Detective from The Future

Chapter 882: frank

Lou Hexiang's face immediately changed.

"I... I was wronged, Comrade Police, I admit that I drove out that day, but Dong Yubei's death has nothing to do with me."

"Why are you lying?"

"I'm afraid. I just met Dong Yubei yesterday. After hearing you say she is dead, I'm afraid you will doubt me. I'm really innocent and don't want to cause trouble."

After the toss and toss just now, Han Bin's trust in him is very low, "Congratulations, I'm in big trouble now."

Han Bin waved his hand, "Capture them both."

Lou Hexiang was anxious, "Comrade police, my mother is okay, what are you doing to catch her?"

"She is suspected of giving you false testimony, and the police have the right to arrest her in accordance with the law."

Lou Yuenan shouted, "It doesn't matter if you arrest me, but you can't arrest my son. My son was wronged. He is the most kind, and it is impossible to kill."

Han Bin said sternly, "I originally came here with sincerity. I stated my identity from the beginning and I am willing to trust you, but you have lied again and again, and the police will not easily accept your testimony."

Han Bin pointed to Wang Xiao on the side, "You take someone to stay here, waiting for the technical department to investigate the scene and the car."


Han Bin escorted the two suspects back to the city bureau.

After returning to the Municipal Bureau, Han Bin asked Lou Hexiang's DNA samples to be collected and sent to the technical department for comparison. Lou Hexiang's mother and son were also temporarily detained.

After finishing the work, it was already more than one o'clock in the afternoon, and Han Bin and others did not even eat lunch.

Having caught Lou Hexiang, the suspected person involved in the case, Han Bin was in a good mood and took a few hands to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

When I went to the cafeteria at this point, there were leftovers, and instant noodles were not eaten every day.

Han Bin and the others went to a Sichuan restaurant called "Shu Xiang Zhai". The meal was over. Although there were still two groups of people in the restaurant, they had stopped ordering food.

Han Bin chose a position by the window and ordered a dish of Maoxuewang, fried pork with chili, Mapo tofu, stir-fried beans, and three fresh dishes. The dishes were made quickly, and the dishes were ready in less than ten minutes. .

Except for the Sanxian, the other four dishes are all spicy? The more you eat, the more spicy, and the more spicy, the more refreshing? The chill is immediately dissipated.

From entering the restaurant to leaving the restaurant? The meal was resolved in less than half an hour. Han Bin took the people back to the city bureau and took a rest. Interrogation continued in the afternoon.


Municipal Public Security Bureau? Third Interrogation Room.

Lou Hexiang was taken into the interrogation room, with his hands and feet handcuffed on the interrogation chair, biting the nail of his right index finger from time to time. Tension, fear, and worry were all written on his face.

"Crack..." A sound? The door of the interrogation room opened? Han Bin carrying a teacup? Bao Xing came in with a thermos.

Too spicy for lunch? Drink more water today? Otherwise, you will get angry tomorrow.

Seeing the two of Han Bin, Lou Hexiang took a deep breath, "Comrade police, what about my mother? What have you done to her?"

Han Bin cleaned up the interrogation table, unscrewed the teacup and took a sip? "Take care of yourself first? Your situation is much worse than your mother's."

"Comrade police? I'm really innocent? I have been to Wuhua Mountain, but it doesn't mean that I killed Dong Yubei."

"The same sentence, didn't you kill it? Why did you lie?"

"I'm afraid you doubt me."

Han Bin said, "You can't prove your innocence for this reason."

"Look, this is what I worry about. Once you know that I have been to Wuhua Mountain, you will subconsciously think that I am the murderer, so I dare not say that I have been there."

"Wrong." Han Bin corrected. "The reason why the police suspect you is not only because you have been to Wuhua Mountain, but the more important reason is that you lied and failed the police's trust in you."

Lou Hexiang showed a look of regret, "I know I was wrong, and I am willing to cooperate with you to make things clear."

"All right, then you can tell, why go to Wuhua Mountain?"

Lou Hexiang was silent for a moment, and said, "Dong Yubei called me and asked me for money. If I had money, I would really give her. But I really didn't. I haven't worked in the past few months. Where can I go? Get her money."

