Detective from The Future

Chapter 944: New clues

Han Bin said, "How did you tell your friends, describe it to me."

Pan Tonghai sighed, "In fact, they are some drunken words after drinking, which should not be true."

"If you don't take it seriously, maybe the other party will take it seriously. You only need to describe it once, and we will judge by ourselves."

Pan Tonghai pinched his forehead, "Connected to me, there were three people who had dinner that night. One friend is Min Chenjie and another is Bian Hongyi. The three of us are high school classmates and we have been in a good relationship.

At dinner that night, they asked me why I missed the appointment. I didn't want to mention it at first. After all, it was not a glorious thing, but after a few glasses of wine, the chat box opened.

I told them about stepping on **** and fighting. At first, the two of them laughed at me, but when they saw my face changed, they scolded He Jun with me. "

Han Bin asked, "Have they mentioned that they want to retaliate against He Jun for you?"

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Pan Tonghai lowered his head and bit his lip.

Han Bin reminded, “Think clearly before you say it, don’t think about lying, you are three. If you don’t say it, it doesn’t mean that others will not say it.

Pan Tonghai said in embarrassment, "Captain Han, they are all my friends. If I say, then how I see them afterwards will be a betrayal."

Han Bin said sternly, "I can understand your worries, but the people are already dead, and the police will definitely track them down. Even if you don’t say the police, they will investigate them. If they do something illegal, no one can save them. , You can never meet again.

If they did not do something illegal, it would not have any effect on them. On the contrary, if you use lies to perfuse the police again and hinder the police from investigating the case, you are likely to be punished by law. "

Pan Tonghai was silent for a while and said, "I remember that after I said this, the two of them laughed at first, and then they helped me scold He Jun together. Bian Hongyi is a violent temper, and he is more loyal, he said at the time Got revenge for me.

Another friend, Min Chenjie, asked how to take revenge.

Bian Hongyi said he wanted to catch He Jun, and then beat Bian Hongyi’s dog first. He must shoot the dog out, and then force He Jun to eat up the shit. See if he dare not do this in the future Immoral things.

I listened very well at the time, but I only thought that he was talking big, and it was not too much of a matter. After all, it was on the wine market. Half of the ten sentences were really good. "

Han Bin made a note in the notebook and asked, "Tell me about the contact information of Bian Hongyi and Min Chenjie."

Pan Tonghai grabbed his hair hard, "Captain Han, these two friends of mine don't have much abilities. They are also people with families and families. They usually like to drink and talk big words. The two of them cannot be murderers. Yes, I can guarantee them."

"I believe, but according to the police department’s regulations, routine investigations are required. It’s just a conversation, and it doesn’t mean they are suspects. Just like your situation, we will talk to you. As long as the matter is clear, You can go.

"I see." Pan Tonghai hesitated, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and found out the contact information of two friends.

Han Bin confirmed, "Are you sure you haven't told anyone about this matter?"

"No, absolutely not." Pan Tonghai's tone was determined.

Han Bin took out a business card and handed it to him, "Mr. Pan, if you think of any clues, you can call me."

"I... can I go?"

"of course."

Pan Tonghai breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and took two steps, then turned to ask, "Captain Han, can I tell the two friends about this? Let them have a preparation?"

Han Bin raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

Pan Tonghai shrank his neck, "I see."

"What do you know?"

"I won't tell them, I won't tell them in advance."

Han Bin warned, "Remember, the more you say, the more troublesome things will be. It is not good for you or for them."

"Yes, I remembered." Pan Tonghai responded and hurried out of the office.

After Pan Tonghai was sent away, Zhao Ming leaned over and asked, "Team Han, do you think this Pan Tonghai is suspect?"

Han Bin asked, "What do you think?"

Zhao Ming smirked, "I can't tell."

Han Bin is not all-knowing and omnipotent. There are only so many clues that he knows. He is also uncertain. "Has the contact information of Pan Tonghai's two friends been recorded?"

"take note of it."

"You go check their situation."

"no problem."

Han Bin nodded. What he admired most about Zhao Ming was his vigor and energy.

Huang Qianqian waved her mobile phone, "Team Korea, the captain has notified the case summary meeting in the group, let me tell you."


"Meeting room on the fourth floor."

"Papa..." Han Bin slapped his hands, "Stop your work and go to the meeting room on the fourth floor for a meeting. Qianqian, you go to the second group and let them pass."


Conference room on the fourth floor.

Although Ding Xifeng informed that the meeting was to be held, he arrived after Han Bin took a group of team members to sit down.

He and Han Bin exchanged a few words in a low voice, cleared his throat, "Everyone is here, let's have a meeting.

Everyone has been to the scene, so you can directly say what you think. "

After Ding Xifeng finished speaking, the conference room was quiet for a moment. Han Bin continued, "Then let me talk about it. He Jun had a conflict with a man named Pan Tonghai before he died..."

Han Bin briefly narrated the content of Pan Tonghai's transcript.

After Han Bin finished speaking, Zhu Jiaxu went on to say, “I am responsible for investigating the monitoring of the community and unit buildings. Because the investigation time is relatively short, no suspicious objects have been found yet.”

Wang Xiao said, "I was responsible for visiting the neighbors around me. According to the neighbors’ reports, I did hear some movements, such as the barking of dogs, the sound of falling objects, and some unusual noises. The time coincides with the time the suspect committed the crime, but no neighbors came to ask. ."

Ding Xifeng turned around, "It is reasonable to say that there is a lot of noise, and there should be neighbors coming to the door, why no one cares?"

Wang Xiao spread his hands, "I also asked the neighbors of the deceased. According to them, the neighbors often bark and make abnormal noises. They have also visited the door before, but they have no effect, so they can only bear it. "

Han Bin said, "It seems that He Jun's reputation among his neighbors is not very good. If he doesn't disturb his neighbors in general, he might still survive."

Wang Xiao said, "Who said no? I visited many neighbors, and no one said good things to him. Many people complained that the sound of dogs often heard from his house at night, which scared the sleeping children to wake up."

The last person to report the situation was Zhang Shungu, who was responsible for investigating the victim's communication records.

Zhang Shungu looked through the notes and said, "The suspect’s cell phone was not found at the scene of the crime. I went to the communications company to check the suspect’s cell phone number. The victim had a call at 7:46 last night, and it was also the last call record. . And this time point is very consistent with the suspect's time of committing the crime, I think this call is very suspicious."

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