Detective from The Future

Chapter 947: intuition

Inside the squadron leader’s office.

Han Bin stood in front of the whiteboard. The names of the persons involved in the case were already written on the whiteboard. Han Bin was screening the suspects, and there were some people who Han Bin had only read from the file and did not ask questions.

"Boom." A knock on the door came from outside.

Han Bin turned the whiteboard over, "Who?"

"Team Han, it's me." Huang Qianqian's voice sounded outside.

"Come in."

"Squeak..." Huang Qianqian pushed the door and walked in, "Team Han, He Jun's girlfriend is here to recognize the body. Would you like to see it?"

"Girlfriend." Han Bin frowned slightly, "Where are He Jun's immediate family members? Doesn't he have a father and sister?"

"He Jun's house is in the south, quite far from Qindao. We contacted her sister before. According to his sister, his father's health is not good, so he dare not tell him about He Jun for the time being. Sister He Jun arranged It will take some time for Qindao to come to Qindao."

"Let's go." Han Bin stood up and left the office with Huang Qianqian.

Han Bin is preparing to investigate people close to the victim, including He Jun's girlfriend.

After entering a group of offices, Han Bin saw a woman in her twenties, stylishly dressed and beautifully dressed, with shawls and long hair, and wearing a white down jacket.

"The Korean team."

Seeing Han Bin walk in, everyone greeted him quickly.

Han Bin waved his hand and asked the young woman, "What do you call it?"

"My name is Yao Wenxi, He Jun's girlfriend."

"My name is Han Bin, and I am the person in charge of the murder of He Jun." Han Bin was about to make a transcript in person. She felt that this woman was one of the key suspects.

As for the reason, it was Tang Kaidi, who left a deep impression on Han Bin.

"Miss Yao, please sit down."

With tears on Yao Wenxi's face, his voice choked, "Captain Han, how did He Jun die? Why did he die suddenly? What is going on?"

"Have you seen his body?"

"Yes, I met. I really didn't expect that the two of us would meet in this way..." Yao Wenxi said and cried again, "and my cute little lucky, he is still a child, only two this year How old are...oooo."

Han Bin handed her two tissues, "When was the last time you saw He Jun?"

"On December 28, we had dinner together that night. Lucky was there at the time. I didn't expect it to be the last time I saw them."

"When was the last time you two contacted?"

"On the evening of December 29th, we chatted on WeChat for a while. On that day, our company had a dinner, I didn't find him." Yao Wenxi shook his head, "Blame me, if I didn't have dinner at the time, I went to He Jun Home, he and lucky may not die.

I regret dead. "

"Have He Jun ever had conflicts with others before his death?"

"Yes, not long ago, someone had to kill Lucky. He Jun had a fight with him to protect Lucky. Hearing He Jun said that that person was particularly rude, could he do it?"

"Have you seen that person?"

"No, I heard He Jun say it."

"How did He Jun tell you?"

"He Jun said that there was someone in their community who stepped on **** with a short eye, so he vented his anger with lucky, not to mention lucky shit, and he had to beat lucky. He Jun went to reason with him, and the person said he couldn’t. I started beating people." Yao Wenxi showed an angry look.

"You said how **** this man is, he will have trouble with a dog, he doesn't look at the way, he still depends on the dog, he has lived as a pig at his age, and he doesn't know anything about people."

Han Bin asked subconsciously, "Did He Jun react like you at the time?"

"Of course, He Jun loves Lucky very much, and he certainly won't let it suffer."

Han Bin secretly said, it is no wonder that he will be beaten.

"Does He Jun have a habit of shopping online?"

"Yes, he often buys things online, sometimes clothes and shoes, and more often dog food and snacks for lucky."

"How many keys does He Jun's house have?"

Yao Wenxi hesitated for a moment, "I don't know this."

"Do you have the key to his house?"

"I do not have."

Han Bin raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

"I'm a person who often loses everything, so I never asked him for the house key, and he is often at home, and I don't need to bring the key. Besides, if he is not at home, I will do it alone."

"As far as you know, besides He Jun himself, is there anyone else who has the keys to He Jun's house?"

Yao Wenxi bit his lip. "It shouldn't be. Even I don't have his house key. How could he give the key to outsiders is impossible."

Captain Han, is there anyone else who has the keys to He Jun's house? "

"You can answer my question, no need to ask more." Han Bin wrote a note in his notebook and continued to ask, "Does He Jun have close friends?"

Yao Wenxi thought for a while, "He Jun works in an Apple store. Apart from his colleagues, he doesn't have many friends, and he never heard him say that he has particularly good friends."

"Do you know someone named Tang Kaidi?"

"Kady, are you talking about Kady?"

"you know?"

"I...I have seen He Jun chat with this Kaidi's WeChat, it seems to be a friend of his, but I have not met Kaidi himself."

Han Bin looked at each other carefully, "How long have you been dating He Jun?"

"It’s been more than two years. When the two of us were officially dating, we raised Lucky together. Lucky is the crystallization of our love. It has witnessed everything about us. Therefore, it has special meaning to me. Now He Jun and Lucky are both I am left alone..." Yao Wenxi showed a sad expression.

"Have you met He Jun's family?"


"Do you know who has He Jun's family?"

"His father, and his sister."

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"Do they know you exist?"

"Captain Han, what do you mean by asking like that? Don't doubt my identity, I'm really He Jun's girlfriend."

"We went to He Jun's house to survey the scene and did not find your photo. I am not questioning it, just want to confirm it."

"Yes, we do take photos, but He Jun doesn't like to put photos at home. I have them in my phone." Yao Wenxi took out the phone and turned out the photos. "Look, this is me and He Jun. The photos were taken by the two of us together. I am really his girlfriend."

Han Bin took the phone and looked through it.

Yao Wenxi looked at Han Bin, "Captain Han, did you see Xiao San?"

This sentence stunned Han Bin, "What is it?"

Yao Wenxi took a deep breath, "Actually, I have always suspected that He Jun is carrying me with other girls, is she looking for a mistress, or is there any other woman claiming to be his girlfriend?"

Han Bin returned her phone, "Do you have any evidence?"

"Intuition, I rely on a woman's intuition."

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