"Dong Yubei asked me to ask my mother for money. How dare I? My mother had a bad impression of her since the last time we broke up. If I asked my mother for money, not only would she not agree, she had to scold me. No."

Han Bin asked, "Why does your mother have a bad impression of Dong Yubei?"

"I also made a lot of money when I was doing real estate sales. Later I met Dong Yubei, and the money was spent on her, basically there was no money left. My mother was a little unhappy when she found out. However, My mother is a salesperson. Although she may be unhappy in her heart, she has never revealed it in front of Dong Yubei."

"However, my mother also gave me an ultimatum. If I really like Dong Yubei, let me marry her quickly. In my mother's words, once a woman gets married, she knows to save money. She couldn't bear to let her spend it."

"I really like Dong Yubei, and I want to marry her, so I proposed to her. But Dong Yubei didn't accept it at first, saying that she hadn't thought about it yet, so she kept dragging it."

"Later, after a long delay, my mother became a little unhappy. Persuaded me to break up with Dong Yubei as soon as possible, saying that she is not a living woman, and she might kick me someday."

"I didn't believe it at the time. I love Dong Yubei. The two of us are very suitable together. I would even die for her. Who knows... In August, she broke up with me. At that time... I felt the whole day. They all collapsed." Lou Hexiang's eyes were flushed, and he habitually bit the nail of his right index finger.

"I really couldn't accept it at the time. I quit my job and didn't want to do anything all day. I just stayed at home and played games. Only when I played games can I forget her and the troubles in reality..."

"I know I'm not doing this right, I know I should be strong, but I really can't do it. Seeing me like this... Don't mention my mother's sadness. She thinks Dong Yubei has harmed me, so she forbids me to have **** with her Any contact."

Han Bin generally understood the relationship experience of the two and asked, "Since you refused her request to borrow money, why did you go to Wuhua Mountain to see her?"

"She said... She is pregnant and is my child. When I heard... I can’t help but go. I was very happy at the time. I thought this might be an opportunity for our reunion, so I would like to see her in person. If she If she is really pregnant, I will be responsible. Even if I sell iron, I will give her money so that she can raise her baby with peace of mind." Lou Hexiang clenched his fist tightly.

"Who knows...she was actually killed. I am really sad, she is carrying my child in her belly, how could I kill her, how could I be the murderer!"

Han Bin stroked his thoughts and continued to ask, "When did you see her?"

"About three thirty."

"How was her condition at the time? What did she tell you?"

"She is still so beautiful, confident, and so beautiful. She showed me the report of the pregnancy test and she was indeed pregnant. I was very happy at the time and told her that I must bring the baby up and down. I will earn money and I will raise Child." Lou Hexiang couldn't help sighing when he talked about this.

"Dong Yubei said she didn't want this child, and asked me to give her 10,000 yuan, and she would kill the child by herself. When I heard this, my heart was almost broken. I begged her not to beat her. After losing the child, I knelt down for her, hoping that she can be nice to me again, I will make good money, and I will take good care of the child. At that time, I told her various guarantees."

"Finally, Dong Yubei agreed to give birth to a child. However, she asked me 200,000 yuan, saying that she and the child would be protected. She didn't want the child to come to this world to suffer. If I can't get these Money, she will still kill the child."

"I was stupid at the time, 200,000 yuan. How can I have so much money? I told her that I will work hard to make money in the future, and I will definitely let the child live a good life, and I will definitely not let her down. But she disagrees, she Want it now."

"I said I didn't have money, she asked me to ask my mother. I... I was so confused at the time. I was so old, and I had to ask my mother for money for this kind of thing. I couldn't open this mouth. At that time, there was really no way, so I asked her to give me some time and I went to raise money. She agreed and gave me a week."

"Then, I wanted to send her away, but she refused. She said she hadn't considered whether to get back with me. No way, I just went down the mountain alone."

Lou Hexiang stretched out three fingers, his voice trembling, "I can swear to God, Dong Yubei was fine when I left. I never killed her, let alone hurt the child in her stomach. Tiger poison does not eat. Son, how could I hurt my child!"

Lou Hexiang's words were very sincere, which made Han Bin a little moved. He also felt that it was unlikely that Lou Hexiang would kill his child.

But there is a premise, that is, Dong Yubei is indeed carrying his child.

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