Detective: I can see the criminal record

Chapter 41: Two shots, the SWAT team wasted their time

Since he had been completely identified as a charlatan, Cen Lian simply walked down the iron gate that appeared after moving the drug-making raw materials.

In fact, his plug-in is also very suitable for exploring the way. As long as a living human shows a hair within the sight range, the system will very diligently display all his criminal records in this life.

Wu Qiushan followed quickly.

There were several policemen and special police around them. Among them, the four special police were taller than them, and their muscles looked very developed.

"I don't know how many years they dug this place to get it out," Cen Lian observed this rather simple tunnel, "People who escaped from here should have left a lot of traces."

He said the latter half of the sentence to Wu Qiushan.

Wu Qiushan rolled his eyes rarely.

"There is only one road in this damn place. Where else can they run to? Go out through the wall." Although he said this, his body was very honest and raised the flashlight to observe various traces around.

This dark and narrow passage should be the escape route they left behind. The so-called "wall" is actually a very uneven rock, and you can even see some traces of primitive minerals in it.

Cen Lian didn't know the situation on their side and how much they knew about this gang now.

"What stage have you investigated now," Cen Lian asked, "Have you found anything useful from their nest?"

"That's too much," Wu Qiushan closed his eyes slightly and searched for information in his mind, "This gang has a history of ten years. It was first formed in Yunzhong City and later developed towards Kang'an City. But because the manager they sent to Kang'an City had more and more complicated physiological needs, they brought several people who had fallen from prostitution places in Kang'an City to the city."

Cen Lian waited for him to continue. What he said at present was basically what he had mastered during the investigation during this period of time.

"Nothing went wrong at first. Later, one of the fallen people accidentally discovered their drug-making equipment when leaving their residence. The girl also had some education. After realizing that something was wrong, she wanted to take a photo and call the police. Unexpectedly, she was discovered by them and then shot dead. She was the No. 1 corpse, Gao Xiaoxue, whom we later found."

Cen Lian sighed.

China's anti-drug efforts and publicity are quite effective. In addition, due to many historical reasons, the tolerance of Chinese people for drugs is almost zero. Therefore, even marginalized people such as thieves and fallen women, when they find a drug-making factory, their first reaction is to call the police.

It's just that the No. 1 victim, Gao Xiaoxue, was only 21 years old when she died. She had no experience in facing such vicious criminals and eventually died under their guns.

Wu Qiushan clearly heard several people around him sighing, and they were obviously feeling sorry for Gao Xiaoxue.

Cen Lian had guessed what happened later through these words.

"So they killed the few people who had gone to their lair before," Cen Lian thought of the five headless corpses, "Did anyone tell us where the heads of those corpses were hidden?"

"Yes, Qi Yan has taken people there." Wuqiushan and the others had obviously captured the core personnel.

As the few people continued to move forward, Cen Lian suddenly stopped and stretched out his hand to stop them.

"There are people in front." He lowered his voice, carefully adjusted the angle, and observed the flashing text bubble.

This tunnel is obviously not straight forward. The place they are currently walking through can be described as winding.

This is not a special design of the drug manufacturing gang. From the protruding rocks on the mountain walls on both sides, it can be seen that every time they take a detour, they encounter a large piece of hard rock that cannot be bypassed, so they can only choose to bypass it from the side.

The mountainous areas near Yunzhong City are mostly stone mountains. Although there is a certain amount of soil in them, it is generally difficult to dig.

This group of drug dealers is obviously not stupid enough to use large equipment in the mountains, so their escape route can only be simple.

The text bubble that just popped up was at the corner of this escape passage. Cen Lian kept adjusting his position to observe and found that three different text bubbles appeared there.

"It seems that we have blocked their way out," Cen Lian said firmly, "I saw at least three people over there. Who of you has a thermal imaging device?"

The special police on the side responded and took out the infrared thermal imager.

These things are now handheld and portable, which is simple and convenient to use.

Several special police fiddled with it for a while and said, "There are about six or seven people we can detect behind the corner. There are rocks behind us, and we are not sure if there are any more people."

Cen Lian silently stepped back a few steps.

"Call someone!" He looked directly at Wu Qiushan.

Wu Qiushan had already raised the walkie-talkie to call for support while he was talking.

They now have twelve people here, four special police and eight police officers. Without knowing how many people and weapons the other side has, it is tantamount to suicide to attack rashly.

There seems to be no one among the dozen people who are greedy for merit and reckless.

Several special police officers took the initiative to block in front to avoid being attacked.

The environment here is quite cramped. If they really meet on a narrow road, it will be very dangerous for them.

The people on the opposite side are all desperate criminals. If they are caught, they will be shot and will not show mercy to them.

"They are moving," one of the special police officers became alert, "They seem to want to resist stubbornly."

"It's mainly because we don't have enough people here," Wu Qiushan frowned, "I didn't expect them to be hiding inside when I came down just now, so we didn't bring enough people."

Just when he was regretting, Cen Lian saw a text bubble flash out, and there seemed to be something in his hand.

Then, he heard a gunshot.

Cen Lian immediately threw down the special police in front of him, dodged the bullet, and raised his hand to shoot.

A text bubble disappeared.

The incident happened very suddenly, but several special police officers were strictly trained. Except for the one who was thrown down by Cen Lian, the other three special police officers immediately pressed the police officers around them to the ground and immediately began to look for cover.

Cen Lian and the special police officer who was thrown down by him hid behind a protruding rock.

Intensive gunshots began to appear. It was obvious that this group of drug dealers felt that they would definitely not survive, and planned to drag a few more people down before they died.

There were several police officers behind who had not reacted yet, but Cen Lian and Wu Qiushan reacted immediately and started to fight back.

Four special police officers held up their blast shields and fired back.

Cen Lian silently calculated how many bullets were left in his magazine. After confirming that there were enough, he suddenly flashed out from his hiding place and fired three shots in succession.

Another text bubble fell down.

He was a little dissatisfied. It had been too long since graduation, and his mobile rapid-fire hit rate had indeed dropped. The third shot hit the place he wanted to aim at.

The special police officer next to Cen Lian couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Brother, are you really not a retired special forces soldier?" He began to suspect that he, a special police officer, was actually a decoration.

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