Detective: I can see the criminal record

Chapter 55 Oh no, someone poisoned me!

When Cen Lian returned home, his father Cen Jianjun looked at the medal on his police uniform for a long time, and then looked at his certificate for a long time.

In the end, Old Cen said nothing, but patted Cen Lian on the shoulder, and then asked the neighbors to help take a group photo of the three of them under the plaque of the Second Class Merit and the Glorious Home outside their home.

In the group photo, Cen Jianjun's eyes were a little red.

But Lian Ya's reaction was more serious. She pulled open Cen Lian's clothes and checked him up and down, and then she relaxed after confirming that her son had no more scars on his body.

"Why didn't you tell us about such a great merit?" Lian Ya held Cen Lian's hand, "Solving the case is very important, but you also have to take care of your health. The second class merit is not so easy to get. Don't leave such a big scar on your body like your father for merit."

Cen Jianjun sat aside and didn't say anything.

Cen Lian finally comforted his mother with all his words, and then he successfully escaped back to his room to sleep.

At night, he heard a noise, and when he turned over, he saw his father sitting silently at the head of his bed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Cen Lian did not say anything, just watched Cen Jianjun sit for a few minutes and then left silently.

It is really hard to guess what parents are thinking.

He smiled helplessly, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

The office of the support squadron was arranged on the first floor, right next to Lin's office. It seems that in order to highlight the four words "criminal technology" in their "criminal technology support" squadron, they were simply arranged on the same floor with the criminal department and forensic doctors.

Yuan Chenxi came down from upstairs happily carrying a cloth bag.

On her desk covered with various documents and materials, her own things were actually just this small bag.

"I almost handed over the work last night," Yuan Chenxi sat in her much vacant seat, "I don't want to see those case files again, even for a second!"

Forensic doctor Lin, who helped her carry a few pots of succulents down from the second floor, smiled helplessly, "New case files will be delivered soon."

Yuan Chenxi covered her ears and pretended not to hear.

Cen Lian's desk is still together with Tang Hua's. There are too few people in their squadron, so there is no special office for the captain.

Forensic doctor Lin still works in the original office, but a position is reserved for her here.

There are only two forensic doctors in the district bureau, and many daily work still needs to be done by forensic doctor Lin.

Wang Yuanteng walked around the office with a cup in his hand, and said with great satisfaction: "Our newly built squadron finally looks a bit good."

Qi Yan silently raised his mobile phone to show him, "Get ready to go out, we have three units to visit today."

Wang Yuanteng grabbed two new wolfberries from the box in front of his desk and put them in the thermos cup.

"Let's get started~" He adjusted his collar and went out with Qi Yan.

Cen Lian and Tang Hua went directly to Lingxi University in the urban area of ​​Kang'an.

The old campus of this school is located in the old city of Kang'an, surrounded by many tall French plane trees. Cen Lian and Tang Hua came here to find Professor Yan Xichong of the Geology Department of this school.

According to Tian Xianzhong, the stony-iron meteorite in their hands was originally brought to the seminar by Professor Yan Xichong.

The colleges and universities in this city were quite polite to them. After waiting for a few minutes, the two met Professor Yan, who had just finished the last class of the semester for undergraduates.

It is now the last day of December, and Lingxi University will start the final exams next week.

Professor Yan is nearly sixty years old. Under his wind-blown black hair, you can already see mottled white. He is thin and wears a pair of brown-rimmed glasses. It can be seen that he has the habit of exercising. He went up four floors of office buildings in one breath without any breath.

"I've seen the photo of the meteorite you mentioned before," Professor Yan was obviously concerned about this matter. "This morning before I went to class, I specifically asked my graduate students to check the storage room. The meteorite was swapped."

Cen Lian was very surprised.

He thought the meteorite was stolen directly, but he didn't expect it to be swapped.

"After the seminar two years ago, the meteorite was put in the exhibition room. At that time, I had a new project on hand, which was an eyewitness meteorite found in Yunling Mountain. Because of its high research value, my students and I have been studying this eyewitness meteorite and the meteorite crater formed in the past two years. The meteorite you mentioned has not been checked for a long time. I can only confirm that the last time a graduate student went to check it was about three months ago when the school started. The college organized freshmen from the Department of Geology to visit our meteorite exhibition room. At that time, I took a look and confirmed that it had not been swapped."

Three months ago, this time was a bit beyond Cen Lian's expectations.

"Please confirm if this is the meteorite." Cen Lian handed the meteorite in the evidence bag to Professor Yan. "The case of this meteorite is very complicated. We cannot fully inform you of the cause and effect for the time being."

"I understand this," Professor Yan said as he took the meteorite and took out a file bag from the drawer of his office after carefully observing it. "It is this meteorite. I have all the records about this meteorite here. I asked my graduate student to take the meteorite that was replaced and placed in the display room after class. It will be delivered soon."

The graduate student mentioned by Professor Yan quickly came over with the meteorite. Cen Lian took a look and confirmed that he, like Professor Yan, had no criminal record.

It is estimated that they also knew very little about this case.

"I'm going to get the surveillance video of the school's exhibition room now." Tang Hua was very sensible and went out directly.

Cen Lian looked at the meteorite brought by Professor Yan's students.

This is an ordinary stone meteorite, with very low research value and collection value, and it is not much different from ordinary stones.

"We need to take this meteorite back for sampling," Cen Lian put it in the evidence bag, "After the case is over, this stony-iron meteorite will be returned according to the process. I hope Professor Yan can understand."

Professor Yan nodded, stood up and said: "We will check the meteorites in the exhibition room during this period. If there are any lost or swapped, we will contact you as soon as possible."

The graduate student sent Cen Lian out.

On the way, Cen Lian asked, "Are there many people who can enter your exhibition room?"

"There are too many people. In addition to the teachers, the security uncle and the cleaning aunt, as well as some graduate students and doctoral students in our major will go there when they need it. There are other fossils and various rock samples in the exhibition room. Although you have to register when entering and exiting, and there are people watching at the door, it is too easy to sneak in." The graduate student pointed to the location of the exhibition room. "It's the same as if there is no access control in our campus. As long as you look like a student, you can come in, and you don't need to swipe a card or anything, so there are too many people in the school who can enter."

Cen Lian nodded, and just as he was about to say goodbye to this kind graduate student, he saw a text bubble floating in the distance.

[Name: Yang Yuxuan]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 21 years old]

[Criminal record: Poisoning Qi Xiaojia in Kang'an City 15 minutes ago (currently unsuccessful)]

[Prison record: None]

His heartbeat immediately accelerated wildly.

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