Detective from The Future

Chapter 897: example

The office location of the joint investigation team of the Wuhua Mountain project was chosen at Yuhua Branch. There are two main reasons for choosing here. The first reason is that it is close to the crime scene. The second is that the technical team and the forensic doctor for the autopsy are both jade. People from the Hua branch can handle cases and communicate more easily here.

The office of the joint investigation team is in a large conference room, where Han Bin used to work, which also saves the time to familiarize himself with the environment.

After returning to the branch, Han Bin poured a large cup of tea, called Zeng Ping and Li Hui into the conference room, and informed them of the situation of Dong Yubei's case.

Knowing the circumstances of the murder of Dong Yubei, Zeng Ping also believes that the two cases are directly related, but whether it was the same murderer still needs further investigation.

After that, Han Bin went to the office of Deputy Director Dai Minghan to report to the old leader his recent work and the Wuhua Mountain case. Seeing Han Bin's growth, Dai Minghan was very happy and encouraged him a few words.

As for the Wuhuashan case, Dai Minghan didn't have too much interference. This case was still dominated by the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau. They were only responsible for assisting. Although he was the deputy director of the branch, he would not interfere with Han Bin's investigation.

At noon, Han Bin and his party ate at Yuhua branch. Han Bin met many old colleagues. The news that Han Bin was promoted to the second squadron of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade was no secret in Yuhua branch. Many people told him Dao hi.

Han Bin can be regarded as homecoming, but in front of his previous leaders and colleagues, Han Bin still maintains sufficient humility, and his attitude is no different from before.

In addition to some familiar people, there are also some young faces who watch Han Bin frequently.

A female police officer in her twenties greeted her companion, "Look, that's Captain Han Bin who was transferred to the city bureau. He looks pretty handsome!"

"This Captain Han has solved many major cases. When I was at the police school last year, I heard about his deeds. The teacher who taught at the time also analyzed his case handling experience. I heard that he is not only good in criminal investigation skills? Also proficient in footprint identification."

"Tsk tusk, it's amazing. It seems that he is about the same age as me? He is the squadron leader of the city criminal investigation team? I am not even a team leader now? Mother, when will I get ahead."

These police officers have not been to the Yuhua branch for a long time. They have all heard of Han Bin's deeds? Some people watch the fun? Some people regard Han Bin as a role model.

For example, Han Bin has repeatedly solved major cases, has been promoted to several ranks in just two years, and became the captain of the city criminal investigation team at a young age. It is rare in the entire Qindao public security system.

The team members who went out to investigate in the afternoon returned one after another? Han Bin held a case summary meeting in the conference room.

Han Bin is sitting on the main seat of the conference table? On the left is a colleague from the Municipal Bureau? On the right is a colleague from the Yuhua Branch.

Han Bin glanced at everyone? Loudly said? "Everyone knows the situation of the case, I won't repeat it here. After surveying the scene, everyone separately investigated and talked about the progress of the investigation."

Li Hui coughed lightly, "My situation is relatively simple, so let me talk about it first? I will give you some suggestions.

After being reminded by the Korean team? I took someone to search the scene carefully? I found a pile of manuals in the drawer of the closet? Among them, I also found a small camera manual.

The brand of this camera is Carmel. It is a small camera produced in the United States. The model is V11. I found photos of this small camera on the Internet. You can take a look. "

Li Hui walked behind the conference table, turned on the projector, and played a set of slides from a small camera.

Han Bin said, "You will post the photos to the case handling team soon. Please pay more attention when investigating the case. The camera lost by the suspect may have key evidence, which is very important."

Zhu Jiaxu then reported, "I went to the Qindao Photography Association to investigate. Jin Zhiwen is a member of the Association. He often participates in activities organized by the Association. He has also participated in some excellent works exhibitions of the Association. However, there is no record of awards. His friends in the Association In China, no one has heard that a boss wants to buy his works at a high price.

In addition, I went to a communications company to print out Jin Zhiwen's recent telephone communication records, but I had not had time to check it in detail. "

The next report is Wang Xiao, who is responsible for visiting neighbors around him.

Wang Xiao held a document in his hand, “There are four households on each floor of the building where Jin Zhiwen is located. I visited 11 residents on the sixth, seventh, and eighth floors. Among them, two of them could not be reached. Three households did not live at home yesterday. Six households were actually visited.

The residents of the three households claimed that they did not hear any abnormalities last night, and the remaining three households all said they heard abnormal shouts, but the descriptions of the abnormal shouts by these three households were different.

Among them, the owner of Room 701 claimed that he heard a man's shout at more than eight o'clock in the evening. The voice was louder and shocked him. He planned to come out and have a look, but then he couldn't hear the sound. Give it up.

The tenant of Room 802 claimed that he heard a shout at nine o'clock in the evening. He couldn't remember whether it was a man or a woman, because he was taking a bath at the time and the sound of running water was louder, so he could not hear clearly.

The owner of Room 704 claimed that she heard two shouts. She couldn't remember the exact time. It should be between eight and ten. However, she was the only one at home at the time, and she was a woman again, so she did not go out to check. "

Li Hui smiled, "Isn't this just a blind man touching an elephant."

Han Bin thought for a moment, "Although everyone has different statements, combined with other evidence, these testimonies are still very valuable. For example, comparing with the surveillance video of this building, the evidence chain will be more complete."

"Ahem." Zeng Ping cleared his throat, "I personally led the surveillance to investigate. Among them, the most suspected person was the suspect who took the elevator up to the seventh floor at 9.35. I asked people to collect the surveillance of the community and found it. More videos about him.

Sun Xiaopeng, please play the video. "

Sun Xiaopeng stood up, taller than everyone present, strode to the side of the projector, and played video surveillance.

The protagonist in the surveillance is still the person who wears a hat, a mask, and a black coat, who wraps himself tightly.

Video surveillance is all phased. After this period of time, the human image will disappear.

The first video is still in the elevator, the second is the video in the community, and the third is the video on the street outside the community. Each video is not long, some seconds, but the longest. Ten seconds.

Sun Xiaopeng played a total of six videos and said, “The suspect left the community without taking any means of transportation and has been walking. After that, he turned into an alley on Yanbin Road and then lost his trace.

After that, we followed the video surveillance to check back and tracked backwards, and found that the suspect had passed through this alley when he came, and the previous traces could not be traced. That's the situation currently found. "

Zeng Ping continued, "From the existing video, this man consciously covered his whereabouts, and the suspicion has risen further, because he is wrapped tightly and can't distinguish his appearance. I repeated the video over and over again. After reading it many times, judging from his walking posture and body shape, he should be a man. Other than that, no other valuable clues have been found for the time being.

The comrades of the Municipal Bureau have a better understanding of this case and may be able to recognize the man in the video. "

After speaking, Zeng Ping cast his gaze to the opposite side of the conference table.

Zhu Jiaxu, Wang Xiao and others have also been staring at the video, but they all have frowned brows. The man in the video not only hides his appearance, but also has a larger coat and his body is not very obvious.

How to identify?

When everyone was at a loss, Han Bin, who was sitting in the main seat, spoke.

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