Detective from The Future

Chapter 876: New plan

Qindao City, Changdao District, Wuhua Mountain.

Wuhua Mountain is located in the eastern part of Changdao District. It is not well-known and the mountain is not too high. It is only more than one thousand meters. It is rarely known to outsiders, but it is a good place for nearby residents to climb mountains and play.

At seven o'clock in the morning, a somewhat obese man in his thirties was climbing a mountain. He climbed for a while and stopped for a while. He was already sweating profusely.

"I Di Niang, why is it so difficult to lose weight? I have been exercising for a month, and I have lost less than three catties. It's the **** thing." The man was called Ma Changjie, who lived nearby.

Ma Changjie climbed to a relatively flat place halfway up the mountain and sat on a large rock to rest, panting heavily. He has checked weight loss information on the Internet. It is said that sweating can only drain water, and fat burning is done through breathing.

So as long as Ma Changjie gets tired from exercise, he will breathe. At the same time, a habitual look at the sports watch, how many calories it consumes, is an encouragement and a urge.

Ma Changjie rested for a while, preparing to continue climbing up the mountain, stood up, moved his hands and feet, and saw that there seemed to be something in the distance, white flowers.

Ma Changjie walked over and checked. Not far away was a woman lying undressed, and there was a dark red blood around her.

He was taken aback, "God, dead!"


Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Han Bin sat at his desk, eating bean foam and shortbread biscuits.

These two kinds of snacks belong to niche delicacies. Han Bin has eaten many snacks from snacks to big ones, and the methods of each one are roughly the same, but the taste, texture, and level of the products are very different.

Han Bin has eaten so many? This one is my favorite. The crust is crispy and the biscuits are thicker? Full of taste? Can Han Bin eat two at a meal? Plus a bowl of bean curd.

Many people have never eaten this kind of snack, and when you hear the name, many people can guess that it is made of bean noodles.


The main ingredient of this snack is millet noodles? Soybeans, peanuts, tofu, kelp shreds, vermicelli, fungus, sesame and other side dishes? The taste is very rich and distinctive.

The shortbread biscuits with bean fritters taste great.

Huang Qianqian came over sneakingly? Whispered? "Brother-in-law? I heard that you went to my cousin's house yesterday."

Han Bin glanced at her? "Who did you hear?"

"Then just leave it alone? How do you feel?"

"Very good? Uncles and aunts are nice people, and the dishes are also very delicious. I can't wait to stay there."

Huang Qianqian gritted her little tiger's teeth, and said slyly, "Hey? That's a good relationship? Neither aunt nor uncle has a son? If you want to be a son-in-law, they are still unhappy."

"Bang!" Han Bin gave her a brainstorm, "What are you thinking about all day long. Oh, I said why don't you find a boyfriend? It turned out to be this idea, or I will help you ask. Bao Xing, see if he has any ideas in this regard."

Huang Qianqian murmured, "Why did it happen to me?"

Han Bin raised his chin, "Go, I'm thirsty, pour me a cup of tea."

Huang Qianqian pouted her lips. Although she was reluctant, she picked up Han Bin's cup to pour tea. Who made Han Bin her cousin and leader, she could say no.

Han Bin tidied up after eating breakfast, and his cell phone rang, "Jingling..."

Han Bin saw that Ding Xifeng's number was displayed on the screen, "Hey, Captain."

"Come to my office, there is a case."

"Yes." Han Bin took a deep breath and finally came. This was the first case in which he became an acting squadron leader.


Changdao District, Wuhua Mountain.

The four cars drove to the vicinity of Wuhua Mountain, and Han Bin got out of the first car, moved his hands and feet, and stretched out.

"The air in this mountain is good."

Li Qin covered his head with his right hand and looked towards the mountain. "Team Han, is the crime scene on the mountain?"

"Yes, I saw it when someone climbed a mountain to exercise in the morning."

Bao Xing wrinkled, "Who is he who actually ran to the mountain to kill someone."

Wang Xiao said, "This place is remote and there is no camera. Isn't this suitable."

Han Bin greeted, "Let's go, you can climb the mountain in your work time, most people don't have this treatment yet."

There were no cases during this time, and Han Bin was either lying in the office or in a meeting, and he was already bored.

The mountain is not high, and it is not steep, and someone has already stepped out of the road, so it doesn't take much effort to get up.

After climbing more than a hundred meters, you can see a group of people in police uniforms on the heights, which should be the scene of the crime.

When approaching the scene, a man in a police uniform greeted him. The man looked around forty years old and shook hands with Han Bin, "It's a comrade from the Municipal Bureau, I'm Sheng Jinhai, director of the Wuhuashan Police Station."

"Hello, Director Sheng, this is Han Bin from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade."

Sheng Jinhai was a little surprised, "Hello Captain Han, I didn't expect you to be so young."

"Director Sheng, how is the situation at the scene?"

"The reporter is called Ma Changjie. He is still at the scene. He was the first to find the body. The body was a female dead." Sheng Jinhai made a please gesture, "Go, I'll take you over to see."

The police cordon has been pulled up at the scene, and many people are watching. They look like they are climbing a mountain.

"Leader Zhu, you can take someone to visit the people around you to see if you know the dead person or can provide some clues."


There were no cases in the two teams of the second squadron, so Han Bin brought them all. This was the first time he took two teams to handle cases, and there was still some pressure.

Han Bin led the other team members into the scene. A young female deceased was lying on the ground without any clothes on her body. There was a pool of blood around her head and bruises on her chest and thighs. No objects were found around.

Zhao Ming whispered, "Hey, another young and beautiful girl, what a pity."

Bao Xing on the side also nodded secretly, perhaps this is the consensus of single dogs.

Han Bin glanced around. The scene of the crime was mountainous, with unevenness and small rocks on the ground, but no obvious footprints could be found.

People from the technical department and the forensic department also came, greeted Han Bin, and began investigating the scene and processing the corpse.

After Han Bin surveyed the scene, he glanced around, "Which is the informant?"

"I, it's me." A fat man in his thirties came over.

Han Bin looked at each other, "What do you call?"

"My name is Ma Changjie."

"Hello Mr. Ma, this is Han Bin from the Second Squadron of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. I want to make a note for you."

Ma Changjie looked at Han Bin, who was younger than himself, and asked, "Officer Han, did I make a transcript here? I don't have to go to the police station."


"Then after I finish the transcript, can I leave?"


Ma Changjie breathed a sigh of relief, "Then ask now, I have been delayed for a whole morning, and my good mood is gone. I have to find a bathhouse and rub it in. It's too bad."

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