Detective from The Future

Chapter 967: Chen Sanmu

Zhu Xiaohong asked, "Where did you find Yuanhua, how is he now?"

"You should care about yourself first and explain your situation clearly."

Zhu Xiaohong said, "What shall I explain? Didn't you look for Feng Yuanhua? Now that you have found it, you can just ask him to go."

Han Bin raised his eyebrows, "Listen to what you mean, you also think Feng Yuanhua has committed a crime."

"No, I know Yuanhua very well, an honest person. Besides, I haven't seen him for two or three years, and I don't know what he is doing."

Han Bin asked, "We found that your bank card and ID card registered a store on an online shopping platform called'Quick Buy.' Did you register yourself?"

"No, I don't know what an online shop is. I told Officer Zhu before."

"Then tell me, if you don't register yourself, anyone can use your ID and bank card?"

Zhu Xiaohong was stunned, shook his head, "I don't know either."

Han Bin said, "At this time, you are still covering him, do you know that covering is also a crime."

"What do you mean? What am I protecting him?"

Han Bin got up, paced and said, "Our police have more clues than you think. The police have been eyeing Feng Yuanhua for a long time. He first registered a shop in'Quick Buy' with his bank account. After that, for the convenience of committing the crime, he used your ID and bank card to register a shop on the'Quick Buy Bar' platform. According to the police, he was involved in at least three homicides, and he has already pleaded guilty.

And you have noticed his strangeness a long time ago, but you have not cooperated with the work of the police, and seriously said that you are a shelter. I now give you another opportunity. As long as you can provide Feng Yuanhua’s criminal evidence, or are willing to come forward to testify against him, I don’t need to pursue your shielding behavior. "

Zhu Xiaohong was stunned for a while, "Police Officer Han, what evidence do you have that Feng Yuanhua was involved in the murder?"

"This is not what you should ask. What you have to do now is to assist the police and tell the wrongdoing of Feng Yuanhua that you know, and strive for leniency."

"No, no, I know my son, he won't do anything illegal."

"Your mother and son have been missing for two or three years. You don't understand Feng Yuanhua at all. If he is not guilty, why hide in Quancheng." Han Bin's tone became more and more determined, "His behavior is just to escape. The arrest by the police."

Zhu Xiaohong panicked a little, his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

"Boom..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Chuck..." With a sound, Zhang Shungu rubbed his wrist and walked in, with a little blue on his fist, and walked to Han Bin's side and whispered a few words.

A smile appeared at the corner of Han Bin's mouth, and he patted Zhang Shungu on the shoulder, "Good job, clean up."

"Yes." Zhang Shungu replied, waved his fist, and left the interrogation room.

Zhu Xiaohong's face became more and more ugly, and she seemed to have a bad feeling.

Zhao Ming on the side asked, "Han team, what's wrong?"

Han Bin whispered, "The kid didn't resist, so he recruited."

Zhao Ming smiled, "Then we can close the case."

Han Bin waved his hand and signaled Zhao Ming not to get too excited.

"Ah..." Han Bin cleared his throat and looked upright, "Zhu Xiaohong, you are not too young anymore, don't be obsessed with it anymore, just like that, as long as you are willing to identify Feng Yuanhua or show Feng Yuanhua’s criminal evidence, The police will not hold you accountable."

Zhu Xiaohong hesitated for a while, and said, "Police Officer Han, Feng Yuanhua has never done anything illegal at all. What do you want me to identify?"

"Bang!" Zhao Ming slapped the table and scolded, "Pretend me there. If you don't think you are getting older, you will be convicted of covering up, so you don't have to ask."

Han Bin waved his hand and said earnestly, "Zhu Xiaohong, I know that your son is eager and you don't want to put Feng Yuanhua in jail. But Feng Yuanhua himself has confessed just now, so you don't need to carry it for him."

Zhu Xiaohong's eyes widened, and she clenched her fists hard, "Admit? What did he admit? He has never done anything illegal."

"You don't need to worry about this. He has admitted that he has used your bank card and ID card to register a store on the'Buy it quickly' platform, and he has also admitted that he has joined a murder organization. He also confessed to the receipt of stolen money. , Whether you come forward to confess or not will have little impact on the conviction and conclusion of the case, I am giving you another chance, you don't know what is good or bad." Han Bin lowered the volume.

Zhu Xiaohong pointed at Han Bin with trembling fingers, "Did you do anything to Yuanhua..."

Han Bin’s previous actions made Zhu Xiaohong fill up some scenes in his own mind, just like scenes in a TV series, which made him more and more worried about his son.

Han Bin glanced at his watch and stood up and said, "Okay, you two will try again for a while. If she really refuses to say, just close the case."

"Yes, the Korean team."

Han Bin stretched and turned to leave the interrogation room.

Zhu Xiaohong was in a hurry. He knew that Han Bin was the one in charge. If Han Bin left, the case might really be closed and his son would be over.

"Wait, Captain Han, don't leave, I'll recruit, I'll tell you everything I know."

Han Bin smiled, "Are you willing to come forward and identify Feng Yuanhua?"

"No, no, I still said that, Feng Yuanhua did not commit a crime at all."

Han Bin snorted, "Our police are not doing nothing every day, don't make fun of me."

Zhu Xiaohong sighed and said two names, "Zhang Haonan, He Jun."

Han Bin was stunned and looked at Zhu Xiaohong with a look of surprise, "How do you know these two names, Feng Yuanhua told you?"

"Haha..." Zhu Xiaohong let out a sorrowful laugh, "You are still a policeman, but I still don't understand that I am a member of the killer organization, codenamed "Chen Sanmu""

Han Bin sat back at the interrogation table again, his brows curled into a mountain, "You don't want to protect your son, you want to deliberately take responsibility, the police are not stupid, it is not you who want to commit the crime."

Zhu Xiaohong said in a mocking tone, "Stop sin, huh, it doesn't exist at all. I know much more than you. You can't ask Feng Yuanhua what to ask because he doesn't know anything, so what can he tell you? "

"Whether it's'Buy Now' or'Flash Wave', you have to use the network to operate these things, which can't be done with an elderly computer."

"The old man machine just fooled you. I also have an Apple mobile phone. The registered online shops and the Flash software are all operated by the Apple mobile phone. I know what you are thinking. You think people like me don't understand at all. That’s why I suspected Feng Yuanhua.” Zhu Xiaohong said with disdain,

"Actually, I am not old in my fifties. As long as I want to learn about mobile phones, computers, and online payments, it is not difficult. Those who are so-called old who can’t use mobile phones are lazy, ignorant and unwilling to accept new things. Different from them."

Han Bin asked, "How much did you charge for killing Zhang Haoran?"

Zhu Xiaohong thought for a while, "The deposit is 50,000 and the balance is 250,000."

"Where is He Jun?"

"He Jun wants more, with a deposit of 100,000 and a final payment of 300,000."

"Who is the murderer?"

"Are you asking the hirer behind the scenes or the killer?"

"I want to know."

"We have rules in our business. We only charge money and don't ask who the hirer is. I don't know the identity of the hired person. As long as the money is in place." Zhu Xiaohong pinched his forehead. As for the identity of the killer, "His name is Ma Shan, but you Even if he knew his identity, he might not confess easily."


Zhu Xiaohong asked back, "You won't have caught him already."

"Now I will ask you again."

Zhu Xiaohong spread his hands, "Because he is a desperate man, just like me, he has already put life and death out of control."

Although he briefly talked a few words, Han Bin was basically sure that the person in front of him was "Chen Sanmu" from the killer organization.

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