Twenty minutes later......

Officer Twilight: They're coming.

The haunted house in the tropical park has been cordoned.

At this time, the haunted house was bright, and there was no such scary atmosphere at all.

In a room on the second floor of the haunted house, which looked like a room in a warehouse, a man fell to the floor, blood pouring from his chest soaking the floor.

Officer Twilight, Miwako Sato, Osamu Shiraishi, Kogoro Mori, Koran, Sonoko, Fei Eiri, Yukiko, they are all around.

At the same time, there were two women, one named Aiko and the other named Rikako, and it was the two of them who found the bodies.

The corners of Officer Twilight's mouth twitched, and he looked at Maori Kogoro who was examining the corpse, and whispered, "Brother Maori, what do you see?"

Maori Kogoro nodded thoughtfully, and said seriously: "A knife in the chest kills, and the technique is very neat." "

Officer Twilight's face turned black directly, he had already seen such an obvious thing.

Fei Yingli directly held his forehead, with an expression of not knowing him, and silently looked at his daughter.

At this time, Osamu Shiraishi became a police officer again, and together with Miwako Sato, he questioned two witnesses.

Officer Twilight walked over and asked, "Do you know what's going on?"

Miwako Sato said: "These two said that they witnessed the prisoner, and it seems that they are still a friend of theirs, named Hitomi." And the deceased's name is Kishida, and the four of them know each other and come to play together. "

After she finished speaking, her eyes looked at Bai Shixiu as if she was nothing, and she didn't understand why he appeared here, could it be that he had an appointment in the morning, just to come here to play?

Bai Shixiu's eyes were very clear, and he was not afraid of her gaze at all, and he looked very open.

Aiko said sadly: "It was my boyfriend who died, and I went to the bathroom with Rikako at that time." When I came back, I saw Hitomi holding a knife and running away covered in blood. I chased her, but she ran so fast that I couldn't catch up. "

Maori Kogoro suddenly came over: "How fast is it, did you run fifty meters for six seconds?"

"Hehe......" Officer Twilight tugged at the corners of his mouth, pushed him away, and continued to look at the two witnesses.

Chiba and Shin didn't know where they came from, and said seriously: "If it's this speed, you can participate in the competition of the junior high school class, and the level is also very high." "

Officer Twilight said with a dark face, "Brother Chiba, now is not the time to talk about such a thing!"

Chiba and Shin resolutely closed their mouths and silently stepped aside.


Bai Shixiu coughed, only feeling that the current atmosphere didn't look like handling a case at all, and hurriedly said, "Please continue, two of you." "

Rikako said, "A minute later, I came too. Kishida didn't breathe at that time, but he didn't say anything, and he died after a while. "

After saying that, there was sadness in her eyes.

Although Kishida is usually quite unreliable, he generally does not back down when he encounters something, but he really didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

And she thought of Xiao Hitomi again, obviously everyone is a good friend, why do you want to do such a thing......

Shiraishi Xiu asked again, "Is there anything else suspicious?"

Rikako thought about it for a while, and finally looked at Aiko.

Aiko originally looked sad, but when she was looked at like this, her face turned red, and she said sadly and ashamedly: "Kishida and I originally wanted to play in the warehouse, but then I went out because I went to the toilet and asked him to lock the door, and I opened the door when I came." "

"Play?" x2

Xiaolan and Yuanzi asked suspiciously, with a very cute expression on their faces.

There was silence around.

Maori Kogoro also chose to play stupid at this time and did not answer the questions of the two girls.

The men present all showed embarrassed expressions, not knowing what to say.

Miwako Sato's face was also red, and she subconsciously pinched Shiraishi Shu's waist, and he didn't dare to scream when it hurt.

Concubine Yingli stepped forward, took Xiaolan and Yuanzi's hands, and explained very seriously: "Adults are talking, children don't interject." "

Yukiko also echoed: "That's it, there are some things that should be understood, and you will still understand, and if you don't understand, don't ask to the end." "

Bai Shixiu broke the embarrassment and continued, "If you say that, it's a closed room murder case. "

Officer Twilight nodded, "And it's very likely that an acquaintance committed the crime." The little Hitomi friend you are talking about is very likely. Very well, go after the woman right away. "

The words just fell.

Wataru Takagi's voice sounded-

"Officer Twilight, we've got the suspect. "

Everyone turned their heads to look, and I saw a beautiful woman with long hair, covered in blood, and a woman with a knife in her hand, who was brought over by Takagi Shibu.

"Hitomi Ko!!" x2

Rikako and Aiko shouted sadly together.

Hitomi glanced at the two of them expressionlessly, and didn't say anything.

Officer Twilight said happily, "Takagi, I didn't expect you to catch it so quickly." "

Wataru Takagi nodded, "I saw her hiding near the haunted house, and she was a little suspicious, so I brought her over." "

Bai Shixiu looked at the appearance of this woman covered in blood and a knife in her hand, and said speechlessly: "Where is this suspicious?

Officer Twilight also nodded: "This looks like a murderer." Officer Sato, take me down and ask what happened. "

"Yes. Miwako Sato nodded and left first with the suspect, Miss Hitomi.

This sudden result made the people around him a little stunned, and they looked at each other one by one.

Especially Officer Twilight, he only felt that this time things were too easy, and looked at Bai Shixiu and said uncertainly: "This... Solved?"

"Uh......" Shiraishi Xiu was also unsure, or decided to wait and see, maybe there was something hidden in it.

"That's fine, right?" Yukiko also touched her shoulder unnaturally, it seemed that she had encountered such a simple thing for the first time.

Suddenly, a calm and powerful voice sounded—

"Is that really the case?"

When they turned their heads, they saw Maori Kogoro stretching out a finger and pointing at his forehead, his hair was also meticulously arranged by him, he looked cool, and the detective's aura on his body was very strong, which made people unconsciously convinced of him.

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