Detective from The Future

Chapter 910: visit

Bao Xing is gone.

The entire second squadron was deserted a lot.

Bao Xing is a lively temperament, talkative, and noisy. Sometimes it's annoying whether he is big or small, but without him, it makes people uncomfortable.

Especially in the second squadron group, there are only four people left: Huang Qianqian, Wang Xiao, Jiang Yang, and Li Qin. Sometimes they can't say a word for a long time.

I don't know if it is because Bao Xing is gone, Huang Qianqian is also a little depressed these days.

Han Bin also felt that the atmosphere of the group was a little dull, and would often come to the group to increase his popularity.

The Second Squadron now has ten members, of which there are four members in one group: Wang Xiao, Jiang Yang, Li Qin, and Huang Qianqian.

The second group has six players, namely Zhu Jiaxu, Zhang Shungu, He Yingsheng, Zhao Ming, Feng Na, and Qi Shanghai.

Han Bin approached Zhu Jiaxu and discussed with him. First, Zhao Ming was transferred to the second squadron group. After the personnel department arranged a newcomer, the two groups would add a new member.

One group lost two people in a short period of time, and the investigation was a little stretched. This was a normal transfer within the team. Han Bin had already spoken, and Zhu Jiaxu naturally had no reason to refuse.

Work has come to an end for a while, and Han Bin arranged a double break for himself. He hasn't taken a good rest this month.

On Saturday, Han Bin woke up naturally after sleeping. He was alone at home, and Wang Ting went to his parents.

Han Bin slept until nine o'clock in one sleep, relieved of fatigue and tiredness.

After waking up, Han Bin simply washed and cooked some frozen dumplings to eat. This dumpling was made by Wang Huifang. She knew that her son was busy at work and sometimes didn't want to cook, so she made more dumplings and cooked a plate when she wanted to eat. , It is convenient and affordable, and it is cleaner than the ones sold outside.

Han Bin cooked the dumplings, and sat in the living room watching TV while eating dumplings, very leisurely.

Han Bin's greatest hope is to enjoy a weekend holiday every week, relax and relieve fatigue from work.

For now, this is still an extravagant hope. Once there is a difficult case, let alone rest, sometimes you can't sleep.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Han Bin tidied up, bought some fresh fruits, brought two bottles of good wine, and drove to Wang Ting's house.

The last time I visited Wang Ting's house, her father Wang Yan drank too much and failed to play Go with Han Bin. Wang Yan always felt upset and kept Han Bin free to play at home.

Taking advantage of this break, Han Bin is going to go again. He has been learning Go for this period of time and he has to apply what he has learned.

This time, Han Bin can be said to be familiar with the road, and he rushed to Wang Ting's house smoothly. Wang Ting's parents and auntie Chen were also there.

After Han Bin greeted the three of them, Wang Yan was dragged to the terrace to play Go.

The terrace is different from last time. There is a small plastic greenhouse. The greenhouse is rectangular, about ten square meters square. Although it is not big, it is more than enough to drink tea and play chess. It is also a private space for Wang Yan.

When he first started playing chess with Wang Yan, Han Bin was a little nervous. He knew from his own family affairs that he was a half-hearted man. He didn’t know how to play Go before. It was a temporary holdover. Although he understands the rules and knows how to play, his level is basically discussed. Not on.

In the first game of Go played by Han Bin and Wang Yan, the opponent quickly ate a large piece of the game and killed a piece of armor without leaving it. Han Bin had to admit defeat.

In the second game, Han Bin learned his lesson, and got up with Wang Yan, but he was still besieged by Wang Yan because of lack of experience.

Halfway through the third game, Han Bin's chess game fell into a disadvantage and already showed a loss. At this moment, Wang Ting came to the rescue, "Pharaoh, Han Bin is eating."

"Wait a minute, this game is played." Wang Yan doesn't dislike Han Bin's proficiency. In his opinion, as long as he plays chess seriously, he is a good opponent. The proficiency can be practiced slowly. Everyone comes from novices. The key is attitude.

Just like Wang Ting, Wang Yan taught her to play Go very early, but she is not interested, and she has not made progress in Go after so many years.

