Detective from The Future

Chapter 905: Cause and effect

"Why kill Jin Zhiwen?"

Lou Hexiang showed a ruthless look, "Because he deserves to die."

"Tell me, why should he die."

"He helped me. I was very grateful and was willing to give him some compensation, but he was too greedy and wanted too much."

Han Bin took a sip of tea, "Lou Hexiang, if you want to make a confession, you must correct your attitude. Don't ask me a question, answer it yourself, and take the initiative to explain in detail the relationship with Jin Zhiwen."

Lou Hexiang habitually bit the nail of his right index finger.

Han Bin changed the question, "Did you kill Dong Yubei?"

Lou Hexiang bowed his head and said nothing.

"Bang Bang!" Li Hui knocked on the table, "What are you doing, didn't I hear you asking?"

Lou Hexiang took a deep breath, "Just ask again, I didn't listen."

"Did you kill Dong Yubei?"

Lou Hexiang nodded.


Lou Hexiang nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I killed Yu Bei."

"Why did you kill her."

"I admit that I did it, but I don't want to say."

"Why don't you say it if you admit it?"

Lou Hexiang covered his head and shouted, "Because I don't want to remember, I love her, I never thought of killing her."

"Then why did she die?"

Lou Hexiang grabbed his head and showed an expression of pain, "That was an accident.

After I learned that she was pregnant, I wanted to take her home to take care of her. She refused and we had a dispute. I accidentally pushed her down, she just... it was an accident, it was an accident... I never thought of killing her, never. "

"After killing her, what did you do?"

"I was horrified at the time, I was stupid as a whole, I hate, I regret, I even thought about going to death with her, I thought she was my child in her belly... Am I too stupid? "Lou Hexiang cried and laughed, and then showed a ruthless look.

"Later, the thirst for survival still took over. I started to check whether there were witnesses around. As a result, I saw a man not far away who was shooting with a camera. My head was about to blow up."

"Then, I picked up Dong Yubei's cell phone and walked towards the man. I knew I couldn’t let him go like this. I chased him, and he ran down the mountain. The more I chased, the more he ran, I resorted to With all my energy, I was younger than him and ran faster than him, after all, I caught up with him.

That man is Jin Zhiwen.

A few meters away, Jin Zhiwen stopped running. He threatened me, and he got closer and called out to tell everyone that someone was killing someone here.

I asked him to give me the camera, and I told him that as long as he gave me the camera, I would let him go, otherwise, even if I fight this life, I will die with him. "

Lou Hexiang wiped away his tears and continued, "He refused. He said that his camera is very expensive and spent tens of thousands of dollars when he bought it. If he gave me the camera, he would suffer.

I asked him to give me the camera memory card, but he still refused. I asked him what he wanted? He asked me for money, said he would give him 50,000 yuan, so he gave him the memory card, and at the same time, he promised not to tell anyone about it.

I had no other way. I was not sure that I could kill him, so I had to agree. "

Han Bin wrote down in his notebook and asked, "Did you know that Jin Zhiwen had contact with the police?"

"I know." Lou Hexiang sighed, "After going down the mountain, I calmed down. I knew that based on my relationship with Dong Yubei, even if Jin Zhiwen didn't report me, the police would investigate me.

So I asked Jin Zhiwen to help. If the police arrested me, they would ask him to give me a false testimony. As long as I can be released, I will give him another sum of money.

Jin Zhiwen agreed, but the condition was an additional 50,000 yuan. I had no other way to agree to him. "

"Since you have said it, after you were released, you killed Jin Zhiwen again?"

"Humph." Lou Hexiang snorted, "That old **** has changed his mind. He asked me for 200,000, and he also said that he took a huge risk to give me false testimony. If there is no 200,000, he would sell the video to someone else. ."

Lou Hexiang stretched out two fingers, "Two hundred thousand, where did I get so much money? If I had that money, Dong Yubei would not break up with me back then, and there would be no so many things. "

"I don't want to be caught by the police anymore. I have to get the video of that day, so I can only kill him."

"Do you know who Jin Zhiwen wants to sell the video to?"

"I know, he told me that it was Dong Yubei's friend, huh, nothing good, nothing good." Lou Hexiang sipped.

Han Bin asked, "Where did you throw the memory card of the camera?"

Lou Hexiang glanced at Han Bin, "You didn't find it."

"What do I ask you and what to answer. Don't ask if you shouldn't."

"I smashed it with a brick and threw it into the river." Lou Hexiang shrugged his shoulders.

"How did you kill Jin Zhiwen?"

"Stabbed to death with a knife."

"How many stabbed?"

"Six or seven knives."

"Describe the specific location."

"The first knife was stabbed in front of the chest and stomach, and then he fell on the bed. I stabbed another five or six times. I was afraid that he would make a noise. I also stuck a towel in his mouth. He was everywhere. It's all blood. I watched the blade roll, so I didn't stabbed it anymore. I guess it won't work." Lou Hexiang touched his chin and continued to remember.

"Then I messed up his house and pretended to be the scene of the robbery. I took the camera and ran away. When I left, I found a lot of blood stains on my body. I took a black piece of Jin Zhiwen. My coat and a leather jacket, but unfortunately forgot to take him a pair of shoes."

"Where did you kill Jin Zhiwen with the knife?"

"Throw it into the people's heart."

"What is the knife like?"

"It's a small knife, which is more than twenty centimeters long."

"How did you keep in touch with Jin Zhiwen?"

"In order not to be discovered by the police, we all met and contacted."

"Apart from Wuhua Mountain, where did you meet?"

"They are all in some remote places in Yuhua District, and I can't name them either."

Han Bin drew a key mark, "Does your mother know about this?"

Lou Hexiang shook his head, "I am afraid she is worried, so I dare not tell her."

Han Bin checked the key points of the transcript and asked, "Have you done anything else after killing Dong Yubei?"

Lou Hexiang shook his head, "No."

Han Bin raised his eyebrows, "Did you take the bag Dong Yubei carried with you?"


Han Bin tentatively asked, "Then why didn't the police see her backpack beside her body?"

"Maybe it was taken away by other people passing by. Now there are few people who are interested in money."

"Have you taken off Dong Yubei's clothes?"

"No, she is already dead, what am I doing that kind of thing?"

"But when the police found her, she was not wearing any clothes?"

Lou Hexiang's expression turned a little ugly, "Could it be that... after I left, someone had touched her body, wouldn't it be a pervert?"

"Except for Jin Zhiwen, have you seen anyone else at the scene of the crime?"


"Think about it again."

Lou Hexiang tapped the interrogation chair vigorously, "I said, I don't want to recollect that day."

Seeing that his mood was a little unstable, Han Bin didn't want to irritate him, "Okay, let's stop here for today's interrogation."

Lou Hexiang did not reply, looking at the roof of the interrogation room in a daze.

After leaving the interrogation room, Li Hui on the side said, "Tsk tsk, this kid is finally recruited, and there is no need to go to the Minxin River to eat the wind."

Bao Xing knew better about the murder of Dong Yubei and said, "Team Han, according to Lou Hexiang, after he killed Dong Yubei, he found that Jin Zhiwen shot him again, and then he went to chase Jin Zhiwen. There was no time to get rid of him. Drop Dong Yubei's clothes, and then bury her clothes and bags.

Has anyone else been to the scene? "

Han Bin is also considering this. It stands to reason that Lou Hexiang has already confessed, and there is no need to lie.

But the crime scene he described is indeed somewhat different from the scene of the crime.

Either he was lying, or something else happened during this period.

Li Hui's brain was wide open, "Could someone do something indescribable to the corpse after Lou Hexiang left?"

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