Amano: "I went to the bathroom because I wasn't feeling well, and when I got back to my seat, Kazuyo was still in my seat! After that, I was a little airsick, and I thought that it might be better to take some motion sickness medicine, so I called the flight attendant lady. So, I don't think I'm mistaken. "

"Is she telling the truth?" Officer Twilight looked at the flight attendant.

A flight attendant nodded: "Yes, I remember, the gentleman was still sleeping at that time." "

Ukai Hengtian: "Yes, I saw it on the other side of the corridor as well. She was asking the flight attendant for airsickness medicine. I went to the bathroom after that, and it took about five minutes before and after I went in. "

Officer Twilight hurriedly said, "On the other side, aren't you and the victim in the same aisle?"

Ukai Hengtian said distressedly: "That's because I can't sit in the seat all the time, so I'm wandering around." "

Officer Twilight: "That's weird, when did the victim leave the ......


Stewardess: "By the time I brought the medicine and water to the lady, the gentleman had already left." I remember that it should take less than a minute to get the medicine. "

Tachikawa Chizuru said: "As for the time when I went to the bathroom, it was also after Xiaodong took medicine. I think there's a 20-minute time. I saw that the big eagle hadn't returned to his seat for so long, so I went to see how he was doing. But he was still alive and well at that time, because I was knocking on the bathroom door, and when I asked him about it, he knocked on the door and answered me. "

Officer Twilight's eyes lit up, and they all looked at each other quietly.

Kudo Shinichi's eyes lit up, and he looked at Tachikawa Chizuru without blinking.

Shiraishi Xiu sniffed lightly with his nose, smelled a strange smell, and when he sniffed, he came to the side of the short-haired beauty Amanohigashi, as if he was very curious about a strange part, and wanted to take advantage of people's inattention to get close and sniff.

The next second ......

A very white and tender hand reached out from behind, covered his mouth and nose, and pulled him back with no small force.

Osamu Shiraishi: ......

Shiraishi Xiuren was stupid, and he didn't react for a moment, so he looked at Xiaolan, who was shy covering his mouth and nose.

Xiaolan let go of the hand covering him, her hands stirred together uneasily, lowered her head with a blushing face, looked at her little feet wearing shoes, and muttered

"Xiu, you can't be like this. It's too much to smell the part of other girls wearing underwear, and it looks like a hooligan. Please... Please... Don't ...... like that


The voice was getting quieter and quieter, and the last few words were almost inaudible.

Shiraishi Xiu's expression was embarrassed.

Taking a deep breath hard, he explained, with a stiff smile

"Xiaolan, it's not what you think. I also relied on my nose to solve the case last time, and I just smelled a little strange smell, so I just wanted to get closer and make sure, which is not an exaggeration. "

"Even if you solve the case, you can't ......."

Xiaolan was still holding on to her girly plot, looking at Bai Shixiu with a red face.

"Okay, okay, okay. Bai Shixiu nodded helplessly, he didn't want to continue, he didn't want to smell it when he was interrupted, and he remembered the smell anyway.

This way.

Officer Twilight asked Tachikawa quietly at Chizuru, "So what toilet door were you knocking on?"

Chizuru Tachikawa thought for a moment and said, "It's toilet No. 2." "

Shinichi Kudo also interjected, "How are you sure it's him inside?".

Tachikawa Chizuru said helplessly: "At that time, there was no one in the other two toilets, and I opened the door to confirm." Also, the sink in the No. 1 toilet was full of water, so I didn't like it and closed the door. So I remember that very well, and I was sure that there was no one at the time. "

This news made Officer Twilight have a rough time in their hearts, and they all looked at the last foreigner with suspicion in their eyes.

Because they felt that if this was the case, the foreigner might end up being suspicious.

Kudo Shinichi stepped forward, communicated with the other party in English, and then said to Officer Twilight:

He said he couldn't remember when he went to the bathroom. "

At this time.

