Detective from The Future

Chapter 888: Standoff

Han Bin said, "When did Cen Yunna know about this?"

"I don't know this. She told me about it on November 17. I was also very angry at the time and wanted to stand up for her. However, I didn't want to beat Dong Yubei. Instead, I wanted to trouble Zhong Xiuyuan. But my cousin disagreed. She told me to ignore Zhong Xiuyuan's affairs and she would handle it herself."

Speaking of this, Song Fang sighed, "Later I asked if I could help, and she asked me to teach Dong Yubei."

"I didn't even know that Dong Yubei was pregnant at the time, and she hadn't said that, I just beat Dong Yubei in a vague way. Now thinking about it, I was just standing for someone and died unjustly."

"You are a teacher, and you are not stupid. If she asks you to hit someone, just hit it?

"My cousin is kind to me. She has been wronged. I must help her."

"What great kindness does she have to you?"

"My cousin works in the education department. She helped find my job. My family and I are very grateful to her. I also know that I don't have any great abilities. I might have to ask her for help in the future, so I wanted to vent her breath. , Beat the smelly little three."

Song Fang showed a nervous look, "Comrade police, I really didn't know that she was pregnant, otherwise I would not beat her. Isn't she okay, maybe it's not serious. I didn't put too much hands on, just beat her. She slapped her twice and kicked her."

Han Bin said, "She is dead."

"Huh? What did you say?" Song Fang grabbed Han Bin's arm abruptly, showing an unbelievable look, as if he thought he had heard it wrong.

Bao Xing repeated? "Dong Yubei is dead, this time you hear clearly."

Song Fang was stunned, and stood in the same place woodenly? After a while? "Dead? Why did she die? Who killed her?"

Wang Xiao smiled, "You shouldn't ask us about this? You should be clearer."

Song Fang shouted loudly? "I just slapped her twice and kicked her, how could she be dead? It has nothing to do with me? I did it? It really wasn't me!"

Han Bin asked? "If you cooperated with the police investigation before? We might believe you? But you have been lying before, how can we believe you?"

"But she was fine when I left that day, and my cousin never told me about her death. It's impossible, impossible."

"November 30 between 3 and 6 pm? Where are you?"

"It was Monday? I was at work? Right? I was at work that day."

"We checked the school's surveillance. You left the school at four in the afternoon. Where did you go?"

"I think about it... let me think about it..." Song Fang thought for a moment? Anxiously, "I'm too nervous, I can't remember, Comrade Police, what happened that day? Is there any problem?"

"Dong Yubei was killed on November 30. If you want to prove your innocence, you must provide an alibi."

"I understand, I must think about it." Song Fang took a deep breath, and after a while, replied, "I remembered that I left early that day. My mother introduced me to a partner. Hurry over and meet her."

"What's your partner's name? Where did you meet?"

Song Fang begged, "Comrade police, can you not disturb my partner? I like her a lot, and I don't want her to know about it."

Wang Xiao pointed to Song Fang's chest, "If you don't tell me, our police will investigate by ourselves. Then we won't be so easy to talk."

Song Fang cried and hesitated for a while, "I said, we met at the "Marco Polo Cafe" in Yuhua District, Yingbin Road. My subject is Lin Xi, and her mobile number is 18847489XXX.

"Comrade police, I am Dong Yubei who was beaten on November 20. Since she died on November 30, it means that she has nothing to do with my death."

Wang Xiao hummed, "As long as you have the motive of committing the crime, the first time, there will be a second time. If you want to clear your suspicion as soon as possible, you must assist the police in the investigation.

"Yes, I will definitely help. I will definitely correct my mistakes and cooperate with your investigation." Song Fang said vowedly.


Family home of the Real Estate Bureau.

The greening of the community is very good. They are all low-rise slabs with large four-bedrooms. Such houses can sell for at least 21 thousand square meters in the surrounding area.

Zhong Xiuyuan's family lives on the third floor, not high or low, the floor is just right.

