Detective from The Future

Chapter 900: search

Zhong Xiuyuan came back to his senses, "This is the situation. This is how I met him."

Han Bin said sternly, "Have you seen the evidence from Jin Zhiwen."

Zhong Xiuyuan shook his head, "No."

"Then you are willing to buy three hundred thousand?"

"He showed me that photo. He was indeed on the scene when Yu Bei died, so I chose to believe him. I need to seize the evidence of the murderer. I want to avenge Yu Bei and my child and give my wife justice. I owe them so much that I can't buy it with money."

Wang Xiao curled his lips, obviously disapproving of his behavior, "You never thought about telling us and let the police communicate with him."

Zhong Xiuyuan sighed, "I thought about it, but he said, if I notify the police and prove that I don't recognize his work, he would rather destroy the evidence so that the police can't find anything."

"Did Jin Zhiwen tell you the identity of the murderer?"

"No, he just said the murderer wanted to buy evidence. He refused to say who the murderer was."

"Apart from that meeting, do you still have contact in private?"


"How did you contact?"

Zhong Xiuyuan licked his lips, "He told me about a website called the Photography Fans Forum. His account on the website is Jin Da Ya. I registered an account called Xiao Zhong. We all contacted through that website."

Han Bin instructed Wang Xiao on the side, "Contact the website to check."

"Yes." Wang Xiao turned around and went aside.

Han Bin continued to ask, "Tell me about your detailed experience last night."

Zhong Xiuyuan sighed, "I made an appointment with Jin Zhiwen. I went to his house at 9:30 last night, and we paid the money in one hand and delivered the goods in the other. I left at nine o'clock in the evening and arrived at the Guanghe community almost 9:30. After that, I took the elevator to Jin Zhiwen’s house. The door of Jin Zhiwen’s house was hidden. I thought it was the door he left for me, so I opened the door and went in."

"There was no light in the room. I called his name and no one responded. I turned on the light in the living room with my mobile phone and I saw..."

Zhong Xiuyuan's lips trembled. "There was blood on the door of the bedroom. I was frightened. I took a look inside and saw someone lying on the bed with blood everywhere... The first time I saw this kind of scene, I was scared. I had to care about nothing, turned around and ran away."

Han Bin confirmed, "After the body was found, you really ran away without doing anything?"


Han Bin continued, "According to my investigation, you got on the elevator at 9:35 last night, and you got off the elevator less than 9.36. Take the elevator again and leave at 9:42. It was night. Wait. The elevator will not take too long. Even if it takes one minute to wait for the elevator, you will still have to enter the house for five minutes. In these five minutes, you turn on a light, glance at the corpse, and then run away? Slow it down."

Zhong Xiuyuan took a deep breath, "I remember. After I ran outside, I thought that I had touched the doorknob and the light switch. I went back to the house and wiped the light switch and the doorknob to make sure I didn’t leave it. Fingerprints. Maybe it took some time during this period, but I haven't done anything else."

Han Bin asked back, "You didn't find the evidence Jin Zhiwen said by the way?"

"I had this idea at the time, but I didn't dare. There was blood everywhere. I think it was the murderer who killed Dong Yubei. He must have snatched the evidence, and for another, I am afraid that he will return. I came back and killed me too, so I hurried to leave." At this point, Zhong Xiuyuan showed a look of fear.

Han Bin said, "How do you prove that you did not kill the person? You could kill the person during the transaction, fake it as a robbery scene, and then ran away with evidence."

"I don't have blood on my body. If I kill him, he will definitely be splattered with blood. You can check the surveillance video. I was wearing the same clothes when I got off the elevator, and I didn't get a drop of blood."

Han Bin said, "There are many ways to kill people without blood. You can wear a raincoat, apron, or overcoat. This is not your evidence. If you didn't kill the person, why didn't you report the crime?"

"I'm scared, I'm scared to see dead people. I...I'm also afraid that the police will suspect me."

Han Bin said, "You think so yourself. The police must rule out all possible crimes, so they will naturally think so. If you want to clear your suspicion as soon as possible, you must cooperate with the police investigation."

"I am willing to cooperate, you can speak."

"Where are the clothes, shoes, hat, mask and backpack you wore at Jin Zhiwen's house last night?"

"I'm hiding it in the cabinet. If you need it, I can get it."

"Which cabinet?"

Zhong Xiuyuan pointed to the room on the right, "The closet of the master bedroom."

