Detective from The Future

Chapter 973: Case closed

"Zhang Tengchong."

Han Bin heard this name for the first time and wrote down in his notebook, "What does he do? How did you two meet?"

"He is my former worker and we also met on the construction site."

"Where is he now?"

"Going abroad to work."

"Which country did you go to?"


"Is it a normal channel?"

Ma Shan shrugged, "I don't know this."

"How did you join the Ruavjia company?"

Ma Shan said, "Once by chance, after Zhang Tengchong went abroad, he would occasionally contact me and introduced me to this website. He also said that if I was short of money, I could go to the website to apply for a killer. He also said that this is very common abroad. , Just like applying for an ordinary job.

At the beginning, I didn't believe it very much, just with a playful mindset, and finally I was recruited by the website. Even at that time, I didn’t take it too seriously, until later this company started to give me money, at first it distributed 5,000 yuan a month, and then it distributed 20,000 yuan every quarter, and there was still 20,000 yuan at the end of the year. prize.

At that time, I was so confused, and I gave out money when I didn't do anything. The total amount in a year is more than 100,000 yuan, which is more than what I made before. What they asked for was very simple. They sent me a study manual to train me according to the above knowledge. In fact, if I want to be lazy, they don't even know.

To be honest, my heart is a little unreliable. I haven't had a good life since I was a kid. I didn't believe in such good things at all, but I was a little scared.

Sure enough, Chen Sanmu contacted me some time ago and asked me to kill Zhang Haonan and He Jun. Only then did I realize that I could not refuse. "

Han Bin thought for a moment, "Why did you and Zhang Tengchong kill Jiang Suli?"

"Zhang Tengchong and Jiang Suli know her husband. I remember they are called Tang Wenyao. Before, the two of them also worked on a construction site. Once when they had a drink, Tang Wenyao began to complain that Jiang Suli had eaten out and beat his house to demolish the house. He said that if he dared to give the house to that wild species, he would kill Jiang Suli.

Zhang Tengchong heard it in his heart, so he took me to do this ticket, and also got one hundred thousand yuan from Tang Wenyao. "

Han Bin said, "Tell me about your crime."

Ma Shan recalled, “We went to Tang Wenyao’s house and stepped on it in advance. We also knew that Tang Wenyao’s house had a cellar. That afternoon, we climbed the wall and entered Tang Wenyao’s house, grabbed Jiang Suli into the cellar, fixed her on a chair, and cut her off. Her tongue blocked her mouth, allowing her to fend for herself in the cellar."

"What evidence do you have that Tang Wenyao hired to kill his wife? How did you pay for it?"

"Cash payment, in order to avoid Tang Wenyao's denial, Zhang Tengchong recorded it at that time."

"Where are the recording materials?"

Ma Shan hesitated for a moment, "Buried together with the crime tool."

"Where is it buried?"

"In the north of Nantang Village, there is a small park. We buried the tools of crime in the park."

"What's the name of the park?"

"I don't know, it seems there is no name."

"Where is it buried in the park?"

Hello everyone, our public account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, and you can receive them as long as you pay attention. Please seize the opportunity for the last benefit at the end of the year. Public Account [Book Friends Base Camp]

"There is a rockery in the park. It's not a rockery. It's just a larger soil **** with a pavilion built on it. We dug a hole on the east side of the **** and buried it."

"What are the buried things?"

"Knifes, scissors, **** coats, mobile hard drives, gloves, and other things I can't remember. Zhang Tengchong is the mastermind, and I am the one to fight."

Han Bin asked, "Do you think Zhang Tengchong is related to Ruavjia Company?"

"I don't know. I suspected it before, but he refused to admit it. He said he was interested in Ruavjia because he killed someone. After that, I didn't find that he had direct contact with Ruavjia."

Han Bin fell into thinking, he had contacted two ruavjia company developers.

All are Zhu Xiaohong, and the other is Ma Shan.

The process of Zhu Xiaohong joining Ruavjia is very clear. Her former colleague Mao Xiaofang recommended her to join the company, which can be said to be recommended by an acquaintance.

Mao Xiaofang is regarded as Zhu Xiaohong's guide.

In Han Bin’s view, Zhang Tengchong’s role is similar to Mao Xiaofang, but it is more cryptic. The killing of Jiang Suli is more like a trial. The subsequent application is just a process, otherwise no company is stupid and won’t give it lightly. You send money.

Of course, these are just Han Bin’s guesses. Zhang Tengchong has already gone abroad. It is difficult to prove this. The most urgent matter is to sort out the case.

After receiving Ma Shan's confession, Han Bin and Zhu Jiaxu split their forces. Han Bin took Ma Shan to find tools and recordings of the crime. Zhu Jiaxu led people to arrest Tang Wenyao.

On the way there, Han Bin was somewhat worried. After two years, no one can guarantee whether the tools of crime buried in the ground were destroyed.

Han Bin rushed to the park as soon as possible. There were also some walkers in the park. They were all elderly people living nearby. With the assistance of the local police station, the park was quickly cleared and guarded.

After Ma Shan identified the approximate location, Han Bin led the team members to dig on the spot, and the technical department was instructed by the side.

Ten minutes later, a group of team members sent items that were suspected of committing crimes. They were packed in woven bags and were a little rotten. There were two male coats inside, and the clothes seemed to be wrapped in things.

After Ma Shan saw these things, his head drooped immediately, "Yes, this is it."

Han Bin breathed a sigh of relief and waved, "Hand over the scene to a colleague in the technical department."

