Detective from The Future

Chapter 969: evidence

Han Bin took out another document, "Let’s talk about Ma Shan again. I want to know the contact information and capital exchanges between you."

Zhu Xiaohong said, "In fact, it's not as mysterious as you think. We just use WeChat to contact and WeChat transfer. This is simple and fast, and can avoid some unnecessary troubles. Trouble represents the possibility of exposure and can be avoided as much as possible."

"What is the name of Ma Shan's WeChat account?"

"Sweet horse stuff."


"You heard it right, it's a magical thing."

Han Bin smiled, "This account name is easy to remember, and I don't worry about the risk of having the same name."

With this clue, it is easy to pry Ma Shan's mouth open.

Earlier, although Ma Shan admitted to the killing of He Jun and Zhang Haonan, he did not admit that he was hired by others and claimed to be acting for the heavens.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, since Ma Shan has admitted the fact of killing the victim, he must accept legal sanctions, and it is necessary to conceal the reason for the killing.

Here is the issue of hire money. If it is to kill on behalf of Tianxingdao, Ma Shan has no illegal income, but if it is hired to kill, then the police must not only catch the murderer, but also retrieve the stolen money paid by the employer.

Han Bin guessed that this is also the reason why Ma Shan did not tell the truth.

After the interrogation, Han Bin immediately launched an investigation based on Zhu Xiaohong's confession.


The next morning.

Municipal Public Security Bureau, the third interrogation room.

Han Bin arraigned Tang Kaidi again.

Tang Kaidi licked his lips and glanced around. Although it was not the first time, it still made him feel uncomfortable.

Tang Kaidi took a deep breath and looked at the back of the interrogation table, "Captain Han, you have been detaining me for so long. It has been more than twenty-four hours. Shouldn't it be time to let me go."

Han Bin looked at him with interest, "Where do you want to go?"

"Hey..." Tang Kaidi sighed, "To tell you, I am a little bit thinking about He Jun. I want to see him. You should be able to do me a favor."

Han Bin snorted softly, "I really can't help with this. You can't go anywhere unless you explain the situation clearly."

Upon hearing this, Tang Kaidi became anxious, "Captain Han, I have said everything that should be said, what else do you want me to say, is it because you are happy to force me to confess my guilt? I did not do this thing, I do. I’ve said it many times, if you insist on saying that I did it, then show your evidence."

Han Bin slapped his hands, "You are full of emotions, even I almost believed it."

Tang Kaidi clenched his fist and smashed the interrogation chair forcefully, "I'm telling the truth."

"You are so confident that the police can't find evidence of your conviction?"

"Heh...because I'm not afraid of the shadow crooked, I haven't done it at all." Tang Kaidi said with his arms around his chest, disapprovingly.

Han Bin said solemnly, "Tang Kaidi, we have already checked very clearly. He Jun was hired and killed by you. Not only did we arrest you, but the contact person Chen Sanmu and the killer have been arrested and brought to justice. Both have already recruited, and they have provided a lot of evidence against you."

Tang Kaidi was stunned for a while, and squeezed out a smile, "If you find more evidence, it will be even better, so as to prove my innocence."

Han Bin continued, "According to Chen Sanmei's confession, she and you contacted through the software "Shanbo", and in order to avoid being discovered by the software company the word "min Sense", you all used voice chat. We have found it. Chen Sanmei’s phone also has your chat history on it. I’ve heard it and it’s wonderful.

If you forget, I can help you remember. "

Tang Kaidi’s sweat ran down his forehead and down his cheeks, still dying, “What voice chat, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Han Bin took out his cell phone and played a recording.

"Hey, are you Ruavjia's contact?

it's me.

what is your name?

My name is Chen Sanmu. What are you looking for me for?

If I kill.

Who to kill?

A person named He Jun.

How do you want him to die?

I want to make him die in pain, and make him regret it, yes, and his stinky dog.

Yes, the employment fee is 500,000.

So expensive! can it be cheaper?


Listening to the recording, Tang Kaidi was ashamed of death, and it was his voice in the recording.

Before, he had been betting that the man named Chen Sanme didn't keep his voice. Obviously he lost the bet.

"Crack." Han Bin turned off the voice, "I heard it clearly, do you want me to play it again."

Tang Kaidi closed his eyes and said weakly, "No, I admit that I hired someone to kill He Jun."

Han Bin asked, "Why kill him?"

Tang Kaidi slowly opened his eyes, his gaze was somewhat hollow, "He... broke his original promise, he is a traitor and betrayed our love."

"What promise?"

"He said he would love me forever, he only loves me alone, saying that everything about him belongs to me, and he said that he would protect me forever and be with me forever, even if he died?" Tang Kaidi cried and choked. Said, "Who knows, it has only been a year before he repents, liar, he is a big liar."

"Why did He Jun regret it?"

With tears in Tang Kaidi's eyes, "He wants to draw a clear line with me and marry the woman named Yao."

"Yao Wenxi?"

"Yes, it's the stinky woman. He Jun didn't like her originally. The reason for associating with her was because he was afraid that others would suspect that he was **** and wanted to find a shield." Tang Kaidi looked upset, "Some time ago, He Jun suddenly Tell me he is getting married.

At that time, I was dumbfounded and asked him innocently, "Same-sex marriage is allowed in China?" He Jun was stunned, and then he said he was going to marry Yao Wenxi. I was so stupid at the time. I didn't expect him to betray me.

I ask him why? He said that this society cannot tolerate us, it is too difficult. Marrying the opposite **** can make life easier, and he didn't want to disappoint his father and sister, so he chose to marry Yao Wenxi and persuaded me to find a girlfriend. "

Tang Kaidi punched his chest with his fist, showing an expression of pain, "I had a heart of death at the time. I can't believe that these words were actually spoken from He Jun. This is the person I love. ?

I couldn’t accept it at the time. I begged him not to leave me or marry that woman, but He Jun refused again and again and said that the two of them can only be friends in the future. If I do something extraordinary, he will follow I broke off.

I still remember his indifferent eyes. At that time, I was desperate. I knew he was no longer the Jun I knew and no longer belonged to me. "

Tang Kaidi took a deep breath and smiled with tears, "I also tried to forget him, but I found that I couldn't forget him. I couldn't forgive him for his betrayal. Every day is painful. I want to retaliate... Killed him in a cruel way, and the dog he and Yao Wenxi raised together."

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