Detective: I can see the criminal record

Chapter 79 The urban village is so big that it can’t be filled with just one criminal

Cen Lian was not in a hurry to find Liu Hu's whereabouts.

According to the surveillance, he did drive to Huayuan Village, and did not come out on the same day or the next day.

When the car appeared again, it was already the third day, which shows that Liu Hu must have a stable residence in Huayuan Village.

Then he brought the kidnapped Du Lingling here, either to continue the handover to the next link, or to use this place as a temporary hiding place, waiting to contact the buyer.

So whether Liu Hu is in Huayuan Village at this time or not, there will be many clues about his residence.

Less than half an hour after the investigation began, Cen Lian suddenly received a call from Wu Qiushan.

"A citizen here said that he saw Liu Hu's car and may know where he lives. Come here quickly." Wu Qiushan spoke quickly and hung up the phone directly after speaking.

Cen Lian opened WeChat and saw the location sent by Wu Qiushan.

"Let's go." Cen Lian said to Tang Hua and Lin, who were in the same group with him.

Lin, carrying the investigation box, looked around.

"In fact, you also think that Liu Hu's car had taken Du Lingling away when it appeared on the third day." She suddenly spoke.

Cen Lian's footsteps paused slightly.

"I do have this guess, but I'm not very sure." Cen Lian told the truth.

He did see the text bubble above Liu Hu's head in the surveillance video clip sent to him by Tang Hua, but Du Lingling was just a child under the age of seven, and she had no criminal record. Just like those people with criminal records who had confessed all their crimes and were released normally after being sentenced according to the criminal law, there would be no text bubble above their heads.

This made Cen Lian unable to determine whether Du Lingling was in that car.

So for Du Lingling's safety, even if it was very likely that Liu Hu could not be caught here, all preparations had to be made.

"There is no way, the safety of the child is the most important," Cen Lian smiled helplessly, "but if you ask me what I think, I actually think Liu Hu has left a long time ago."

The three of them walked while talking, and soon came to the place where Wuqiu Mountain was located.

"What's going on?" Cen Lian saw Wu Qiushan standing with an old man under a two-story self-built house, so he went forward to ask.

Wu Qiushan saw him coming and relayed what the old man had said before.

"The old man runs a small shop diagonally opposite. When he saw us looking for people with photos, he said he had seen Liu Hu's car." Wu Qiushan pointed to the two-story building next to him, "Wang Yuanteng and Captain Zhou have already taken people up."

"Uncle, have you seen this person?" Cen Lian asked, holding Liu Hu's photo.

The old man squinted his eyes and took the photo in front of him. He looked at it carefully for a long time before saying uncertainly, "It seems that I have seen it once. The car you asked me to see should be his, but he always wears a mask, so I can't tell whether it is him or not."

The old man spoke very matter-of-factly, and did not say anything that he was not sure of.

Cen Lian watched Yuan Chenxi take the old man to the side to take notes, and walked into the house with Wu Qiushan.

The door of this house had been opened by some technical means. Many footsteps could be heard on the second floor, but no voices were heard, which meant that there should be no one in this two-story self-built house at this time.

Wu Qiushan walked into the room quickly, stopped several policemen who were about to go in directly, and planned to go in to extract samples.

"Sure enough, there is no one." Zhou Hao had already come down from the second floor, "But we found a lot of children's clothes and supplies here. It seems that this place is where they hide children, and there must be more than one Du Lingling."

Before entering the village to search, whether it was Cen Lian, Zhou Hao, or even Yao Haofeng who had just come to help, they had a preset in their minds that Du Lingling might not have been in the hands of the buyer now, but the possibility that she was still in Kang'an City was not great.

But everyone also knew that even if there was only a little possibility, they could not relax, so they were still careful to prepare all the plans when setting up checkpoints.

Cen Lian went up to the second floor to take a look and knew that the current survey personnel would need to be busy here for a while.

At least one of the pink backpacks thrown on the ground, he could be sure that it was the one Du Lingling was carrying when she disappeared.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, the village in the city was already bustling.

Cen Lian stood at the window on the second floor and looked down. Many people came to watch the excitement after they found that there were policemen gathering here.

Most of those standing in the front row were middle-aged women and men. Some of them were not afraid of the cold at all. They were holding melon seeds and peanuts in their hands, looking like they were watching the excitement.

Behind them were a few sneaky young people, standing on tiptoe to look inside, but they did not dare to get too close.

Of course, it was not their movements that caught Cen Lian's attention, but the text bubbles above their heads that were still clearly visible in the dark.

Another job.

In fact, Cen Lian was not surprised to meet a few people with criminal records in the village in the city, but after a careful look, he suddenly rushed down from the second floor.

Tang Hua did not react at all. When he hurried downstairs to catch up with Cen Lian, a young man who looked to be in his twenties and skinny was already pinned to the ground.

"Brother Cen, what's going on?" Tang Hua had no idea what was going on.

"I saw him in the surveillance of Lingxi University." Cen Lian's concise words made Tang Hua excited.

Forensic Doctor Lin and Tang Hua helped to handcuff the skinny guy.

"Don't worry, give him a furosemide test first." After the man named Wang Xiao stood up, Forensic Doctor Lin looked at him for a few seconds and immediately signaled Tang Hua not to take him away.

Cen Lian only smelled a faint smell from him at this time.

As expected of a forensic doctor, he could actually tell from his face that he had smoked drugs.

There was no drug trafficking related crime in the criminal records that Cen Lian could see. It seemed that Wang Xiao was just a pure drug user.

Illegal but not a crime.

Without Tang Hua's call, two young auxiliary police officers happily took Wang Xiao to the side for a urine test.

"This person appeared in the surveillance near the meteorite exhibition room of Lingxi University," Cen Lian began to talk nonsense. In fact, he had never seen this person in the surveillance, otherwise he would have been taken away by him with the text bubble above his head. "We can compare the fingerprints of several non-teacher and student fingerprints found in the meteorite exhibition room with his."

Tang Hua gave him a thumbs up. After all, he really couldn't see how Cen Lian could find that this person had appeared in the surveillance when he was standing on the second floor.

After dealing with the most important people, Cen Lian walked around the crowd again, quickly scanned out a fugitive with the police communication, and signaled Team Zhou's people to arrest two robbers.

These people are frequent visitors to the mixed place like the village in the city, which is why Team Yao is willing to bring people to check ID cards and residence permits.

In this kind of village in the city, every time you scan it, you will get something new.

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