"You don't have to go. If you agree, I want to search your room. This is also the best way to prove your innocence."

Zhong Xiuyuan hesitated, "Do you have any documents?"

"You need us to apply, but the investigation time is delayed and the real murderer cannot be found. It is even more difficult to clear your suspicion." Han Bin said sincerely.

Before coming, it was difficult to apply for a search warrant because of insufficient evidence. But now it's different. Zhong Xiuyuan admitted that he had been to the scene. With his transcript, it was only a matter of time before applying for a search warrant.

Of course, if Zhong Xiuyuan voluntarily allows the police to search, it will save time and prove that his attitude of assisting in the investigation is good for him and the police.

"I have a clear conscience, you can search. Even if I buy evidence from Jin Zhiwen, I will definitely give it to the police." Zhong Xiuyuan made up his mind.

Han Bin waved his hand, Li Qin and others began to search the room, Han Bin continued to stare at Zhong Xiuyuan, "If the so-called evidence by Jin Zhiwen proves that your wife killed the person, would you still give the evidence to the police?"

Zhong Xiuyuan froze for a moment, "Impossible, I know my wife, she is a very rational person, I don't deserve her to do such a foolish thing."

"I just assumed, if..."

Zhong Xiuyuan smiled bitterly, "If there is anything, I will never walk with Dong Yubei again, so that Dong Yubei will not die, and my life will not be a mess."

Zhong Xiuyuan didn't answer directly, but Han Bin had already got the answer he wanted.

The husband and wife are birds of the same forest. When they are capable, the man's first thought is to maintain the forest.

During the conversation, several team members returned to the living room one after another.

Bao Xing is wearing gloves, a coat and a backpack in his hand, "Han team, see what I found?"

Han Bin recognized at a glance that the coat and backpack were what Zhong Xiuyuan wore last night. "Open it and take a look."

"Yes." Bao Xing put his schoolbag and coat on the coffee table, glanced at Zhong Xiuyuan next to him, staring, "Zhong Xiuyuan, what are you nervous about?"

"I'm not nervous." Zhong Xiuyuan swallowed.

Bao Xing tentatively said, "You still have time to explain now."

"I'm innocent, I've said everything that should be said."

Han Bin raised his chin, "Open it."

Wang Xiao and Li Qin walked to both sides of Zhong Xiuyuan to prevent him from doing anything wrong during the search.

Bao Xing smiled, and opened the zipper of the backpack, which contained a wad of red banknotes, "Oh, there is a lot of money."

Bao Xing took out the stacks of money, totaling twenty. In addition to money, there is a hat.

"Didn't it mean three hundred thousand?"

Zhong Xiuyuan replied, "I am going to give him 200,000 yuan first, and then I will give him another 100,000 yuan when the evidence is confirmed."

Bao Xing began to search for the black coat again. He first touched the left pocket of his clothes, took out a blue mask from inside, and then touched the right pocket. At this time, his complexion changed slightly, "Fuck, look. What did I find."

After the words fell, Bao Xing took out a knife from his pocket. The knife was not big. The handle and scabbard were all black, only twenty centimeters in total. The pocket of the coat was enough to fit.

Han Bin took the knife, opened it, and looked at it. The blade was about ten centimeters long, which was in line with the size of the initial corpse inspection report. However, the knife was relatively clean and no blood was visible.

Han Bin put it under his nose and sniffed it, then looked at Zhong Xiuyuan aside, "This is the murder weapon you used to kill Jin Zhiwen? Why are you so careless and don't hide it."

Zhong Xiuyuan was shocked, sweat was on his forehead, "Police... Captain Han was wronged, I really didn't kill Jin Zhiwen. This dagger is not a murder weapon, but I bought it for self-defense.

I...I brought so much money, and it was at night. I was worried that there would be bad guys on the road and that Jin Zhiwen would rob my money with others. I took a dagger to defend myself. I never used it. You see, the dagger is new. "

Han Bin took the dagger and took a close look. He believed Zhong Xiuyuan's words for seven to eight minutes. Once the dagger was stained with blood, some blood odor would remain, making it very difficult to clean.

Again, this dagger hasn't been sharpened yet, so it's not particularly sharp. The human body is not tofu. This kind of thin-blade knife touches human bones and can easily cause some damage.

But this knife shows no signs of curling or breakage.

Of course, it does not rule out that the knife is of good quality or has been cleaned with a special potion. Han Bin handed the knife to Bao Xing, "Send it to a technical test to see if it is a murder weapon."

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