Detective from The Future

Chapter 916: Lin Hongguang

Han Bin asked, "How to deal with it?"

Cui Hao replied, “The two were detained for a day, and the two sides reached a settlement because the other side acted first, and Zhang Haonan was seriously injured and received 500 yuan in compensation. And because he violated the fire protection law by smoking in public places, was A fine of five hundred yuan was imposed.

The police station entered on December 24 and was released in the afternoon on the 25th. Today is the 27th, I didn't expect something happened so soon. "

Liao Pingsi didn't know the situation, and couldn't help asking, "Who is the one who fought with Zhang Haonan, and for what reason?"

Cui Hao said, "The other man is Lin Hongguang, and Zhang Haonan is a neighbor. They both live in the same building. On the 24th, Lin Hongguang took his wife and children together with relatives, and took the same elevator as Zhang Haonan when he returned home.

Zhang Haonan was smoking in the elevator, and Lin Hongguang's child coughed. Lin Hongguang asked him to pinch the cigarette, but Zhang Haonan refused. He might also verbally curse, and the two clashed. It stands to reason that Lin Hongguang is right, and Zhang Haonan should not smoke in the elevator.

But Lin Hongguang’s fault was that he shouldn’t be beaten. Zhang Haonan had a lot of bruises on his face and body. Don’t look at this guy who talked so loudly. He usually smokes too much and has few muscles on his body. A meal.

This kid is also a hob meat, reluctant to ask Lin Hongguang to go to jail. I also feel that this kid is not doing things idiomatically, so I persuaded him to reconcile, after all, he had the fault first and smoked the child. Moreover, he can also be detained for less than five days in accordance with the Fire Protection Law.

As soon as Zhang Haonan heard that he was going to be detained, he agreed to a settlement, but he and Lin Hongguang demanded 10,000 yuan for treatment, so Lin Hongguang was definitely not willing. In the end, I did work for both of them. In fact, the main thing was to do work for Zhang Haonan. In addition, both of them were detained for a day, and Zhang Haonan didn’t want to stay there anymore. The amount of compensation fell to 500 yuan. Something interesting.

Lin Hongguang was also quite satisfied over there, always thanking us, and that's it. "

Liao Pingsi said, "On the 24th, Zhang Haonan clashed with people because of smoking, and was killed on the 27th. A large number of cigarette butts were found at the death scene and in the mouth of the deceased. Will the two cases have a certain connection."

Cui Hao asked, "Captain Liao, do you suspect that the person who killed Zhang Haonan was Lin Hongguang?"

"From the current situation, he does have certain suspicions. But on the other hand, as long as he is clever enough, it is impossible to do such obvious things." Liao Pingsi responded, looking at Han Bin, "Han What do you think of the team?"

Han Bin said, "Let's talk to him first, no matter whether he is suspected or not, he will always make a transcript."

Wang Xiao asked, "Team Han, according to Captain Liao, the Z sign found on the deceased is similar to the murder case in Chengnan District two years ago. It is probably caused by the same murderer. Should you contact the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Chengnan Branch ."

"Wait, let's figure out the situation of this case first." Han Bin didn't want to be affected by other cases, lest he create a preconceived consciousness.

Since he accepted this case, he straightened out the case first. As for the pending case in Chengnan District two years ago, it can only be used as a reference.

At this moment, Cui Hao walked over with the walkie-talkie, "Team Han, Lin Hongguang's family of three are about to leave the community, and they are stopped by the police."

"Where is he going?"

"He said he was going to a relative's house."

Han Bin pondered for a moment, "Captain Liao and Wang Xiao, you two are staring at the scene. I'll go chat with Lin Hongguang."

"Brother Cui, please take me over."

"Here." Cui Hao led Han Bin forward.

Because of Han Weidong's relationship, Cui Hao and Han Bin have known each other very early, and the relationship has always been good. Cui Hao always regards Han Bin as his younger brother and takes good care of him.

Since Han Bin went to the criminal investigation system, his duties have risen awkwardly. It's good for the two to meet in private. When meeting in the workplace, he can only stand aside to help.

When the elevator went up to the first floor, Han Bin saw Lin Hongguang's family of three. Lin Hongguang was negotiating with the police officer, and her wife was standing by with her child.

Lin Hongguang knew Cui Hao. Knowing that he could be the master, he immediately greeted him, "Sergeant Cui, you just came here. These two police officers stopped me from leaving. What's the matter?"

Cui Hao asked back, "You don't know what's the matter?"

"I don't know, what's the matter?"

Cui Hao didn't answer, and pointed to Han Bin on the side. "This is Captain Han of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. He wants to talk to you."

Lin Hongguang squeezed a smile, "Tell me...what can you talk about?"

Han Bin looked at the other party, "What do you call?"

"My name is Lin Hongguang."

"Mr. Lin, where are you going?"

"We...My wife is going back to her natal family to get relatives, I will send them there."

Han Bin said, "Mr. Lin, if it is convenient, I would like to take up your time for dozens of minutes to talk to you."

Lin Hongguang’s wife said, “It’s inconvenient. We’ve already made an appointment. We’re going to my mother’s place for dinner at noon. It’s not good to be late.”

Han Bin directly ignored Lin Hongguang's wife and asked, "Someone discovered that Zhang Haonan was killed in the garage this morning. Do you know this?"

Lin Hongguang's expression changed slightly and his eyes flickered.

Lin Hongguang's wife replied, "His matter has nothing to do with us, and we don't want to inquire, nor do we know it."

Han Bin said sternly, "Some things are better to be clear. Sometimes the more you dodge, the easier it is to be suspected. Even if I let you go, even if you catch up with your meal, can you eat safely?"

Lin Hongguang swallowed and sighed, "My wife, take your children down, I'll look for you later."

"No, no, we want to be with you. What is this called? He lives to harm us, and when he died, he won’t let us live. I would have known that I would not help him in the elevator anymore. Helped people who shouldn't help, woo..." Lin Hongguang's wife began to cry.

"Mom...oooo..." The little boy also cried.

Han Bin has always been afraid of trouble, doesn't like children, and doesn't like crying children, frowning and saying, "Mr. Lin, since you don't want to talk to me, then go. Don't let the children cry. My face is frozen."

Lin Hongguang was taken aback for a moment, "I...I can really go."

Han Bin waved his hand.

Lin Hongguang's wife hurriedly pulled her husband, "Husband, what are you doing in a daze, he said let us go, hurry up."

Lin Hongguang took a few steps, then turned around and asked, "Captain Han and Chief Cui, Zhang Haonan's death has nothing to do with me. You must trust me."

Han Bin smiled, did not speak, just watched quietly.

Lin Hongguang's heart became more and more bottomless, and his wife was pulled to the door of the unit. The door was open, but his feet seemed to be frozen, and he would not go out that step anyway.

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