Detective from The Future

Chapter 991: suicide

Zhao Ming put on his gloves and pulled the backpack out of the sofa. "Yeah, it's quite heavy."

Han Bin pointed to the backpack and asked, "Lin Chunhua, what's in it?"

Lin Chunhua trembled visibly.

Zhao Ming scolded, "Say it."

Lin Chunhua shook her head, her legs softened and fell to the ground.

Han Bin raised his chin to Zhao Ming, "Open it."

Zhao Ming put the backpack on the coffee table, unzipped the zipper of the backpack, and saw bundles of red banknotes. "Good guy, there is a lot of money. Let me count, one, two, three. ... there are eight wads in total. This wad is almost 10,000 yuan, which is 80,000 yuan, which is the same as the amount of stolen money from Xiao Bingtian's family."

Zhao Ming put the money on the coffee table and found that there were other things in the backpack, so he took out a mobile phone and a mobile phone card.

"Team Korea, take a look."

Han Bin took the mobile phone, the brand is Huawei, and the model is the same as the mobile phone used by Xiao Bingtian.

"Whose phone is this?"

Lin Chunhua sat on the ground like a silly, and still did not answer.

"Pop!" Zhao Ming slapped the table, "Lin Chunhua, I didn't hear you asking, where did the money come from? Whose phone is it?"

"I picked it up, I picked it up."

"Where did you pick it up?"

"I picked it up in the trash can."

"Make it clear, which trash can?"

"It's the trash can in our community. You can see it when you go downstairs to the east gate."

Han Bin hummed, "You still dare to lie. The reason why we came to your house to search is because we found your footprints at Xiao Bingtian's house. This backpack is the ironclad proof. Put away your fluke. The police know far more than you think. , Dare to lie, it will only make your situation worse."

Lin Chunhua clenched his fists and breathed.

Han Bin said, "Pull him up and help him to the sofa."

"Woo..." Lin Chunhua cried, "I'm a good person, I didn't do bad things, I really picked up the money."

"Where did you pick it up?"

"Xiao Bingtian's house."

Zhao Ming pouted, why don't you go to the bank vault to pick it up.

Han Bin said, "So you admit that you have been to Xiao Bingtian's house?"

"Yes, I have been there." Lin Chunhua sighed and fell into the memory. "That afternoon, I walked home after get off work and saw the door of Xiao Bingtian's house open. I felt a little unusual, because Xiao Bingtian's house has been No one lives, I wonder if there is a thief. They are all neighbors, and they can’t ignore this kind of thing, do you think it’s not."

"and then?"

"No one answered the knock. I opened the door for fear of something wrong. I was terrified as soon as I walked in. Xiao Bingtian fell in a pool of blood. My first reaction was to save him, but when I came closer, he was out of breath. Then, I wanted to call the police, but as soon as I picked up the phone, I saw a pile of money on the table. I was... was stunned. Eighty thousand yuan, I have never seen so much cash in my entire life. "

Lin Chunhua sighed with emotion, "Our company is an outsourcing company, and the recent results are not very good. A few days ago, I sold some old cats and routers to customers as shoddy goods and was reported. The company also deducted one month's salary. , I have many young and old at my age, and I have to spend money everywhere.

I took the money without holding back. After I got the money back, I was scared to death. I regretted it very much, but I didn't dare to put it back. I didn't spend a penny and hid it on the sofa. Hey... I'm relieved now. "

"This cell phone and cell phone card also belong to Xiao Bingtian?"

"Yes, I got it from Xiao Bingtian's house."

"Why take his cell phone?"

"I've got my heart out. I didn't have money to use Huawei before, but now I don't have money to use Huawei. I have used my mobile phone for several years. I have a special card. I didn't know what I thought at the time.

"When did you enter Xiao Bingtian's house?"

"Five thirty."

"Are you sure Xiao Bingtian was dead at that time."

"Yes, I swear, he really died at the time. There was a lot of blood flowing around his body, and that blood footprint should have been accidentally stepped on."

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Han Bin wrote and painted in his diary, "Are you familiar with Xiao Bingtian?"

"Unfamiliar, he has been out of town, and we haven't met a few people in total."

"How is your relationship?"

"It's just a stranger, it's not a relationship,"

"Did you find any suspicious people near Xiao Bingtian's house that day?"

"No impression."

"Have you ever touched other things in Xiao Bingtian's house?"

"No, I only took the money and mobile phone."

"Have you ever seen an old picture of a young woman?"


Since Lin Chunhua admitted that he had been to the scene during the time of the crime and stole Xiao Bingtian's mobile phone and cash, it showed that he also had a chance to kill Xiao Bingtian. Han Bin could not easily let him go before the possibility of his murder was completely ruled out.

Lin Chunhua was a little hairy when he was seen, not only Han Bin, but the police officers around him stared at him, like a group of lions staring at their prey.

"Captain Han, what I said is true. When I arrived at Xiao Bingtian's house, he was really dead."

"I want to believe you too, but the investigation is based on the evidence. How do you prove this?"

"I have proof, I can prove it."

"take it out."

"Xiao Bingtian has a video of his suicide will on his mobile phone, which can prove that he committed suicide. It has nothing to do with me."

"Suicide testament?" Han Bin was a little skeptical, but still picked up Xiao Bingtian's mobile phone and handed it to a member of the technical department.

The members of the technical department did it for a while. The mobile phone had no password and was quickly opened and found a video taken on the afternoon of January 31.

After the technician clicked on the video, he put his mobile phone on the table, and several team members came over to check it.

On the screen, a man leaned on the coffee table with his right hand covering his chest. The blood had soaked through his clothes. It was the victim of the case, Xiao Bingtian, who said in a hoarse voice.

" hurts, I'm going to die, I have a few words to say before I die, the knife wound on my chest was... I stabbed myself, I committed suicide!

My parents have passed away, and I have nothing to miss in this world, so I chose to leave this world. Some people may not understand, but I think this is good, life is not as good as imagined, and death is not as terrible. "Speaking of this, Xiao Bingtian paused for a moment, his body became weaker and his voice became quieter.

"I can't do it anymore, I committed suicide. If I can die here, I can be regarded as the fallen leaves returning to their roots. Actually, there is nothing to say about my inheritance. I only have my brother in this world. My property, cash, and collectibles are Give it to him, Guodong, brother is gone, live a good life..."

Xiao Bingtian's voice became weaker and weaker, and he tilted his head and passed out.

Han Bin picked up the phone and checked the recording time of the video at 4:52 pm on January 31. According to Lin Chunhua, he had not left work at that time, and he had a reasonable alibi.

More importantly, Xiao Bingtian admitted in the video that he committed suicide. If the content of the video is true, there is no need to investigate again...

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