Detective: I can see the criminal record

Chapter 83 Is the threshold for supporting the squadron high?

Chitou Township called more than an hour later. Their deputy director confirmed on the phone that Liu Hu was still at home, and the more human traffickers that Cen Lian saw from the surveillance were also still at home.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time, and didn't care whether Captain Xu was trying to take the back door, and drove directly to Chitou Township.

Several teams of criminal police set out almost at the same time, fearing that this group of human traffickers would do something irrational to the children who might still be in their hands.

Tang Hua was still driving Cen Lian's car. On the way, Tang Hua couldn't help asking, "Captain Xu just wanted us to transfer that Qu Zihan to support the squadron?"

"I think he meant that, but his resume is really impressive." Cen Lian had secretly read Qu Zihan's resume. To be honest, he was indeed a little tempted.

After all, it is very rare to meet a Shuimu computer master who is so desperate that he applies for a public security post these days.

"Think about it clearly. It is definitely not that easy for this kind of education to run back home to be a cybersecurity policeman." Wu Qiushan reminded Cen Lian.

Wang Yuanteng laughed, "It's nothing, maybe they just don't want to compete in a big factory?"

Qi Yan remained silent, but nodded his approval after hearing Wang Yuanteng's words.

Wu Qiushan leaned back in the back seat, "This is also simple. Don't you have a surveillance video that you can't be sure has been tampered with? Just use this as an interview question and we will select the best candidates."

Tang Hua agreed with Wu Qiushan's point of view.

"That's right, our support squadron is not without thresholds."

After he said this, the car was quiet for a while.

In the end, Tang Hua coughed awkwardly.

"I am a relative of Brother Cen, okay." He finally gave up struggling.

"Cough cough cough!" Cen Lian was drinking water and was almost choked to death by Tang Hua's words.

Before the squadron leader of the support squadron died young, they finally arrived at Chitou Township.

After Qi Yan got off the car, he quietly came to a place with relatively high terrain, holding a map and observing something.

Wang Yuanteng took a look and was very considerate and didn't ask anything.

Captain Xu had already discussed their respective arrangements with the people from the Chitou Township Police Station. Cen Lian and his team were few in number, so they were not assigned to any group and continued to act alone.

Wu Qiushan finally noticed what Qi Yan was looking at at this time.

"Brother Qi, are you looking for a place to hide people near this village?" He simply came to Qi Yan's side, "Yes, this Liujia Village is too small, and Liu Hu's courage should not be so big as to hide the child directly at home."

Cen Lian looked around and didn't see any text bubbles popping up, indicating that there was no problem with the people from the Chitou Township Police Station.

It seems that there should be no collusion or other problems.

"Okay, let's go now." After Captain Xu finalized the personnel allocation, he took his people to prepare to set off without hesitation.

She habitually wanted to consult the opinion of Cen Lian, the squadron leader, but when she looked up, she found that the five people of the support squadron gathered at a high place, and one of them was holding a map in one hand and a telescope in the other, and she didn't know what he was looking at.

Xu Xinxue: ...

Your support team does look a bit magical.

However, out of respect for the support team's crime-solving rate, she still found Tang Hua standing in the outermost circle to ask what happened.

Yang Jian, deputy director of the Chitou Township Police Station, also followed.

"From a geographical point of view, it is most likely that they hid people there." He just stood still and heard Qi Yan's voice, "There were many old cave dwellings in that direction."

"How did you know?" Tang Hua was very confused.

"I'm a local." Qi Yan killed everyone with one sentence.

Cen Lian thought about it. The main purpose of this operation was to surround the village and arrest people. In fact, they didn't need a few of them. It would be better to go to the place Qi Yan said.

Yang Jian had heard their thoughts. He knew that there were many old cave dwellings that had been abandoned for many years in that area.

"How about this, I'll go with you." Out of curiosity about the support team, Yang Jian planned to personally participate in their operation.

Cen Lian certainly had no objection. It would be best if someone familiar with the terrain could lead the way.

"Thank you for your help, Chief Yang. We just want to confirm it." Cen Lian seemed very humble.

After all, he didn't know whether what Qi Yan said was true or not. If he didn't see anything after he went there, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Fifteen minutes later, more than a dozen police cars of various types and private cars temporarily used by private cars rushed to Liujia Village, which was only a 20-minute drive from Chitou Township Police Station.

The geographical location of Liujia Village was only separated from Chitou Township Police Station by a deep ravine. The straight-line distance seemed not far, but if you really drove there, you would be a bit of a dead horse.

Cen Lian and his team separated from the main force halfway, and Chief Yang drove in front to lead them into the ravine.

It was already a little dark, and Wu Qiushan held up a flashlight and observed the environment outside through the car window.

"This place is really hard to find," Tang Hua drove behind Chief Yang's car, "If we come here to find it ourselves, we will probably get lost halfway."

"We won't get lost," Wu Qiushan said in a flat tone, "I have memorized the flat map below."

Tang Hua choked up immediately.

Why doesn't he have this special ability?

Cen Lian didn't pay attention to what they were saying, but just watched if there were any text bubbles in the distance.

The car turned around and finally drove to a relatively flat area, which looked like it had reached the bottom of the ditch.

"Something's wrong over there." Cen Lian's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although he hadn't seen clearly where it was, he was sure that he saw something very familiar.

A text bubble flashed by at the bottom of the ditch!

Although the speed of the text bubble flashing was a little too fast, so he couldn't see clearly who it was, it finally confirmed Qi Yan's guess.

"There are cave dwellings where people used to live." Qi Yan explained in a low voice, "I lived in this kind of cave dwelling in my hometown when I was a child. Later, after the overall relocation, these cave dwellings were abandoned."

Cen Lian then knew why Qi Yan was so sure.

Wang Yuanteng had put away the thermos cup and checked his equipment, looking ready to go.

Wu Qiushan looked at his outfit and didn't react for a while, "Are you saying that there are still people guarding this place?"

He suddenly felt that he had underestimated the size of this gang.

"I'm prepared for any eventuality," Wang Yuanteng actually didn't see the situation over there, "maybe there's no one over there."

Cen Lian grinned, and suddenly felt that the person with the most accurate intuition in their squadron was definitely not him, but Wang Yuanteng.

Just like now, although his brother Wang didn't see anything, he basically guessed it.

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