Detective from The Future

Chapter 907: Real murderer

Han Bin snorted, "Here again, you lied last time that you killed Dong Yubei, but the situation you explained does not match the scene of the crime at all. It was purely a disturbance with the police.

Now when you hear that Lou Hexiang is the murderer, you change your words and say that you are the murderer. Are you acting as a stupid policeman or thinking that we have no memory. "

Lou Yuenan sighed, "This time I will definitely explain, I won't make trouble again."

Han Bin went back to the desk and sat in his chair, "Okay, then just say it, I'll listen."

Lou Yuenan pondered for a while, "I killed Dong Yubei, I really killed it.

That day, my son said he was going out. At first, I was very happy. It is nothing for a man to squat at home every day, but he did not go out directly. Instead, he took a shower and dressed up. I felt that something was wrong. Something is wrong, it is usually difficult for him to go out, but something suddenly gives him so much motivation.

I guessed it. He probably met that woman. I pretended to go out first, rented a car and waited on the side of the road. When he drove out, I followed all the way. "

Lou Yuenan leaned on the interrogation chair with a wry smile, "At first I was a little worried that the kid would notice, but he was immersed in joy and excitement all the way, and he did not pay attention to someone following behind. I also followed up. Huashan, when I saw that it was the woman, I was furious.

But... I endured it. If I just showed up like this, my son would be more embarrassed and the matter would not be resolved smoothly. However, what happened later made me intolerable. My son actually knelt in front of the woman. I was furious. I almost rushed to smoke the woman.

But I still held back, because I knew it was useless. If I hit the woman in front of my son, the more he would love her. Later, my son went down the mountain alone. I finally waited for the opportunity. I went to the woman and asked her why Lian contacted my son again.

The woman looked panicked when she saw me and tried to avoid me and descend the mountain, but was stopped by me. As a last resort, she told me about the pregnancy and showed me her pregnancy check-up sheet. The pregnancy check-up sheet said that the child has been more than four months old, but her figure is not like more than four months old. , I am a woman, I know she is lying to my son.

But I have never seen such a shameless woman. I asked her to leave my son. She actually said that my son was pestering her, and that if I had the ability, I would take care of him. "

Lou Yuenan gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly, "I was angry, so I scrambled with her, and somehow pushed her a little bit, she fell to the ground, her head shattered, I didn't expect her to be like this died."

Han Bin interrupted her, "I remember you said last time that you stabbed Dong Yubei to death with a knife."

"That's nonsense. I was afraid that you doubted my son, so I took the initiative to admit that I killed Dong Yubei, but I was also afraid that you really doubted me. The conditions mentioned are not in line with the scene."

Han Bin continued to ask, "After Dong Yubei died, what did you do?"

Lou Yuenan showed a reminiscence, "At first I wanted to take her bag and make her death look like a robbery. I dug a pit in the distance and prepared to bury the bag. After the digging, I Going back to Dong Yubei and picking up the bag, the ghost has an extra thought. I took off Dong Yubei's clothes and buried it with the bag."

Han Bin asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"I want to fake a strong scene, so that the police will not suspect that a woman killed her, and I can get acquitted." Lou Yuenan sighed, "But unfortunately, people are not as good as the heavens. Wait until I clean up. Okay, but I found a man in the distance was shooting with a camera. I was so frightened that I collapsed and thought I was going to finish."

Lou Yuenan wiped the tears from her face, "That person is Jin Zhiwen. He saw that I was a woman, and he was not very afraid of me, so he walked over. At that time, I recovered and I knew I could not let him call the police. , I beg him to let me go, I am willing to pay for the video he shot."

After speaking, Lou Yuenan seemed to be discouraged, "This is how things are, you all know the next thing."

"Where is Dong Yubei's cell phone?"

"I threw it on the mountain."

"Can you still find it?"

"It should be possible, I buried it, and I still remember the approximate location."

"Why did Jin Zhiwen give perjury for Lou Hexiang?"

"I told him that Hexiang and Dong Yubei are closely related. I know the police will definitely suspect Hexiang, so I told Jin Zhiwen in advance that if my son is arrested by the police, ask him to testify for my son. That's not the case. Perjury, it is true, my son did not kill, it was me who killed."

"There is always a connection between you and Jin Zhiwen?"


"How did you contact me?"

"E-mail, 189's e-mail, he said that this e-mail is not commonly used, and the police will not doubt it. I always use the computer in the Internet cafe to contact him, which is safer."

Han Bin asked, "What's in the mailbox?"

"There is the content of the conversation between the two of us, and a video he sent. The content on the video is that I was taking off Dong Yubei's clothes. He wanted to use this video to threaten me and ask me to pay a high price. This **** Insatiable, I knew... I should kill him together."

"Have you told Lou Hexiang the truth about how you killed Dong Yubei?"

Lou Yuenan nodded, "I said, I told him that the child in Dong Yubei's stomach was not his. I also said that Dong Yubei was killed by mistake, but did not tell him the specific process of committing the crime.

He didn't know that I took off Dong Yubei's clothes. He was a silly boy and a good boy. How could I just watch him commit the crime for me. "

"You said before that you rented a car to follow Lou Hexiang. What kind of car was that and what's the license plate number?"

"It's a taxi, I can't remember the license plate number, but I was sitting in the passenger seat and saw the driver's name is Huang Weiqing."

"How did you leave Wuhua Mountain?"

"I took a taxi too."

"Where's the license plate number?"

"I can't remember, I accidentally killed someone, and my whole mind was messed up. I have no impression of the car's condition." Lou Yuenan grabbed his head hard, "Captain Han, what I said was all Really, no one knows the crime scene better than me. I am the murderer, please let me go."

Han Bin closed his notebook and said, "We will verify what you said, and we will take you to identify the scene. You will need to find Dong Yubei's mobile phone at that time."

"No problem, I will cooperate with you." Lou Yuenan nodded and choked up, "Captain Han, I want to see my son, can I?"

"It depends on his personal wishes. If Lou Hexiang is also willing to see you, I will try my best to facilitate this."

After the interrogation, Han Bin left the interrogation room, feeling somewhat depressed.

He knew very well that the reason Lou Yuenan would take the initiative to confess the crime was because he didn't want her son to help her commit the crime. This way of closing the case is always a bit awkward.

Bao Xing couldn't help feeling, "I didn't expect that the truth of the case would be like this. Lou Yuenan was actually the murderer. I always thought she was fooling around. It turns out that we caught the murderer of Dong Yubei long ago. , And we don’t even know."

Speaking of this, Bao Xing said with a thumbs up, "Team Han, also said that you are wise, and you have killed Lou Yuenan and refused to release, otherwise the murderer will really get away with it."

Han Bin shook his head and laughed. He also killed his master with a stick. At first, he didn't expect Lou Yuenan to be the murderer. The reason why Lou Yuenan was locked up was entirely because she repeatedly obstructed the police investigation.

Who knows that the culprit in the case has been kept in the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

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