Another inconsequential man, Saginuma Ben, spoke:

"Oh my God, when are you going to ask such an unreliable question! Wouldn't it be better to just look for that negative on someone else? Just search the bodies of the four of them, it will be faster. However, this one has nothing to do with the person I've been sleeping with. "

Officer Twilight asked, "This is impossible, you and the deceased also know each other, so you are also suspicious." "

Saginuma was dissatisfied, and pointed to Kudo Shinichi: "But didn't that kid already say that there are only four of them who go to the toilet, why did they get involved with me?".



Kudo Shinichi stopped talking for a while, because he was angry at the time, and his attention was distracted when he saw Shiraishi Shu and Xiaolan hugging each other and sleeping.

He didn't dare to pack the ticket, saying whether it was true that there were only four people going to the toilet, or that there was a fifth person he didn't notice.

Officer Twilight looked at Kudo Shinichi, who didn't speak, and was even more sure that his idea was right, and said

"It's nothing, let's just check it out and prove ourselves. The boys will hand it over to us to the police, and the girls will just let the flight attendant lady come. "

That's what he, the policeman, said.

The five suspects were also not easy to refuse, and began to be examined in batches.

Xiaolan also said to Kudo Shinichi at this time: "Shinichi, can't you be sure what you said yourself?".

Kudo Shinichi choked back directly: "Don't talk to me, stupid woman who has been sleeping, you have the ability to observe it yourself." "

"You ......


Xiaolan's face puffed up angrily, hugged her hands fiercely, and turned her head directly to sulk.

She is now about to die of grievance, and it is really hateful to just ask a question and just talk like this.

It's really excessive.

Xiaolan's lips were pursed, she knew that she wouldn't come here, and she would have to suffer from this anger.

Shiraishi Shu glanced at Kudo Shinichi strangely, something is wrong with this kid!

This is the rhythm of not wanting a wife!

But looking at the angry Xiaolan, Bai Shixiu rubbed her little head helplessly and comforted:

"Don't be angry, just ignore him in the future. Uncle Maori asked me to take care of you, and if you get angry, you can get me in trouble again. "


Xiaolan nodded heavily.

She decisively stood by Bai Shixiu's side, fortunately she had someone to rely on, otherwise she would have no place to talk about her grievances.

She decided to ignore Kudo Shinichi for this time, it was too much.

Long ......

Everything was checked, but the result was that Officer Twilight was very unhappy.

"What! You said that nothing resembling a negative was found on the five of them?".

"Nope. "

Officer Takagi shook his head

"We've even looked for other passengers, but we still haven't found any negatives or anything. "

Officer Twilight looked at Kudo Shinichi, "Shinichi, are you sure you read it right?".

Kudo Shinichi was silent for a moment and said with a smile: "Since such a valuable negative has not been found." Maybe it's still on someone. But in that case, let's go look for their luggage, maybe it's not necessarily inside. "

Officer Twilight was silent, but the thought that it might be a murder made him firm.

After several suspects learned about the situation, they did not hesitate and took out their luggage again and asked Officer Twilight to check it.

Officer Takagi said, "First of all, the first is Miss Tachikawa Chizuru's luggage. It contained a passport, a wallet, a handkerchief, cosmetics, tissue paper, sun eyes, a camera, and a notebook and a ballpoint pen. There don't seem to be any negatives or anything. "

Officer Twilight waved his hand, "Then change Miss Tano's luggage." "

Officer Takagi took Amano's luggage, opened it, and said one by one: "It contains perfume, passport, wallet, handkerchief, knitted soft hat, plane ticket, camera, cosmetics, sewing utensils, and a box of motion sickness medicine." "

Bai Shixiu directly picked up the bottle of perfume, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it gently, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The chef's nose can distinguish many ingredients, especially when the cooking skills reach a very high level, it is easier to distinguish various smells.

There was already an answer in his heart, but Shiraishi Xiu still quietly put the perfume back in its place and didn't say it.

Bai Shi Xiu's actions didn't hide from anyone, but they didn't care about anything, because now they were looking for negatives, and they wouldn't care about perfume or anything.

The only person who cares about it is Amano, the owner of the luggage, who breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Shiraishi Shu put down the perfume.

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