Detective: I can see the criminal record

Chapter 74 Don’t Call the Medical Examiner Casually

The landlord that Jiang Xinghua found drove over quickly with a set of keys.

Tang Hua and Yuan Chenxi subconsciously stared at him for a long time, and they really couldn't see anything suspicious about this landlord who drove a Prado.

Wu Qiushan didn't say much at all. He asked the landlord's name and sent a screenshot of the household registration information to Cen Lian.

"Take a look at this person to see if there is anything suspicious." Wu Qiushan sent the message quickly, and Cen Lian replied even faster.

"No." These two simple words showed that Cen Lian was watching the surveillance and saw the key point.

Wu Qiushan didn't say anything else. He estimated that Cen Lian had seen some clues from the surveillance.

"Don't look at it. The landlord is fine. I showed Cen Lian the photos." Wu Qiushan whispered to Tang Hua and Yuan Chenxi after the landlord went upstairs and opened the door first.

Yuan Chenxi and Tang Hua's expressions relaxed immediately.

"Brother Cen said it, then I feel relieved." Tang Hua smiled happily.

Since the landlord was not a suspect, the only thing left to do was to check whether there were any signs of abducted children in Yu Xiuying's rented room.

Wu Qiushan entered work mode, and Yuan Chenxi assisted him.

Tang Hua and Jiang Xinghua briefly asked the landlord together.

As for Cen Lian in front of the computer -

He was staring at the text bubble.

In the surveillance video that had been frozen in front of him, there was a figure of a middle-aged man, and another computer next to him was still showing his household registration information.

This man was called Zhang Bo. Judging from the text bubble above his head, he should be Yu Xiuying's accomplice.

But he looked through the surveillance at all the entrances and exits of the mall and didn't see him take the child out.

He also looked through the surveillance inside all the elevators and didn't see him appear with the child.

This man had been wandering around the mall empty-handed, and he didn't know how he took the child away.

He couldn't even be sure how Zhang Bo and Yu Xiuying were handed over. Judging from the frequency of Yu Xiuying appearing in the surveillance, she didn't stay for too long after abducting the child, nor did she appear outside the surveillance for too long.

This means that she must have used some method to complete the handover with Zhang Bo.

Otherwise, the child would not be able to leave the Xicheng Mall at all.

Cen Lian looked at the almost endless surveillance video and fell into deep thought.

It can be seen that the Xicheng Branch was very concerned about this case before. They even classified the surveillance videos, which means that since the child was reported missing, they have been checking the surveillance videos one by one to see where the child disappeared.

But Cen Lian has seen the place where they marked Du Lingling's last appearance. It was the children's toy area on the third floor. Du Lingling walked into a toy store alone and then came out of the toy store, and then disappeared from all surveillance.

The surveillance coverage density of that area is still very high, unless Du Lingling walked directly from the door of the toy store into the women's bathroom next to it, and then never came out again.

But within two hours of Du Lingling's disappearance, the surveillance at the door of the women's bathroom on the third floor did not capture Yu Xiuying.

She appeared in the women's bathroom on the third floor more than three hours later. It seems that she has finished get off work and changed back to her own clothes from the cleaning staff's uniform.

Cen Lian confirmed that she was only carrying a small backpack, let alone a person, it would be difficult to put an arm in it.

Unless they did something that the surveillance camera could not capture.

Cen Lian sighed, thinking that he would not get any new results if he continued to stay in the office to watch the surveillance, so he called Lin, the forensic doctor, and drove to Xicheng Hotel.

Lin, the forensic doctor's vacation, was over when the support squadron gathered, but the team had not assigned her any tasks at present, so when there was no situation, she would rest at home for the time being and wait for the call at any time.

"Actually, my heart really skipped a beat when you called me just now," said Lin, carrying a survey box, to Cen Lian on the way. "After all, this is a case of missing children. Your calling me makes me think of the worst possible outcome."

"I can't be sure whether the children are safe now, but I came to you because there is something I can't do," Cen Lian explained awkwardly. "In the surveillance video, there should be a blind spot near the door of the women's bathroom in Xicheng Mall, but I'm not sure how big the surveillance range is, so I need your cooperation."

After all, he couldn't walk into the door of the women's bathroom to confirm the surveillance range.

Lin, a forensic doctor, smiled, "This is indeed embarrassing, but you asked me to help check the blind spots of the surveillance. Did you find anything?"

Cen Lian nodded, "When scanning the surveillance, I saw a man who behaved a little sneaky and appeared repeatedly in the mall. It was found that he had been arrested for child trafficking before, just a few months earlier than Yu Xiuying. They were both arrested when the anti-trafficking DNA database was established in 2009. They were sentenced to more than ten years and were released two years ago after the sentence was reduced."

With such a criminal record, it can be basically confirmed that he is Yu Xiuying's accomplice.

Lin Xiangqi saw that their captain probably didn't find the process of the two people handing over the child in the surveillance, so she thought they must have found some blind spots in the surveillance.

So she turned on her phone to check the time.

"It's past three in the afternoon. There are few people in the mall at this time. Go directly to the monitoring room. I'll find an empty bathroom to cooperate with you."

Cen Lian drove the car to the underground parking lot of the mall and subconsciously looked at the location of the parking lot surveillance.

"Do you think they took the person away through the underground parking lot?" Forensic Doctor Lin was also observing the surrounding surveillance locations. "The surveillance density of the underground parking lot is a bit low, but the entrance and exit can probably be captured."

Cen Lian felt a little headache.

"I hope the surveillance at their entrance and exit is not broken," he thought of some critical moments when the surveillance failed, and felt that he should not be so unlucky, "Let's go, let's confirm the blind spots of the surveillance in the bathroom first."

Forensic Doctor Lin said nothing and followed Cen Lian into the mall.

It was past lunch time, the sixth floor of the mall was empty, and there was no one in the bathroom.

After Cen Lian confirmed with the mall manager that Yu Xiuying was in the bathroom on the fourth floor, he asked Forensic Doctor Lin to stand at the door of the women's bathroom and move back and forth to confirm the surveillance range.

"Can you still see it?" Lin Xiangqi stood at the edge of the corridor and stretched her foot forward.

"I can't see it anymore," Cen Lian on the other end of the phone quickly replied, "How far is this place from the edge of the corridor?"

Lin Xiangqi took out a tape measure and squatted on the ground to measure, "About one meter. According to the surveillance radius, if someone passes by here and walks to the tool room at the end, the surveillance camera can't capture it."

Cen Lian was stunned on the other end of the phone.

Tool room? Normally, no one would go into that kind of place except for the cleaning staff of the mall. Could it be that Yu Xiuying hid the kidnapped child in there?

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