Soon under the professional operation of the technical team members, the crime tools appeared in front of everyone. With these iron evidences, the two-year-old case was also announced to be solved.


The next morning.

Meeting room of Municipal Public Security Bureau.

The deputy director Feng Baoguo sat on the main seat, and Ding Xifeng and Han Bin sat on both sides.

As the suspects returned to the case one after another, this complicated hired murder case has also entered the stage of closure.

At the beginning of the meeting, Feng Baoguo said, “For this series of cases, the senior officials of the Municipal Bureau have been paying attention. In order to avoid putting more pressure on the frontline investigators, I rarely participate in case summary meetings, but I have been learning about the case through various channels. The progress of the case is relatively clear.

This is the last case summary meeting for this case. I am here on behalf of the leaders of the Municipal Bureau to say ‘it’s hard work’ to everyone. "

"Papa..." The crowd applauded.

Ding Xifeng continued, "Apart from the efforts of the front-line team members, the support of the leaders of the City Bureau is also inseparable from the successful detection of the case this time. My position can be regarded as a link between the past and the next. The work is also difficult to carry out smoothly."

Han Bin smiled, "What the captain said is that on behalf of the members of the Second Squadron of the Municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade, I would like to thank the two leaders and the leaders of the Municipal Bureau for their support and help."

Feng Baoguo smiled and said, "I will convey everyone's gratitude. Okay, let's have a formal meeting."

Ding Xifeng winked at Han Bin, "Han Bin, come on."

"Yes." Han Bin organized the language and said loudly, "Everyone knows the previous case better, so I won't repeat it, let me talk about the latest investigation progress.

Ma Shan admitted that he was a member of the ruavjia company, and he also admitted that he hired a murderer. The murder of Jiang Suli is somewhat special. There is another murderer named Zhang Tengchong. We suspect that he may also be a member of the Ruavjia company, but there is no evidence yet, only that this person went abroad.

Another point is that the fingerprints left at the scene of Jiang Suli's murder did not match those of Ma Shan, so the fingerprint was probably left by Zhang Tengchong.

The hirer in Jiang Suli’s murder case was her husband Tang Wenyao. In the face of sufficient evidence, Tang Wenyao confessed yesterday. He did know Zhang Tengchong and indeed paid a so-called “employment bonus”, but he still refused to admit that he hired him. The fact of killing.

In his words, once when he and Zhang Tengchong drank, he did say that he wanted to kill Jiang Suli, but it was all drunk. He didn't expect Zhang Tengchong to take it seriously, let alone Zhang Tengchong to kill. Afterwards, Zhang Tengchong used this as a threat, and he had to spend a sum of money to settle the matter.

As for the origin of this sum of money, according to Tang Wenyao's own account, most of it was deposited by himself, and part of it was borrowed from relatives. Because Tang Wenyao and Jiang Suli are halfway couples, Tang Wenyao doesn't trust Jiang Suli very much, and has been hiding private money. The Chengnan Branch, which was in charge of investigating the case, did not find the private money, and therefore did not suspect Tang Wenyao. "

Feng Baoguo asked, "Is it true that Tang Wenyao hired murderers? Is it really drunk like what he said?"

Ding Xifeng went on to say, "I have also heard that recording. Tang Wenyao indeed drank alcohol, and the two of them also said it at the wine bar. As for whether they were drunk, outsiders are not very easy to judge. But one point is very important. Afterwards, Tang Wenyao did not. Instead of calling the police, he chose to pay the wages, which is very suspicious. Regardless of his purpose, an employment relationship has been formed as a result."

Han Bin echoed, "Yes, Tang Wenyao also admitted that he gave Zhang Tengchong and Ma Shan 100,000 yuan afterwards. We also checked with the relative who borrowed money from Tang Wenyao, and there is indeed something happening."

"It's fine to find out. As for the final judgment, that's the matter of the court." Feng Baoguo turned through his notebook and asked, "How is the investigation done by Ruavjia?"

Ding Xifeng replied, “People in the technical department turned to the Internet. Through the clues provided by Zhu Xiaohong, they did find a ruavjia company. The IP addresses of this company are all abroad. It is difficult to trace specific clues. The tracing capabilities of our city’s Public Security Bureau."

Feng Baoguo frowned and said, "I will report it to the provincial government. By the way, have the other two members of the ruavjia company checked it out?"

Han Bin replied, "The identity has been verified and their entry and exit records have been found. Mao Xiaofang went to Australia Z in 2017. Zhang Tengchong went to Australia Z in 2019 and never came back. Their whereabouts abroad Not available for the time being."

Feng Baoguo sighed, “I will sort out their files and I will report to the provincial government to ask them to help the two fugitives wanted.”


Feng Baoguo sorted out the documents in front of him, and he rarely smiled, "Your second squadron did a good job in this series of hired murders. The leaders of the city bureau decided to declare a collective second-class merit for you..."

Upon hearing this, the team members immediately became excited and whispered. Meritorious service not only represents honor, but also represents bonuses.

"Ah... be quiet, Feng Ju hasn't finished talking yet." Ding Xifeng said with a straight face.

Everyone calmed down immediately.

Feng Baoguo didn't care, with a smile on his face, and continued, "Everyone has no rest during this period. After the case is closed, you can take a few days off. The specific arrangements are for your city criminal investigation team to coordinate."

When the voice fell, everyone present became excited again. The high-intensity investigations during this period of time made everyone very tired. Which team member below Han Bin doesn't want to sleep in, watch a movie, relax...

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