Detective: I can see the criminal record

Chapter 25 The First Silk Banner

The direction of development is getting more and more complicated.

Previously, Cen Lian thought that only Hu Tingting and Chen Nan had lives on their hands, so who did the fourth blood stain come from?

"Is this case considered for our team now?" Cen Lian still asked considering the jurisdiction issue.

Wu Qiushan spread his hands and said, "There is no way. Hu Tingting was caught in our Kang'an City, and her body was also found in Kang'an City. This case is now considered an active case in your branch's jurisdiction."

Cen Lian has a headache. From the four different blood-stained DNAs, it can be seen that the case is quite complicated, and it may take until the end of the year.

"It's probably difficult to handle a case in a different place." Wang Yuanteng held the tea cup that he had drunk so much that the color could no longer be seen. He grabbed a few wolfberries from the box in front of Qi Yan's desk and threw them in. "But if this case is solved, it will be difficult to solve the case over there. You have to give us something, it’s a huge favor.”

"Oh, I would rather not have this kind of favor at the end of the year," Vice Captain Liang Xuan rushed back from outside as she spoke, "Who went to arrest Lin Xiangyuan?"

Wang Yuanteng immediately replied, "Qi Yan took Xiao Liu and the others there. There were six people in total, four policemen and two auxiliary policemen."

Liang Xuan nodded slightly, said hello to Wu Qiushan, and then spoke to Wang Yuanteng and the others.

"Put on your regular clothes this afternoon. Chu Yulin's parents and the parents of several other victims of the Yang Xu case are coming to deliver banners. Please pay attention to your appearance." She glanced at Cen Lian emphatically, "Go and get you Wash your hair, and you have to stand next to the victim’s family when taking pictures this afternoon.”

Cen Lian responded repeatedly. He had been working overtime every day recently. The last time he had time to wash his hair was three or four days ago.

There are no new clues about Hu Tingting's case, but Lin Xiangyuan was quickly arrested and brought to justice.

In fact, after they basically identified the murderer, Lin Xiangyuan's home and work place were closely monitored, and he was not given any chance to escape.

When the DNA test report came out, the police who were originally stationed at Lin Xiangyuan's workplace, under the leadership of Qi Yan, took Lin Xiangyuan away in front of the entire unit.

In the afternoon, Lin Xiangyuan's wife Tian Wenwen found the criminal police team.

Yuan Chenxi received her.

Cen Lian, Tang Hua and Wang Yuanteng had just changed their clothes. Yuan Chenxi saw them and called them over.

Cen Lian, who couldn't wear regular clothes a few times a year, felt uncomfortable and sat down at the table.

Tian Wenwen's face turned pale, and she obviously knew that Lin Xiangyuan was suspected of murder.

"I had a bad feeling when you called me last time," Tian Wenwen sat there dejectedly, "Did he kill Xiao Yu?"

Cen Lian glanced at Yuan Chenxi, but was looked back by his junior schoolmate.

No one knew how to say this to Tian Wenwen.

In the end, Tang Hua couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ms. Tian, ​​your husband Lin Xiangyuan killed Sun Xiaoyu in order to prevent your family from knowing the results of his premarital examination." He told the truth in one breath.

Tian Wenwen closed her eyes in pain.

"I guessed it. After you called me last time, I pretended to ask about the premarital examination report accidentally, but he immediately lost his temper with me, and then slammed the door and walked out." Tian Wenwen leaned back on the chair, "Six Years ago, I asked Xiaoyu to tell me secretly if he had any questions after the prenatal test results came out. Later, when Xiaoyu died, I really didn’t expect it to be him. "

"We can't blame you for this," Wang Yuantong comforted him. "As far as we know, your father promised Lin Xiangyuan that as long as he married you, he would be transferred to his current unit as a full-time employee. If he got syphilis, if If your family members find out that he has this disease, his future will be completely hopeless, so he will lie to you and hurt your friends at the same time. "

Tian Wenwen left in a daze.

"I think she is going to the hospital for a physical check-up," Cen Lian said nothing just now. "In fact, she should have sensed something was wrong back then. She just trusted her husband too much and felt that he was not the person who could do this. "

Wang Yuanteng picked up the teacup from his desk.

"It was also because Lin Xiangyuan was not included in the investigation scope at all at that time. Four days before the accident, Sun Xiaoyu's shift schedule did not include her in the gynecology department, because she was only temporarily helping and did not attract attention." Wang Yuanteng shook his head slightly, "Actually, this Lin Xiangyuan Being able to kill people was mostly due to luck. The murder method he designed was so complicated that Sun Xiaoyu would not die as long as there was any problem in any part of it. "

Cen Lian quite agrees with this statement.

"If no one was fooled when it came to destroying the oxygen system, or if Sun Xiaoyu didn't see or take care of the SOS he created at that time, in fact, this murder would not have happened. It can only be said that by chance, Lin Xiangyuan's idea turned out to be true. Achieved." Cen Lian actually felt a little pity. When Sun Xiaoyu saw the SOS on the ward window, she rushed to check it, just because her medical ethics prevented her from turning a blind eye.

She was willing to help Tian Wenwen check her fiancé's premarital examination report, just out of kindness and not wanting her friend to be deceived.

However, the final result told her that good intentions did not pay off.

I don't know if Sun Xiaoyu would feel regretful and disappointed when Lin Xiangyuan stabbed his heart into the heart.

Sun Xiaoyu's case entered the stage of interrogation and evidence fixation. Cen Lian and others were arranged to take over Hu Tingting's dismemberment case, and they would no longer follow up.

At around three o'clock, Yuan Chenxi informed them that the family members of several victims of the Yang Xu case were here.

Cen Lian quickly packed his clothes and went downstairs with Tang Hua and Wang Yuanteng.

Qi Yan arrived late after changing his clothes, but finally caught up.

"These are the families of the victimized children," Yuan Chenxi introduced to them. Team Liang was constantly comforting the families of the victims. "It was fine when we first came here, but I started crying as I talked."

Cen Lian is actually not very good at facing such situations.

Every time he saw the victims' families burst into tears, he felt very uncomfortable.

Under Team Liang's introduction, they accepted the gratitude from the victim's family members respectively, and after the family members calmed down, they took photos with the family members holding the pennant.

After the family members left, Cen Lian looked at the banner in his hand and then at their backs, sighing in his heart.

For them, the police, the end of the case means the matter is over.

But for parents who have lost their children, the cracking of the case is just the beginning of a long and painful journey.

"Don't think about it. There are other dead people waiting for us to help them redress their grievances." Wang Yuanteng, as a real person, saw what Cen Lian was thinking when he saw his expression. "The longer the detective works, the more likely he will be." You’ll get used to it.”

Cen Lian was actually very touched by Wang Yuanteng's comfort, but there were other reasons why he was still staring at the door.

For example, on the street opposite the branch, a man with a word bubble on his head flashed past on a battery-powered bicycle.

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