."

Song Min waved his hand, "Okay, stop arguing between you two, what should you do, why should you go."

Wang Yan rolled up his sleeves, "Xiao Min, do you want me to help in the kitchen."

"Don't tell me, the more you help, the more help you get. When Han Bin comes, you can entertain him."

Wang Yan sat on the sofa. He had been in the mall for so many years and often dealt with people. Although he could not talk about long-sleeved dancers, he never frightened the stage.

But somehow today, he always felt a little nervous.

Because the other party is a policeman, that can't, and I haven't committed a crime.

Because the other party is Tingting's boyfriend, wrong, shouldn't the other party be nervous in this situation?

"Ding Dong..." At this moment, the doorbell rang.

The atmosphere in the room is a bit frozen.

Wang Yan held a teacup in his hand, and glanced at the door.

Song Min stood in the dining room and looked out.

Wang Ting was also a little nervous, after all, it was the first time to take her boyfriend home. Although she has confidence in Han Bin, she is not afraid of 10,000, but what if her parents disagree.

These messy thoughts flashed through her mind, and Wang Ting came back to her senses and walked to the hallway, "I'll open the door."

"Chuck..." The door opened with a sound.

A chill came, and it was Han Bin who was standing outside.

Han Bin dressed very handsome today, wearing a neat suit, bright leather shoes, and carrying gifts for Wang Ting's parents.

At this time, Han Bin was also a little nervous, and his palms were a little sweaty. Although he had had a girlfriend before, it was the first time he saw his wife's parents. Even when the criminals were arrested, the heartbeat was not as fast as they are now. These two feelings of tension are completely different.

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