Wang Ting stuck her waist, and the fox said pretentiously, "After eating, we will continue, or my mother should be angry."

Wang Ting's remarks are still very useful. Wang Yan put down the flag in his hand, "Let's go Han Bin, let's go to eat first, and wait until we finish eating."

Han Bin wiped the sweat from his forehead, playing Go is a technical job, and mental work is also tiring.

Today’s food is still very rich, including stewed tofu with crucian carp, roasted green beans with rabbit meat, stewed noodles with mutton and cabbage, stir-fried gizzards with leeks, tofu and abalone stewed chicken.

These dishes are not common. Just looking at the taste and smelling the aroma will make people move their index fingers and can't help but swallow.

Song Min, Wang Ting's mother, greeted him, "Han Bin, how about using the chopsticks to taste it?"

"Okay." Han Bin replied. Knowing that Wang Ting likes to eat fish, he first gave her a piece of fish.

Although they were in their own home, Wang Yan and Song Min smiled at each other when they saw Han Bin take the initiative to pick up vegetables for their daughter. Their only hope for this daughter was that she would be happy.

I have to say that this meal fits Han Bin’s taste. The crucian carp is tender, the soup is delicious, and the tofu is also very tasty. The fried gizzards with leeks are very chewy. Han Bin’s favorite is rabbit meat and green beans. He ate it for the first time, but it was a rare delicacy.

Wang Yan didn't mention the drinking. It was estimated that his wife had done work ahead of time. Naturally, Han Bin would not take the initiative to mention it.

After the meal, Han Bin wanted to help clean up the tableware, but was driven out by Song Min.

Wang Yan called Han Bin to drink tea, rested for a while, and then took Han Bin to the terrace to play Go.

Before I heard Wang Ting said that her father likes to play Go, Han Bin only thought it was a hobby, but today I saw how much he likes it. The two sat in the greenhouse and played Go while drinking tea for a full afternoon.

It is the first time for Han Bin to play chess with a high-level person, and he has learned a lot from Wang Yan. Wang Yan also has the heart to teach him and will tell him some skills and tricks of playing Go. Although it is only one afternoon, Han Bin feels My chess skills have greatly improved and I have benefited a lot.

Unknowingly, the two of them stayed down until five o'clock. Han Bin was about to leave, but was stopped and refused to let him go after dinner.

"Tingling bell..." At this moment, Han Bin's cell phone rang.

Han Bin pleaded guilty and took the phone to the side to answer, "Hey."

"Binzi, it's me." Li Hui's voice came from the phone.

"What's wrong, what can I do, are you resting today?"

"My wife gave birth!"

Li Hui's words stunned Han Bin, and it took a while to react, "Congratulations, congratulations, our group leader Li finally became a father."

"Oh, mother, this time I was terrified. My daughter-in-law gave birth prematurely, and her amniotic fluid broke. I haven't closed my eyes for two days and one night. I was finally born."

Han Bin was a little dumbfounded, "Then why don't you go back and have a good rest, call me?"

"I'm too excited, and I can't sleep now. I just want to find someone to have a drink. You are not busy with the case."

"I'm resting today, where are you? I'll go find you."

"Come on, I didn't have a good drink during the last investigation. This time I have to have a good drink. There is a Cantonese restaurant next to the City Maternity Hospital. I heard that it is good. Let's go there and try it. I'll send you an address."

"I'll be there in a while." After speaking, Han Bin hung up the phone.

Wang Ting came over and asked, "What's wrong, there is a new case?"

"No, it's Li Hui, his wife gave birth. He hasn't closed his eyes for two days and one night, and he can't sleep with excitement. Let me accompany him for a few drinks."

"So fast." Wang Ting was a little surprised.

"I heard that it was a premature birth, which scared him."

"Boy or girl?"

Han Bin thought for a while, "I forgot to ask."

Wang Ting knew about his relationship with Li Hui and smiled, "Then you go quickly, and please give him a good cheer for me, then stop driving the car, and I will drive you over when I turn back."

"it is good."

Han Bin bid farewell to Wang Ting's parents and took a taxi to the Cantonese restaurant.

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