After Zhong Xiuyuan got off work, he went to the supermarket to buy vegetables and went straight home.

As soon as Cen Yunna walked in, she smelled the scent of food. When she walked into the restaurant, there were two dishes on the table. Zhong Xiuyuan was still busy in the kitchen.

"Hey, the sun came out to the west today, and Deputy Section Chief Zhong actually cooks himself."

Zhong Xiuyuan squeezed out a smile, "I don't think you are busy at work and want to make up for you. Eat more later, it's all your favorite dishes."

Cen Yunna showed a playful smile and turned out of the restaurant.

After a while, when Zhong Xiuyuan yelled for dinner, Cen Yunna entered the restaurant unhurriedly and sat directly at the table.

Zhong Xiuyuan pointed to the dishes on the table, "Steamed sea fish, fried sea cucumber with green onions, fried baby dishes, and old duck vermicelli soup are all your favorites. Try my craftsmanship regressed."

Cen Yunna glanced, and pointed to the Lao Ya Fan Tang, "It's very cold outside. Give me a bowl of soup to get rid of the cold."

"Good." Zhong Xiuyuan took a spoon, filled a bowl of soup numbly, and handed it to Cen Yunna, "Give it the spoon."

Cen Yunna took the soup spoon, took a sip of the soup, and tasted it.

Zhong Xiuyuan asked with a smile, "How does it taste?"

"Make do." Cen Yunna picked up the chopsticks and clamped a piece of fish.

The smile on Zhong Xiuyuan's face was a bit awkward, and he didn't say anything, he lowered his head to eat.

"Boom..." There was a knock on the door outside.

Zhong Xiuyuan shivered and sat at the table stupidly.

Cen Yunna asked, "Who is it?"

I don't know if Cen Yunna's voice is small, people outside did not hear it, and no one answered.

Cen Yunna glared at her husband, "What are you doing in a daze, open the door."

"Eh." Zhong Xiuyuan replied, swallowed, got up and walked to the door, "Who?"

"Zhong Xiuyuan, open the door."

Zhong Xiuyuan shuddered, and he heard this voice.

Zhong Xiuyuan was taken aback.

Cen Yunna also walked out of the restaurant, "Who is outside? Why don't you open the door."

Zhong Xiuyuan hesitated for a moment, but still bite the bullet and opened the door, "Officer Han, why are you here."

Han Bin took a look inside and saw a woman standing at the entrance of the restaurant, "Don't you invite us in?"

Zhong Xiuyuan blinked vigorously, winking at Han Bin, with a look of prayer on his face.

Han Bin said, "Don't be nervous, we are not here to find you."

Zhong Xiuyuan was even more confused. Under the pressure of Han Bin's aura, he couldn't help but let go.

Han Bin walked into the entrance and looked at the woman standing at the door.

Cen Yunna frowned and said in a harsh tone, "Who are you? What are you doing in our house?"

Han Bin showed his police officer ID, "What is your name?"

Cen Yunna asked back, "You don't know what my name is, why do you come to our house?"

Han Bin snorted, "Bring him in."

Bao Xing outside the door scolded, "Go in."

Song Fang cowered and walked into the hallway, looked at Zhong Xiuyuan, took another look at Cen Yunna, and quickly lowered his head.

"You are..." Zhong Xiuyuan looked at Song Fang, feeling a little familiar, for a moment he couldn't remember the identity of the other party.

Cen Yunna's face changed slightly, "Song Fang, why are you here?"

"Cousin, I... they found out what I did. There was an accident with the woman you beat me, and I can't... just say it." Song Fang said a little vaguely, but Cen Yunna immediately understood his Meaning, showing a nervous look.

Zhong Xiuyuan also remembered, "You are Yun Na's cousin Song Fang, right? What did you mean by what you just said? Who did you beat?"

Han Bin raised his chin, "Cen Yunna, are you talking here? Or come back to the police station with us?"

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